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Everything posted by Brandy1123

  1. Ulfric talks about it briefly when you engage him in conversation. Referencing what the Grey Beards say about using the voice in a harmful manner, they do touch on this. However, in a General Disscussion topic, I don't want to go into more detail. This should really be in the spoiler sections.
  2. I looked at your mod list and see a lot of NPC changes. more (noc) people, changes in guards, torches, lanterns, populated cities, animated weapons, other environmental changes, multiple followers and others that change the number of objects in your cell. Then when you throw all the residual enhancements for the quest, you are destined for a huge FPS drop. There is not much you can do other then remove some HD mods, drop out some of the things you really don't want and try again or run it vanilla style then re-mod. If you are running an ENB-ish graphic enhancer. Some of those are really particular on INI settings. I know this is nothing definitive, but you asked for more of a real reason why it could be happening. I wish I had more to offer. Good luck EtraKurdaj edit Remember just disabling mods does not always remove its active changes and components. It certainly will not undo any ini type changes.
  3. You also might consider looking at your Power Supply. If you do plan on an upgrade GPU, look at power consumption of EVERY thing under the box. Also remember that although you may have 6 or 200 USB ports, they are limited on power too. So, everything you plug into one chews at the heart of your whole system. Yes, I definately agree, that at a glance of what you posted, it is the graphics adapter. EDIT I just looked at your system from HP. That Power supply is horrible. It supplies a paltry 460 watts. Look into a relliable power solution - corsair is always a good choice. Also, check to see what the Hard Drive is. More then likely is a really slow access one. Upgrading that will also help. The hard drive is usually a bottle neck in any system. Its mechanical and has spinning and linear motion. You could consider and SSD - solid state drive (device). They are more expesnive, but rather zippy. Be careful on your Case bays and even the power supply. It may be proprietary. A standard power supply may not fit in its bay. You might need to purchase a new case. I hope this helps :)
  4. Greetings :o) The system itself doesn't look too bad. They are buffing up the lines of "things" you get by displaying what ASUS has built into the MB. The i7 is a wonderful CPU and an ASUS MB combo is hard to beat. The memory is really good. although it is at low capacity in the quad configuration. Go with the Upgraded power supply- Corsair = Quality As for the SSD's, you will be losing a lot of storage space if you don't have a decent capacity HD. The speed (RPM/ Gb's/ average read/write) is/are not necessarilly determined by RPM or transfer rate, etc. Usually both are a good indication, but you really have to watch benchmarks on HD's if you want a really good hard drive. See TomsHardware.com to look at specific components. The video solution /GPU is a good choice. I love the gpu. You have selected a good set of hardware devices and components. I would suggest to buy them fast before they become obsolete. ; :P
  5. This is directly from SkyTest <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< To help the stability of the mod i suggest you to create a new Game and try to keep your mod count as low as possible, this mod does not support multimod compatibily, since i cant honestly keep track of every single mod out there that conflicts- with this mod, so dont nag me about this mod conflicts with 1000 other mod, it works FLAWLESSLY in Vanilla Skyrim and also dont expect this mod to Run well when you are trying to load a lot of different animal mods at the same time, sorry thats how it is. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try disabling this mod just to see.
  6. HI there!!! You have some rather large mods enabled. You could be at a point of ugliness for your system's limit of (less then) 4GB First off, I would say enable Papyrus and see what the log file screams (it is an angry log) Open your Skyrim.ini file and look for [Papyrus] or create it at the end of the file if it does not exist. make sure the following is listed in the ini. [Papyrus] bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation = 1 Start your game. If the game hangs, let it grind away for about 10 minutes. Hopefully it crashes. IF you get in the game, enter the console and type "dps" (no quotes) to dump the log file. The log file is in your My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\Papyrus0.log A crash usually posts to the most recent log file (the 0.log) .The most recent entries are at the bottom of the log file, so start there and see what you find. Here's a few mod issues I see off hand. You have all 4 faster arrow mods loaded, you only need 1. Weapons of the 3rd Era is a bit confusing to load. Make sure you have the correct one loaded. There are several versions available. (The only time I ever encountered the neverending load screen was when I had the wrong version of the 3rd Era weapons loaded. A big indicator is having a loading screen talking about one of the weapons and no graphic displayed for it) Any COT mod should be in the order after COT so it can make its proper changes. Check your arrow mods. You have a lot of them. I don't see an issue off hand, but I am not reading all the author notes Instead of going line by line, do the normal troubleshooting method. Disable all your mods and see if your game starts. Play the game for a few minutes (dps) and check your logs. Then enable your mods going down the list a few at a time always starting the game and checking the log file. When you start to see problems listed, goto the mod and see if the author has any fixes or version notes. If not see what other users are asking on the mods comments. Lastly, ask the author in the comment section. Hopefully some required game file was not overwritten causing you this grief. Let us know how you fair in this endeavor. If I see anything else I'll repost. GL :) EDIT : You did a pretty good job getting all the larger mod prerequisites. I didn't see any problems there.
  7. Hi There !!! When you load Sharpshooters ENB make sure you manually install it. He states the NMM install is for update notifications only. Also, go through the troubleshooing found on the Description page of his mod. Theres a lot good information there. It also talks about incompatabilities with other lighting effects mods. Lets us know how this turns out :) EDIt : Looking at the images again, it also looks like it could be the gamma setting in your graphics driver/monitor. It seems to look like it was turned way up to deliver more visibility on a very dark "night" type ENB or effect.
  8. This may sound ridiculous, but after you uninstall everything, make sure you delete anything you have manually installed. Then after its all back to a no a Skyrim computer, reboot your system. Then go back to STEAMypile and reload the game. Once the game is loaded, boot it one time to the config screen and exit back to your desktop. Then load NMM and start adding your mods. Only do 1 at a time between game starts to avoid mod conflicts and load order issues. I also would offer you this. Once you have your fresh, clean and ever so vanilla load, make a back up of your data folder and your INI files for restoration purposes, I would also say do it again every 2 or 3 mods you load. It can save you hours of rebuilding later. Let us kow how it works out. GeorgieGril is completely Awesome and quite the Knowledgeable source for troubleshooting. With any advice she relays to you or if you get a direction from her, my best advice is to follow it. You will not go wrong. :)
  9. I was unable to find a mod by that name here on Nexus that does that. If the mod you talk about has a different name then what you posted or has more to it, repost it's name. I would be more then happy to try and help. If you picked up the mod somewhere else, I have exhausted my ability to assist you.
  10. The "iPreloadSizeLimit" is the ammount of memory the game sets aside to render the cells you want loaded. Its recommended maximum is 262144000. As GeorgieGril has stated that you can have a higher setting, and it can use it, but some instability can happen. It is just a recommended setting, like the ugrids set below 7. Some people run 9, but if your system and game load is already distressed, you are looking at disaster for your game experience. GeorgieGril is absolutely correct :) Flummox explained it , on how to disable your textures and BSA load them. My only change is with your present load, if you start adding more, the only fix you will have left is a complete reload. I believe you are reaching your systems maximum add ons. You have several large mods and even more with scripted and levelled changes. Skyrim is a delicate flower. If you change too many pedals and rub off all the pollen, it stops smelling aromatic and starts to rot. Remember BOSS and BASH are just guides and are not definitive. Sometimes you do have to tweek a load order manually to get things to work. Good luck and I hope all this works for you EDIT - @ GeorgieGril - I keep trying to help out, like a lot of us here, but sometimes you wonder why we keep coming back here day after day. How many times have we repeated it all over and again. I love to help people but sometimes you wish you could just walk away. I do hope this person finds the help they seek... over there
  11. I would originally agree with Georgiegril. You are running a number of extremely large mods and others that require much more of your resources then intended. Now, with that being said, why do you have the HD packs from Bethesda still active? Even at XCE it is required to have them disabled. I would start by disabling those even though you have a "fix" mod, you could be having problems (remove that also). BOSS is not definitive and is often wrong as it is not updated as often as mods are. Its last release date was 8 Aug. I have no idea what version you have. My guess is still you are drawing close to the 4GB limit. Check and see if the following is of any assistance open up skyrim.ini ---> look under [general] uGridsToLoad= <----- 7 or higher can start to give you problems uExterior Cell Buffer= <----- uGrids # + 1 times itself (if uGrid = 7 then this is 7+1) or 8 times 8 = 64 iPreloadSizeLimit= <----- do not exceed this : 262144000 These all affect distance and visual and all number renderable items. You can go as high as 9 on uGrids, but really above 7 and you become frightfully unstable. Its default is usually 5. play around with these and see if that makes any difference. The number of cells you load (what you are doing) can make a huge impact on game stability and playability. Not sure what else to offer here. I do wish you luck in finding a solution (BTW you do have a mod that said does not work with Dawnguard, make sure you have the patch)
  12. This might be of some help. If you are running an ENB of some sorts you need to find the pref ini file for that mod. In there, there will be a setting for the screen size posted by pixel. Like 1600x1050. You need to make sure that the size in the ENB is set with your screen size. In the ini file, it might look something like this : float2 fvTexelSize = float2(1.0 / 1600.0, 1.0 / 1050.0); <----- Make sure you only change the part for your screen and leave the rest. I hope this helps out.
  13. If your CPU temp was that high, you might want to consider replacing the heat sink paste under your CPU heat snk. It can and will become dried/brittle/hard/an insulator. The process is very simple, but does require you to purchase a good quality (CPU) paste and not a generic heat trasnfer paste. Heat is a killer of electronics and is what skilled overclockers scrape their brains over trying to vent off. A quick google check or a place like NewEgg will give you several good products and the quick instructions on how to do it.
  14. Awwwwww. How adorable. :) This is the best hands down gaming community in existance. Even our trolls are nicer. :D EdIt : @ Sergeant Rock You know why you come back, right? Well, let me tell you then. You, my good sir, are an addict. You need your fix even if you don't play the game. You also miss us. ;)
  15. @ Dovakiihn234 Your signature says " Wow. Even a broken clock is right twice a day." Not if its digital :tongue: As a conspiracy is believing that some group or organization is hiding or sheltering a truth in lies about certain events, I don't think I've really seen one posted here. AT least not a single one that falls under the guide of the OP's opening statement. Maybe digitaltrucker had one.
  16. My favorite one is "qqq" When its time to go, its time to go.
  17. Disabling a mod does not mean it has not altered your game files. If you are ever asked to overwrite something, more then likely a game files was altered. Upgrades usually only upgrade themselves, but others can me a menace. You also need to understand your mods load order , its incompatabilities - listed by the author or others, and know what mods are required for yours to work or work properly. If you are to the end of your rope so to speak and nothing seems to have worked, AND this is a repeated conclusion, then you have at least 1 or more bad or incompatible mods. Make game folder back-ups regularly to include your skyrim/prefs INI files. Its a bad thing to have to do this, but most of us have been in your shoes more then once. Post your mods, we might see something you may have missed.
  18. Normally the ash piles left behind after a Necromancer battle are other dead Necromancers or the no named NPC that was staged there to be used as a "zombie".
  19. IF you wish to stay immersion friendly and locate mines in game, here is my solution. Get a horse and about 5 heal potions of any type. Leave all gear somewhere so you are not .. encouraged .. to debate a legion of MonkeyLions on where to store THEIR valuables. Then just run with your horse across the landscape. Not Really a Spoiler, but a little trick . . . . . A horse is about as close as you can get to an all terrain vehicle. It climbs like a spider and takes as much damage as a small armored tank when you ride it. They can run all day long. Act like Forest Gump - Run Foreset Run!!!.. You can map out about 85% of all the locations in a short evening on a new character game. Don't forget you left ALL your equipment (except the heals - just in case) behind. So don't go attack the displaced farmers on your journey. They have scarey and rusty daggers. ;o)
  20. There is a known dialog bug since the last update. It's also possible that the modder who wrote the mod(s) did not properly set the detect parameter. Post to the specific mod's page your concerns. Maybe the author of it already has a fix or is not aware of the issue yet.
  21. This happened to me a few days ago. Once the problem started, I needed to go back a few game saves to get rid of the problem. The corrupted save file did not show any issues with game size and there was nothing noted in my log files. It also happened about a day after Dawnstar DLC and the upgrade. For anyone else reading this, how it appears is if you are just playing in high speed. Your walk is faster then a normal run and your running is funny ridiculous. Changing the time scale makes no difference. The only change I had made to my game was to load an ENB. Once I had reloaded an ealier game save, the game worked fine with the ENB still loaded.
  22. @ mattlilltej Yes that will advance the quest. What it won't do is fix the problem that caused the quest to break. More times then not, if 1 quest breaks, more will follow. Advancing by means of the console should only be used as a last resort if you want to play somewhat immersively.
  23. That temp is severly dangerous to your system. Cleaning your fans are a good idea, but that isn't going to fix your problem. Depending on the memory of your 240, you could in fact handle some of the high end "HD" mods.You have a lot of scripted mods listed. Seeing whats listed, you have also lead me to believe you have removed others. Since you are having issues like you are, and pushing your PC beyonds its limitations, I would suggest a reload before you damage your hardware by thermal breakdown. Some of your other temps don't look right, so the thermister might not be registering it properly anyways. The thermal paste is a great idea. If you've never done it, I suggest looking it up on google or somewhere. If you do decide to proceed with that, get quality paste or in 3 months (or less) you'll be back again with other thermal problems. If you are overclocking, reduce it down. That video card, although not bad, is not even a middle range card by standards of today. If you plan on keeping what you have in working condition, the reload wil lallow you to slowly add mods, checking your system and game stability. Hardware damamge is much more expensive to replace then a 4 hours facepalm looking at STEAMypile and all the wonderful help you get over there. Good luck Wonksters. :)
  24. Existing things in the world take time to overwrite or replace. Try leaving the area you are in for 30 in game days. I have no idea what the mod does you are talking about, but the 30 day barrier seems to fix a lot of spawn type issues. It is possible you may have to start a new game to fully see the changes, or you did not follow (if any) all the directions from the Mod Author. Leave notice on the Authors page and ask the qustion to the one who could answer it best - usually.
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