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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. I have about 15 play throughs of various type of game play. I have never encountered that error. What it sounds like is you have a mod conflict that caused this quest to break. There are a lot of inexperienced modders who inadvertantly write bad code. Sometimes these issues do not surface until the right circumstances are met. A really bad mod for breaking quests is the prostitution mod. posting what you did does leave a lot to speculate. My guess is it is a mod causing your issues.
  2. the 67 version is still available. Use that one for now. I have no issues with it at all. As for the CK, That requires you to connecto to STEAMypile. I don't want anymore of that trash on my system then absolutely necessary. If you feel this tool is obsolete, then don't use it. I find it extremely valuable. Since I will Never use another STEAMypile applet/game/virus, these type of mods are treasures i hold dear to me. If i had the option to remove STEAMypile completely and play Skyrim, it would have been flushed from my house long ago.
  3. I saw this down this morning and was hoping it was just an update but fearing something worse. I hope the problem is found and we again can have our lovely accompaniment.
  4. The prostitution mod causes this error. if you have that, disable it and your problem should depart.
  5. The only time i have encountered this was when i tried to create an NPC through the NPC editor and didn't give it the correct AI. From that point, any NPC I created had the issues. Once I figured out the sandbox and AI, the problem went away.
  6. My guess is that they are rogue thieves. Like you , you had to prove yourself before you were selected to be an active guild member. Since the rogue thieves don't start showing up until you start making a name for the guild, it could be on Mavins directive. You already strong armed the few citizens of Riften who wouldn't ... co-operate. Since there were no more holdouts, you don't really want everyone hunting down guild members because some 2 bit cutpurse tried his hand, badly, at lifting a few shiny clinky coins.. Get rid of the rif raff and let the real bread winners bring home the bacon.
  7. Lord Garon +1 Kudos. end of transmission.
  8. with all the wonderfull modders we have here at Nexus, we don't need more Bethesda - error riddled code. How about a DLC that fixes some of the errors/bugs we are already plagued with and have been since the start. you can bet any DLC released will more then likely already have something similar from a modder except without the much better graphics and overall design our people can create. You can be assured a new release will cause some of your existing mods to completely and utterly break your existing game. You will be inundated with more broken quests and dialog from the start. Levelled lists will be changed as will cell locations and spawns. New NPC's will be born without updated existing quest dialog or interaction. there's a big reason it was given to the X-Box users first. they don't have modders like we do and they are starving for content. We, on the other hand have more content then was imagined and fortunately for us, our community modders are able to fix or patch the blunders in the game Bethesda absolutly refuse to do. I love the game, but i also would have liked a completely finished product. its like saying you purchased a brand new car, but the engine needs some work, the gas tank leaks and a few of the spark plugs aren't even hooked up. Then the dealer tells you to get your engine worked on at some shyster repair, hack shop (read as SteamyPile), sends you a jumble of wires and parts in mail with instructions saying that someday someone might be able to figure this mess out and install this for you. Quote from the Incredibles " Not Happy Bob"
  9. A few things i can pick out immediately since you did ask. Not knowing what mods you run or version of game you may be stopped on, here is my offering of what hardware you posted. flashing your 6950 could have and probably did damage your GPU/grapghic adapter. here is a break down of what happens when you do this. it is popular, but only if you have another $250 + to spend on the next one you will more then likely need to replace the one you stressed. http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-138247.html http://www.techpowerup.com/articles/overclocking/vidcard/159 (the second one is posted to show other people what you did on your flash or something very similar) Another thing i see is you are more then likely underpowered with that power supply. Brown out conditions.. ie low power or current, is a very bad condition for electronic components. It can cause junction arcing at connector/solder points and haev very bad harmonic ripples that can and will break down any electrical device. your 6950 recommends you have a 550W p/s and you have essentially taken it to an extreme with overclocking. Since you are on the edge of being underpowered prior to the flash and you are overclocking (more power and heat), you are or were killing your hardware long before its intended life expectancy. I hope i am wrong about this speculation. it is solely based on what I see that you typed and my knowledge of hardware. some advice for you. flash it back to a 6950 if its not already damaged. for the money you spent on it, its not worth the cost of having to get another one for a few in game FPS.
  10. use console commands to move it preform a savegame prior to console changes incase you do something wrong. click on item to get ID code (the code will be listed on your screen) then type in and play with the following commands. getpos (x,y or z) setpos (x,y, or z) value <----- value is present location in the cell. be careful with + and - locations getangle (x,y, or z) setangle (x,y, or z) value <------ see above when you add or change the value given on a "get" command, you dont add to the listed value, you move to the exact value (location) you typed. The values are in reference to the CoC (center of cell you are in). if you never used these, play a little with them. very useful commands if you decorate your house. If you setpos on an item and it blips off the screen, you enetered a value outside your visible range. just type back in the position of its "getpos" value and it will come back to the original location.
  11. What eLucifer said is the absolute truth. Here is a list of all essential followers. if they are on the list, they wont touch the pole. You can use the NPC editor or console one to no longer be essential, but you could break future quests. (sounds like you're about done questing anyways) http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Essential_NPCs
  12. It ends when the Dragon born is tired of the guard's snide comments, the extremely rude children, the very citizens of Skyrim who so quikcly forget all the wonderful and marvelous things you have done for them, the lay persons in the guilds who don't even know you are the master. It is complete, when all the house carls finally figure out you really don't care if they can bear your burdens or be your sword and shield. When you tire of mud crabs that can track you better then any Dark Brotherhood assassin and when you have so much wealth, the draugr leave I-O-U's. You can call it quits when you have not lived in so many of your houses for so long you forget where they are and have so many adventuring trinkets, you have new floor coverings and a junkyard outside of several of them. Your final days will be when you get so bored, you make 1 final save and go on an absolute killing spree and elliminate everything that moves, then console in an ephemeral cheat on the unkillable ones and then kill them too. That is when it ends. Then you 'll swear you'll never come back to Skyrim. 2 or 3 datys later, you'll start tinkering with the character generation for HOURS then you'll start one to "just see how it looks". days laters, you'll say i'm only gonna try this or that skill tree out and see how it works, then you'll be back here, reading this or posting something similar in a few months after another 50+ levels have fallen to your grand efforts and the character you were never going to start. I guess to answer your question, it really never ends. :oÞ
  13. Any NPC can be given a shout. Shouts are actually spells. By using the NPC editor ( i love that program), open up the spells tab and start selecting. All the shouts end with the word... shout. You can select the appropriate level of the shout strength by selecting the 1,2,3 version of the shout. Open up Ulfric Stormcloak and look at his spells for an example. If you have never used the NPC editor, take a few minutes and read the description. make sure you endorse it. its a wonderful app.
  14. list your mods. I recall that problem being the case with modes not being loaded in the right order. Its been a long time since i played around with housecarl mods. You could just use the NPC editor and make her default clothes anything you want, or the Amazing follower Tweek. I think that one also allows you to determine what they wear, but in game on the fly. I just adore those 2 mods.
  15. @ Sergeant Rock - They could have done that easily. They also could have had some type of quest where "bad guys" kidnapped your spouse to do sometihng terrible to them or even sacrifice to some critter/dragon. what a better way to get back at the Dragon Born or force an encounter. A naturally occuring weak spot.
  16. after going through your list, i see quite a few large mods in there. it is possible you are just overdoing it. off hand, I know quite a few house type mods that are written bad or conflict horribly with how my Skyrim is set-up. Also, there are many equipment mods that look nice but interfere with levelled lists of equipment. You also have a few mods that change NPC reactions. Them alone can cause huge implications. I am not sayign the mods you have are badly writeen or come from a horrible modder. I am saying you have a lot of mods that affect the same things or changes how the game expects the "thing" to react. if you still continue to have problems, completely remove the game and reload it. make a copy of your skyrim data folder periodically in case this happens again. you have too many things going on and mods loaded to give you any serious suggestions. I run about 170 mods with very few CTD's. Most really good modders list a how-to install , update and remove under their description. It is there for the users benefit. Also read the comments. a lot of users post to what they find with mods and how to avoid such problems. Sorry to hear about all this, but most of us have gone through it... more then once.
  17. using the NPC editor, you can change the sex, looks, stats, equipment and personality. You can change location, faction and friends. You can even change who they love and are wedded to. If they are already married to someone, you need to edit both involved or it could do crazy things in game. The Amazing follower tweak mod then allows you to really make an npc call anyplace home. That means they'll use the furnishings and even their side of a double bed - or be down right rude and take your side :tongue:
  18. There could be a multitude of reasons why this is happening. If it happens after a set time, then it could be a poorly written mod you are using. It also could be some program you have in the background running. Skyware, malware, virus, etc. Even if its not virus activity, it could be your antivirus, windows updates, your firewall, or some other background application that decides it needs your PC more then you. There are applications that allow you to set priorities of running applications. i know one on CNET is called "setpriority", you can search for others. You can do this manually if you are familiar with windows services <---- always preferred over someone elses software Check to make sure things like adobe trashware and office products are removed from your start-up as well as other insignificant loaders. paste back here specs on your system and some of the HD/ENB mods you may be running edit : Also see how much HD space you have left. if you're under 10% drive capacity (regardelss of its total size) windows starts to throw a tantrum. While your at it, defrag your HD.
  19. I'm her to debunk this garbage. oh, wait. it seemed to have done something positive. Very strange. My FPS also went up standing behind breezehome looking at the wall is one of my worst locations. I drop into the mid to low 40's. After the patch, I'm stable just under 50 or at. So net about +5 fps. Sure it may not be a lot, but everything in this game tha helps gameplay is a bonus. I've not crashed in over an hour. Since the 1.6 was forced on me, I have been crashing every 15-20 minutes. Big Hugs ;)
  20. Side note from poll, try using equipment and NO enchanting skill boost. Just use magical items you find, for the entire game. Still use mods, but only those that do not already have an enchantment or rediculous stats (most mods). Also, change race in concole then change it back to remove all racial perks. If you want even more difficult, don't use smithing skill at all during the play through.
  21. Thats kind of an ambiguous question. According to the EULA for STEAMypile, anything that alters the original game/code or play is a cheat and a hack, unless its sponsered by them or their affiliates. So, by nature of using even the simplest mod, you are cheating. Now, if you count using console codes to get through another broken quest Bethesda refuses to fix, then yes, its possible its considered a cheat. On the other hand, the console commands are in the game and do not rely on a code to unlock, so technically, anything done by the console is legitimate. here's what I consider legitimate reasons to use the console commands 1 : advance one of MANY broken quests 2 : toggle collision to get out of being stuck or a fall through hole. 3 : to take a screen shot without an overlay 4 : unlock a locked device that fails to unlock or open (with key in possession) 5 : when a needed world object isn't recodnized from anywhere you can get to 6 : testing a COC location for troubleshooting 7 : deleting a world object that ya just hate (most everything in the players houses for instance). - NOTE - I tried markfordelete on STEAMypile, but it doesn't seem to have worked. :biggrin: There's probably a few more. but i'll mark a yes for the poll
  22. Just search the web. theres a lot of sites out now that post them. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)
  23. Sergeant rock is right. By disable/enable, it can break an active questline or make the NPC non-responsive to future quests/actions. The setav command does work. if you find it still is buggy, setav carryweight 0 -then- setav carryweight 300. If you still have problems, tell the NPC to stay where it is. leave the cell, enter a dungeon somewhere far away and then go back. the problem should be fixed.
  24. the Mod called NPC editor will do just what you ask. You can alter almost everything to almost every NPC in the game. This can break quests and have some pretty funny things happen, but it will do it. You will be able to literally not even use the NPC Ysolda. Load her up as a form in the editor, rename the newly made NPC in her likeness and not even bother with the original Ysolda. I like Anneka as a follower and have cloned her to use with the more followers mod (3). So i have 3 slightly different Anneka "likeness" followers with the original is still cracking rock in her mine. You can alter AI, equipment, starting location, how they react to different groups and factions even how they love or hate. It takes a little playing with to really understand how the AI works, but its not that difficult.
  25. more then likely you are running incompatible body mods, or you have body mods that are not up to date. a lot of clothes fit only 1 body type without seems, gaps, stretching or merging. If you favor 1 type of clothing over another, go with that body mod. Usually a vanilla body with extreme modded clothes will also net you graphical anomalies. Just a reminder, bumping a post will usually not be taken too kindly by the site Admin.
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