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Because they want their system to have more functionality than any other collection system.


And Mod Authors have never been able to opt out of any other collection system, so why should this one be hamstrung by such a system?

Mod authors need simply stop updating their mods here and post those updates elsewhere.


Nexus may claim infinite rights to the binaries in their database and be able to use them in the modpacks, but it we stop updating here and post updates elsewhere, those binaries are now different AND they are not on Nexus servers, so they will have NO rights to include them in their modpack lists. And if they do use them, we have legal ground to do something about it, because they refused us the means to opt out and removed our ability to remove our mods, and then to go and circumvent all of that to use OFF-Nexus mods hosted elsewhere, that are not within their "rights"? No no.. that would be very bad for them.


Mod authors actually do have the power here and we can exercise it. Nexus may win round one with all of this stuff, but in the long run, they've shot themselves in the foot. Literally. Users follow mod authors, not the site. And if the updates to their favourite mods are elsewhere... not hard to intuit what comes after that, right?


what would happen if a mod author uploaded an update to their mod that didn't cripple the mod, but simply gave you a bit of the mod - with some sort of readme file packaged that said if you like what you've seen of this mod - you can download the full version at <download link>.

i don't think such a thing breaks any rules does it? the mod works - it just doesn't give you everything up front?



In this instance, I dont really know.


As a mod author, I wouldnt want to do that to users. Make them go here and there and everywhere to get the pieces to make a mod work. I dont think anyone would like to do that.


This issue is NOT about mod authors crapping on the user and we, the ones I know of anyone, are not interested in doing that. Our quarrel is with policies, not with the mod using community.


Its really far better to either request deletion before end of deadline or leave the mods there that are there and just never update them again (here) and only release updates elsewhere, where Nexus' API will not have the rights to pull it (especially if they are behind a Captcha).

i was thinking more as a reaction to this "you cant delete your stuff" rule. okay so i can't delete my stuff, but i can put up a version that can't be deleted, but simply points people to where the updated files will be found. mind you, you could do that with the addition of a readme file that says the same thing i suppose. just saying that "the version you just downloaded is no longer supported, if you want the latest/greatest version of my work go to ...."


that way no-one gets messed about - aside from this place which seems to specialise in messing everyone about to suit their own agenda.


You aren't wrong, that can totally be done. But the issue I have with this is that there are still places and people in the world who pay for downloads or have caps, that once exceeded, they need to pay extra. Id rather not incur wasted time and money on people, personally.


And really, having hostility about the state of affairs with Nexus is ... I mean, we're all hot blooded about it now, but in the long run, it is what it is. There is no point in being toxic about it. They made a decision and as a result certain mod authors made one of their own. Its far simpler just to kindly put notices at the top of the description page and the discussions tab and maybe even on the main download itself that says, this mod is no longer supported on Nexus, go to 'x' to get the latest version(s). That way its everywhere where a person could see it and make an informed decision on whether to do so or not.


The key is, for mod authors, treat the user like an adult, a friend possibly. Its not their fault that things are the way they are. Show them respect and in turn, they will respect you. And if not, well, that is their issue, not the authors, nor the site, right?


Really, at the end of the day, it all boils down to "it is what it is". A choice was made and for certain folks, that carried a consequence of wanting to move elsewhere. No need to take that out on anyone. Just do what you feel you need to do and carry on - there are more important things in life than toxicity over a website, that when you're on your deathbed, you wont even have a single thought for. Right?


We are just doing what we feel we need to do to protect our rights and in response to decisions that were made, that we feel, were made without proper respect to us, the people who actually create the content that gives this site its purpose. No need to make the users suffer, none at all. That doesnt mean we cannot take steps to protect our work elsewhere from being exploited by those that made these decisions here, ala ensuring they are protected and cannot be used in their API to update the mods that they've claimed rights to per their TOS. But for sure, within that act of moving and protecting our rights, there is no need for the user to have to suffer as a result, aside from having to visit some other website to get the mods they want. Which, lets be honest, happens every day, to nearly every user. Whether on LoversLab, ModDB, Beth.net or the hundreds of Discord servers that exist.


Just my $0.02 as one of the affected mod authors that will move newer versions of my binaries elsewhere that will no longer be under the "rights" and TOS of Nexus. What is here will remain here - not going to punish any user by removing them - simply, they will be version updated to be completely different than what is hosted here and they will be posted elsewhere so that they are 100% outside of the TOS of Nexusmods and I have full rights over their use.


it really is that simple. And I think that Nexus admins would respect that view - all done without the toxicity that has created this schism between Nexus admins, users and mod authors alike. If you dont like the rules, you dont have to play the game, as the saying goes.

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The users are going to be affected in a negative manner in any event. Several authors have left, taking all their work with them. Some of them, but not all of them... will upload their work elsewhere. For the users, instead of having one central repository for mods, they are going to have to go searching for mods from authors that were once here. Other mods are simply going to vanish from the landscape. Never to be seen again. And all for the convenience of list curators......


For the users that collections are aimed at, none of this matters. They weren't (probably) using mods in any event, so, they won't miss what they are not aware of. Won't bother nexus either, as most of the major mods will remain here, along with their authors...... and other folks will be along to upload more mods. So, they tolerate some hate and discontent for a while, then, life goes on. Their revenue stream increases, and everyone on staff gets a raise. Mod authors get the stinky end of the stick, and everyone else benefits. Sure, mod authors will get more DP.... That and 2.50 will you get a cup of coffee.....

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Worth noting that aside from the possibility of selling more Premium accounts, the likely way that Nexus will increase revenue is by bringing in new users.

Yep. Not like they are going to get many more page views, with automated tools doing the downloading... So, it will be premium subscriptions that line their pockets.

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I cannot speak for any other game here, aside from Fallout 4. But that said, I can tell you that the TOP knowledge modders are gone. The ones that make the CORE of any mod list. There are literally only 1 or 2 people remaining or plan to continue to update their mods, that are at the highest level.


It took me 4 years to get to that level, to be among what others would cite, among the best modders ever for a Fallout game... do you imagine that the users are going to want to wait four or so years for someone to get to that level? I know how this sounds, I do, but it is just a simple fact - the ones with ALL of the knowledge, the ones who make the mods that are core to virtually all Fallout players, they (we) are mostly all gone as a result of this. And that hurts the Fallout 4 community as a whole in terms of the kinds of mods users can expect in the future - which is to say texture replacers, CBBE body presets and looksmenu presets.


Gone are the SKK-series of mods. Gone are the CWSS mods. Gone are the Gun For Hire/Crime and Punishment/Advanced Needs2 mods. Gone are the combined Thuggyverse of mods. And the list goes on and on...


New users can only generate so many clicks and new modders will take years to get up to the level of the talent that is leaving or already left, you know? Its crappy to say, it sounds utterly arrogant on my part to say what I have about myself, but its just a simple truth, as ugly as it sounds.


The brain drain is a real thing and it will take quite some time, at least for Fallout 4, to recover to where it was 4-6 short weeks ago.

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A quote from Todd Howard has always stuck in my mind (paraphrased) ... "Ideas have little value, only the ability to execute ideas has value". Look through any Mod Suggestions forum here and you'll find no shortage of ideas. Losing those able to execute those ideas will have an impact.

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