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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Did you not notice the link to his post history which showed exactly what kind of posts he was making, and the timing on them?


    It's all that you've been told by the seasoned members above, coupled with a consistent lack of relevance, or otherwise consistent behavior.


    If you've brought something to the conversation, but occasionally go a bit off topic, or if you don't post very often or are new, we generally cut a lot of slack. But when the behavior is consistent and pointless it's hard to keep looking past.

  2. What is the exact body replacer used in this image? I tried HGEC EyeCandy v2.1 and that isn't it. The breasts in

    R18PN's mod are more pushed up. Also what face is that?


    R18PN's Red Dress




    NPR/Kurese usually customizes his bodies, but they are compatible with HGEC.


    NPR/Kurese has not released his custom faces to my knowledge, he's long been one of my favorites and I follow his work pretty closely.

  3. She looks like and reminds me of my 14 year old niece, and if you're 23, you're too old for her. :verymad:


    I also agree with Sarya, if she wanted to be here, she'd be here.

  4. It seemed to me that your opinion was stated as a proclamation.


    You have some leeway in the general forums, however if you had stated similar views on a release thread for armor or clothing matching the requested armor, that would be against the rules, and could even earn a ban according to our terms of service. That's the difference. We do not discourage our modders or potential modders here, no matter how farfetched their imaginations may seem.


    I personally do feel it's important to discourage the practice of Lore Nazism, and I will call it out any time I see it. I can certainly debate the lore with the best of them: Farelden, nor Thedas are set in medieval Europe, thus Medieval European dress is not necessarily what they would wear. Nor do we see depictions of what was actually worn in medieval Europe in the usual historic record. When was the last time you saw a priest depicted dressed in a robe that didn't cover his genitalia? In fact that was often worn in real life history in medieval Europe. The times, they were a bit bawdy, where do you think Chaucer got his ideas?

  5. I said my peeve is lore nazis, I would prefer people not act like that, that's my personal opinion, and I'm allowed to have them.


    And I must remind you that none of us has the right to dictate what other people put in their game, or how they imagine the world of their game to be, especially when the beauty of modding is to allow us to recreate the world in our games to the image in our own imaginations.


    These are not MMOs, and "no" is probably a no-no. In my humble personal opinion.


    This is a modding site, and encouraging creativity is the point, after all.


    PS - I almost forgot, Leather is always a form of "armor" by default. It provides greater protection than wool for example, which provider greater protection than linen.. etc

  6. What's the DM type body?


    It's better to design a face and allow the user to use the body of their choice, otherwise you would need to create your sorceress as a custom race requiring extra support. It's doable with caution.


    As for the face: You could download any of them hundreds of pretty faces that people have released as resources, for your character's face, if you don't feel comfortable creating your own. This way she would suit your taste and ideal of "beautiful".


    DM stands for double melon


    well then il allow the people to use the body of their taste


    and how do i make a custom race...im a newbie and really just started with modding


    thanks myrmaad for your time



    Ok, if you're going to allow the user to choose which body they like best, then you don't need to create a custom race.


    You only need to create a custom face.


    There are plenty of pretty face saves on the nexus.

  7. it would be nice if there was a breast size mod to change your females breast size and your female helpers to sometimes i get tierd of looking and the default size so if someone would like to make a mod for sizes or is there somethig in the ini files?? so if you have any feedback post it


    On the TESNEXUS website you can browse through dozens of body mods, several of which have add-ons for different breast sizes. Some of the most popular are Exnem's, HGEC, and TFF. I personally prefer Roberts Female Body Replacer, for which ANB has made a variable-breast size mod that creates different-sized breasts as wearable items that you can give to your companions to wear like clothing. There are also tattoed body variations for many of these female body mods, so the opportunity for creating variations in the ladies in the game is quite substantial.


    Good Luck.






    I think the OP is asking for models for DA:O though, and I don't think the Oblivion models work in DAO..

  8. What's the DM type body?


    It's better to design a face and allow the user to use the body of their choice, otherwise you would need to create your sorceress as a custom race requiring extra support. It's doable with caution.


    As for the face: You could download any of them hundreds of pretty faces that people have released as resources, for your character's face, if you don't feel comfortable creating your own. This way she would suit your taste and ideal of "beautiful".

  9. Update: I went with a simple tulip bouquet. Quick, pretty (at least in my eyes) and she didn't bite my head off. :)



    Oooh very classy, very classic! Good choice! I hope she was very forgiving, that was a wonderfully sweet gesture.

  10. Download this tool and it will solve your problems, (it's very bad form to rely on someone else's mod, especially a huge mod to support a tiny little remix/mash like yours.)




    Let me know if you have trouble running it or don't understand right off how to use it. You will come to realize how indispensable it is, even for seasoned modders.


    And by the way, you should be able to see the texture's name and path address in Nifskope.

  11. Just to clarify, my kudo was given because you actually dared to try to mod and that deserves high accolades, as well as I actually liked the combination you used. I usually do my own mashing.


    Just make your new relz thread when you're ready, and then link to this one in it, as the WIP (work in progress) thread. I wouldn't worry too much about this title. I don't think the title matters, you can quickly read through and catch up.

  12. Here's the tutorial that DesuChan gave me, that Fallen20 showed her, you can re-check all the steps to see if we missed something, this worked for me several times perfectly with my male character. The only step I didn't use was to make the cosmetic master, because I already have another I'm using now, and I was worried they would conflict. But, on rethinking it, if this plugin is the only one dependent on that master it should be fine. That was the one step that was different when I remade my Mannyx companion character into a playable character, I'm soon planning to have him re-unite with his wife, my original player character who will now be his companion, and I will have to use a beauty master to make her since, as I said, I've since made my own beauty mod.


    PS I used this information, plus my wrye bash face exchange tutorial plus the companion face to player character tutorial to change Mannyx from companion to player character as referenced in my tutorial here.




    1. Go to your Wrye Bash directory. You should see a folder called EXTRAS. Inside, there should be two files: one is a bashed list 0.esp (might not be there if you're using an older version of Wrye Bash) and 2. a file called blank.esp


    2. Copy blank.esp and paste it into your Oblivion/data directory. Rename the .esp file to something you'll remember, like face library.esp. This file is going to keep all of the faces that you import into it. So techincally, you could import hundreds of faces into this file for safe-keeping if you wanted to.


    3. Open up Wrye Bash


    4. Click on the tab that says "mods".


    5. Locate the file that you just named (face library.esp or whatever it was), right-click on it and choose Import -> Face


    6. Locate the savegame that you want to import the face FROM. (in this case it would be the Jade the Tabaxi.ess savegame) then hit OK. You will get a message that says "Imported SG -something-something-name of character-PC.


    NOTE: If the character that you want to use uses a cosmetic mod like beautiful people, you need to follow these extra steps:


    a) Find the name of the cosmetic esp (ie beautiful people.esp) in the Wrye Bash "Mods" tab

    B) Right-click, and then click on "Copy to .Esm". What this is going to do, is it's going to allow your companion mod to use the .esm instead of .esp file to look for hair/eyes/etc


    7. Open up the TESCS (construction set)


    8. Click on the little folder icon to load the .esp's you're going to be with. Put an X next to Face Library.esp, the name of the companion mod's .esp you're using (the popular choice would be Companion Neeshka, so put an X next to companion Neeshka.esp, or whatever mod you're using), and the name of the cosmetic .ESM you made if it applies (NOT the .esp. So for beautiful people, you would use beautiful people.esm, not .esp. Very important!) We'll also need to load the custom race plugin Tabaxi_whateverbody.esp you're using.


    9. Set your companion mod's .esp as the Active file and click "OK"


    10. After everything loads, look in the Object Window. Click once under the column "Name" to sort the list alphabetically by name so we can find what we're looking for faster.


    11. Locate Jade under the name tab and double-click on her row to bring up her info


    12. Locate your companion's name (in this case, Neeshka) under the name tab and double-click on it to bring up your companion's info


    13. We're going to be transfering information FROM Jade and INTO Neeshka. So first thing we'll do is change Neeshka's name to Jade. NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE ID COLUMN (where it says 1ncmNeeshka) change ONLY the name (Neeshka) column.


    14. Now lets change Neeshka's race from Dark Elf to Tabaxi.


    15. Now click on the Face Advanced tab (it's the furthest right, you might have to click on the little arrows on the top left of the render window to get to it). Do this for both the Neeshka window and the Jade window.


    16. Go to the Jade NPC window and click "COPY". Now go to the Neeshka NPC window and click "PASTE". You have just copied and pasted the slider settings from Neeshka to Jade.


    17. Almost done. Now underneath the NPC box for Neeshka, you'll see options for "Hair" and "Eyes". Set the hair to "soyahair03" and the eyes to "tabaxi18".


    18. Click OK on both NPC menus to close them.


    19. Click on the little floppy drive icon on the top left of the TESCS menu to save your changes.


    20. Open up the OBMM and activate everything like you normaly would, but DON'T FORGET TO ACTIVATE YOUR COSMETIC MOD'S .ESM. Even if you, lets say use Beautiful People for your companion and your main character, your character uses BP.esp, your companion uses BP.esm. Anytime you load your companion, you need to load your .esm as well! Otherwize she will end up bald in-game!

  13. Stop spamming and use your edit button instead. Remember to read the Rules; bumping is not allowed, spamming is not allowed. Your post was reported for being in the wrong forum, that's why it was moved to debates, and all debates can be closed if civility is lost, I also recall editing a rude remark from a post, thus the reminder. -myrmaad
  14. Try going deleting The oblivion registry files because they will be making the computer think it's still installed.


    I had the same problem eaaaasssyyy solution.


    OK go to Start>Run>Regedit then it'll open up the registry


    now make sure that the my computer is highlighted at the top to make sure it's searching all the registry.


    now press CTRL-F and it will come up with a search window then type in the search box oblivion then enter go all the way through it deleting all the oblivion registry's after deleted one just repeat the Ctrl-F and enter till there all gone. Now restart the computer then it should work :thumbsup: good luck!





    For repeat searches just use F3.

  15. Thank you, but that wont help.


    Blender doesn't export the model. It's nothing there.



    All you really need is the .nif to see. The .blend shows the model with the texture.


    I think it's the Collision block.

    OH MY GOD!!




    Well then, it should have given you an error message and stopped without creating a file at all.

  16. I think it's ok here; Sinblood would be likely to know if it was uploaded somewhere.



    I found the readme, and some of the meshes and some of the textures, but not all of it.


    I know that Spirited Treasure did an exnem conversion for it, and maybe she still has the originals, also we should check with Buddah, who has an extensive archive of mods he's saved over the years. He's like the Library of Congress for Oblivion.

  17. Ok I have pretty weird/bad OCD with many things. Like typing, I always have to be very punctual or else I think it looks like crap and is anoying. One thing that has really started bugging me, and sorry if this is rediculously stupid or a massive waste of time, but is the fact that the first letter of my username is not capitalized. I feel so stupid for asking, but could one of the admin/mod make it a capitol G >.> Sorry again if this is not possible or a really really stupid question, but its really getting on my nerves and I just had to ask >.>






    We, (the staff), would have to disable this account, and then you could make a new account. Be aware that it may not allow you to do it, anyway, because the software may not recognize it as being unique.

  18. Perhaps the original poster was unaware of the consequences of using some of these mods.


    I added Fighters Gild Contracts and Tamriel Travelers and a few other quests and my towns are very busy. Look around for quest mods that add NPCs and get high marks, if you prefer your NPCs to have a purposeful life. :D It's more fun to see them traveling around then standing around like posts.

  19. i don't mean for this to sound... mean but did you read my other reply? the obse wouldn't launch the game either it said that it couldn't inject the dll. but it started working after i installed the game again don't understand why but obse started working again in both places. but, obmm still won't work and i really liked using that it made alot of things easier, is there anyway of making that run again?


    A couple of things:


    It wouldn't be a bad idea to get and run CCleaner if you don't already have it.


    I saw this problem before and I believe I fixed it by searching the registry for Oblivion.exe and renaming the old installation path to the new one.

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