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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Well I use them with no problems, I did have to adjust my textures, but I do paint my own anyway.


    I am also using the hands that didn't go anywhere, and I have an idea for how to make them work, beautifully.

  2. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/BMP137.jpg

    Well documented and mocked



    Excuse me?


    I followed your link so I could find out what you're talking about, (I really have no idea as there is no claim that armor is useless in the picture, my response), but alas all that came up was this:




    I trained for the US Air Force in a pair of boots and a light cotton pair of pants and cotton shirt. I don't need armor to kill you, and ask any dead soldier, it's no guarantee you'll live. Armor can help, but it can also impede.


    By the way, that quote in my image came straight out of Morrowind, before it was imported into Oblivion.

  3. Hi Youall; :blink:

    Like the topic say's, I am quite new to this forum stuff, but I will do my best. I am possibly one of the older people here

    (over 70) but I like to try most new things. Retired 26 years enlisted military, last 10 years working with space objects, shuttle, investigating UFO reports that were called in from around the world. Supervisor, Trainer, Security guard at airport, Gun sales manager in sporting goods store, sales in electronics store, four associate college degrees(small, no big thing),about 10 years in Europe and Asia, never been to Middle East, Africa or South America. Started with computers, (operations, maintenance and programming) in the late 50's, Quit programming when I felt that I couldn't give it the time needed. Enjoyed pencil, paper D&D since late 60's. Into PC Gaming with intellivision late 60's, then Commodore 64 tape drive, finally the real thing. I do try to keep current, now playing, Morrowind, Oblivion, Dragon Age, and Diablo II. Well, that is about as short as I can get it in 70+ years. My first interaction, I voted 'yes' to the death penalty, :sick: best TV show NCIS. :thumbsup:



    Welcome home! We've been waiting for you :D

  4. I would call the EVE project the "state of the art" as far as HGEC replacer packs. (Exnem is quite dated now.)


    If you want an outlandish unrealistic body you would opt for another but EVE has a range of average female bodies that should please most.

  5. err, how do i make the plugin dependent on the cosmetic mod used to create it? in wyrebash or in the cs? how do i make a face library plugin? how do i use them?


    i got all steps till where u say "Then open your mod in the CS and look for Lolita in the NPCs and make sure she transferred properly.. as she may need to be dependent on the cosmetic mod used to create her."


    i applied the face on a character mod because you said "It's very easy to copy faces in the CS, as long as it's from mod to mod. It's useful to use Wrye bash to create a face library plugin of characters you have made in game, for that purpose." but then importing from that face has still 0 effect like before.


    im very sorry for being such a bloody noob ... and wasting your time ... my skills with this modding are extremely limited ... thx for helping though



    Let's see..


    You can check your mod by looking in the NPC list for your character, "Lolita"




    In my case the character is "Siobhan"



    You can copy her face and paste it onto any other NPC, even other races. It only copies the bone structure, not the hair, eyes or textures.

    Here are some examples of copying and pasting faces:


    NPC I want to change: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image6-2.jpg Face I'm going to copy: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image8-1.jpg Copied Face: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image7-2.jpg


    http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image11.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image9-1.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image10.jpg


    You can even copy the facial structure across races but I forgot to get screens of that.


    Now, once you have your copied NPC from Face Library, it could look like this if you don't have the mods loaded it depends on it could look like a mess so make sure you when you load your face library plugin, you also load Oblivion.esm (of course) and any beauty plugins you use. I use a master file and plugin combination I created myself so when I load Siobhan face libaray this is what happens when I only select Oblivion.esm and Face Library.esp :


    http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image18.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image24.jpg



    So in order to get the hair skin and eyes I have to load all my beauty mods I used to make the character originally. Since I have changed my beauty mods drastically since I originally created this character, she has a completely different head mesh and skin texture than she did when I made her. So she still looks off to me, but much better than without the beauty mods loaded.


    After you've loaded Oblivion.esm and your beauty mod, you can use the construction set to combine them into a new plugin that's independent of the others:


    In my case I have selected closed the construction set, and reopened, marking an X next to



    Hair and eyes by me.esm

    Pretty People.esp

    and selecting Faces Library.esp as my ACTIVE PLUGIN and clicking OK, to load them all.


    Then click File / Tools / Combine Loaded Plugins


    and then save with a new name.


    Then you can test it out by loading only this newly created plugin and it should work fine:


    I named mine Faces.esp and only loaded Oblivion.esm and it:

    And here she is again. I personally would not use this face for a main character without doing a lot of tweaking, though.


  6. I will help, I suspect you're doing things backwards.


    What is the name of the file with the FACE IN IT?


    What is the name of your plugin, which is where you'd like to put the face?



    Say, your saved game file is called: Save 57 - Lolita - Sigillum Sanguis, Level 10, Playing Time 31.13.14 and it's Lolita's face you're wanting to put in your new mod, which we'll call Nabokov's Lament.


    You have to select the mod, so go to the mods tab and find "Nabokov's Lament" and right click, from the context menu choose Import and then Face.


    Your saved game folder should open automatically, search through it to find Save 57 - Lolita - Sigillum Sanguis, Level 10, Playing Time 31.13.14 , to get her since that's her source.


    Then select it and open and you'll get a message that says [ Imported face to sg.something.Lolita.and.some.number ]



    Then open your mod in the CS and look for Lolita in the NPCs and make sure she transferred properly.. as she may need to be dependent on the cosmetic mod used to create her.


    and creating a new face in the cs will NEVER have the result i wanted to have. so thats not an option ..


    It's very easy to copy faces in the CS, as long as it's from mod to mod. It's useful to use Wrye bash to create a face library plugin of characters you have made in game, for that purpose.

  7. Simple, really Open CS and and load Oblivion.esm and your compagnion mod .esp (set the .esp as active Find in CS (in the list) under NPC`s ID the compagnion you want to be essential, and double clic on him (them) in the window that just pup up find the essential check box, and check it.... now clic ok at the bottom, and go on FILE and SAVE, go in game and play ! Enjoy !


    While going into the CS and making a new essential character plugin is relatively easy, it's not particularly helpful with Companion Share Recruit, which I, personally, tend to use on the fly with all kinds of characters I meet in Tamriel.


    Better is a useful little mod called Set Essential Actors (Needs OBSE) (-- or Set Essential Actors Plus (Needs OBSE)).


    Companion Share Recruit and Set Essential Actors = Better together.




    Give me the link to the mod, and chillax a little.


    If the meshes and textures with the mod are in a bsa file, then just put the bsa file in your data folder.


    (like the DLC mods in the picture)



    But if the mod has folders called "meshes" and "textures"


    Just put them in to your data folder. That's all.

  9. listen i donwload mod that call shadow lord and it give me suite,weapons and whatever...i get meshes foldar and texture folder and 2 esp files..i dont get bsa files...i have bsa files in my oblivion data folder(MESHES TEXTURES and more)so how i use the mod?



    copy the meshes folder into your DATA folder

    copy the textures folder into your DATA Folder


    That will create the two subdirectories for you.




  10. how i installed mod if i have bsa files???? i need meshes and all this but the meshes is in a bsa file...

    help please?



    A bsa file just goes into your data folder, and you normally need not do anything else with it.


    Your game will recognize any meshes and textures it contains.


    Did you read the Readme documentation with the mod? A link to the mod you are using may help us help you, if you can't figure it out.

  11. Also, whenever I blackjack someone using Thieves' arsenal, it has a tendancy to crash out and burn.


    Here's my load-list: <snipped>



    Are Umbacano and his majordomo tagged to prevent them from being killable? I really hate this guy, and I really want to stick a shiv in him for some of the crap he said to me when I just tried to say hello. Every time I 'kill' him, though, the game tells me "Umbacano is unconcious" and he goes ragdoll, but with a crown-speak-to icon instead of even a pickpocket icon.


    If he is, I guess I'm just going to have to settle for robbing him blind and leaving him with a lot of bare walls?



    He's part of a quest, and essential until it's completed.

    Detailed Spoiler - Click only if you're sure you want full disclosure.

  12. I'm having an odd issue with HGEC body, everyone, including my PC, seems to have two skin tones on each half of their body. This is VERY noticeable in a bright area and is very off-putting. Is there something i;m doing wrong with the mod?



    The issue with the seams is a known issue with that body (even though it's the body I use). The only thing you can do is look for better textures, or tweak them yourself. I have had to redo all the human versions I've ever downloaded for that body, and it's a pain.

  13. Um yeah.. hope I posted this in the right place.


    Anyway, I'm looking for a mod that puts in female guards that fully speak, and actually look female.


    I would so totally use OOO, but I don't want any increase in difficulty whatsoever. :confused:

    Or.. would it be possible to only install that part of the mod?





    You can try Beautiful Watch, I've never tried it myself, but it's always intrigued me.

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