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Hope For The Best, But Expect The Worst


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Everyone love Sylvester Stallone. a bunch of old dudes exploding stuff. Right? :D



He played the Terminator, right? *dives behind couch*

Yup, and Arnold played Rambo.


I got the reference. Ya, I am old.

I think any of us (the ones that got that reference), aren't spring sprouts anymore.


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I have strong doubts that they've consulted a lawyer, or if they did, it was one who didn't know what they should about Internet legalities. Each case is individual, and I'm not a lawyer, so I won't comment in detail, but I see some things on the site that, if presented in court, would almost certainly be tossed out. I hope, for his sake, Robin consults a better lawyer than the one(s) he's been using so far, if any.

The idea that Robin doesn't have a lawyer versed in internet law and privacy to run all this by is laughable. As is the idea that non-lawyers would understand it well enough to contradict said lawyer.


And yet, there have been famous court cases fought and lost on the very same issues I'm talking about. Companies with whole teams of lawyers screw up, don't consult their lawyers, their lawyers are wrong, and so forth. I don't pretend for a moment that I'm 100% right, but sometimes, even armchair quarterbacks can see when the real quarterback messed up.

Edited by RobinHood70
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Okay, I thought the movie poster they used in "The Last Action Hero" was the right one. :whistling:

Do you have your Golden Ticket?


Man, we are WAY off topic here...... :D


Actually, we aren't off topic at all. Both of us have been around since the MW Chronicles..... we have perspective..... or we are just old......

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