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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. I did have to log in and switch to offline mode to get it working though. It probably has to work like this to verify that an account exists and what is tied to that account.


    You only need to do it once, so that it has data from the login. I tried that after formatting my Netbook the other day. After that, it should work as intended, which is being able to go into offline mode without having previously been online.

  2. ... and she just does it for my pleasure...


    If you don't feel comfortable about it, it certainly isn't for your pleasure, though I'm pretty sure you've cleared that out already with your wife. Unfortunately things aren't so black&white when marriage comes into play.

    If she does this more than often, perhaps you two should have a more serious conversation about the issue, or even looking for help with specialists, if it comes to that.

  3. This sure is interesting. Nowadays, I mostly use Steam and Skype to chat with my friends, so, if I had an iPhone or an Android based smartphone, it'd be quite useful :D

    Not to mention the countless times I've lost some good deals because I couldn't buy the game in time.


    I'm not sure if people will notice, so I'll say it anyways. It's purpose is not to buy games for iOS/Android. It's just another way to access your steam account!


    "...Games cannot actually be played through the app, and Valve has not stated plans to begin offering mobile games through its marketplace..."


    There's the Apple store... Not sure about Android, but it's probably in the same ground.

  4. Starter is mostly for netbooks and cheap laptops.

    It only comes out with those. They're binded to OEM licences. I'm not sure how longer the Professional version is supported than the Home one, if they even do that at all. But imo, it's not worth the extra $80 if you're having your PC connected to a home network.


    Windows 8 will probably be coming out at the end of the year, but really, how many people are going to get that? If the cycle remains true, Windows 8 is going to be pretty bad.

    Windows 7 isn't all that bad. Windows 8 is more directed to the new tablets coming out. With a lot more processing power and storage, Windows 8 might be interesting. Who knows? xD


    Like in their going adventuring and then the (in)famous arrow...


    I think fonger actually meant their heads. Because that's what they're doing, killing the industry themselves.

  5. I think it's pretty obvious that piracy is equal to you taking the whole book from the library with no intent to pay them for it.


    Pretty far-fetched, but still an analogy nevertheless:


    Imagine if you had access to replicaters, something that could copy a physical object flawlessly. While you didn't have to steal the original, you get access to an identical copy of the object without paying for it. Now imagine that object was the product of years of hard work. You'd be making use of something someone deserved to be paid for if they wanted to do so. It's their product, they're entitled to do so if they intend to.


    While this is all sci-fi blabbering, the idea is not far from the truth. Given the opportunity, people would definitely do it. A lot of people say these kinds of multimedia products we make use of (movies, music, entertainment) should be available for everyone.They want it all, and they want it now.


    Say hello to Consumerism. :turned:

  6. Though, back to piracy, it's funny how this site has a strict anti-piracy rule yet a lot of members inquire about their pirated copies of the game. It's almost ironic, actually, like stealing from a police station. Why is it like that?


    And they get banned if somebody reports them. What is your point?


    I'd say dazzer's point is that people are just dumb. Or they just enjoy defying authority. Which is somewhat in line with the OP's theme. The internet is a barrier, so people entitled themselves with the right of acting how they want without repercussions. They do not care about you, and they're surely not going to respect you... because they can. Well... They can't here, because they get banned.



    Public Libraries are sharing books by compensating the publishers (usually not the author's directly as they have typically sold the rights to their books to the publisher for an agreed upon sum) for a agreed upon amount (that likely gets the publisher a tax break in the US) that allows them to then share so many copies of the book.


    People can't still photocopy it. The thing is... Is there any difference between copying the book in it's entirety, or just a small excerpt? I have to borrow a lot of books from my University's library when I feel like I shouldn't buy them. Main reason would be because I only need partial information from the book. You take notes, and you give it back. People will still be in the dark about what you did with the book while you had it in your possession. It's complicated :armscrossed:

  7. The thread title can be misleading. You know how people are, and they'll just read what they want, not what's written. Perhaps a discussion thread would be best? Not something that screams HOAX.



    Bethesda does in fact fully own the rights to Fallout now, and they did mention they acquired the license for a reason, and it wouldn't be put to waste. Now we just have to wait for official announcements. :tongue:

  8. I remember having played this DOS game where you had to blow up the scenery and the enemies with several types of bombs. It also had a co-op gamemode for two people, using split-screen. The intro screen had an explosion in the background, with the two characters popping out, a boy and a girl. It was a sort of sidescroller/platformer game.



    Does this ring a bell for anyone? I'd really love to remember the name of the game. :(

  9. Legally speaking, Dark0ne, piracy does not involve the download component, only the uploading (ie. distributing). However, since it's the downloading that encourages the uploading, I understand your concern.


    By doing so, shows that one condones piracy. Not sure to what extent it could be compared to other crimes, but they'd be an accomplice nevertheless.




    The administrative/moderation team takes pre-emptive action against these cases since it obviously does not support piracy. But I'd say the hate has it's core somewhere else. Many people seem to think the rules are too strict, and that the staff abuses their power. The internet, being the barrier it is, gives you the opportunity of acting the way you want without consequences. People should really know how to behave and not use these services as a way to vent their frustrations.

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