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It's interesting how you won't let go of that. It's just you trying to make fun of me over it at this point like a bully who has to try and belittle instead if discuss things like an adult.



Nah, I'm just pointing out that you don't stick to your word


Better than being a jerk like you.


Edit: Plus, do you have any idea how crazy it is to hold someone to their word over a forum post saying they only plan to post once? Like are you kidding? It's so petty. A single forum post doesn't define who I am, nor does it determine whether or not I keep my word on things that actually matter.


The only thing you prove is that you are being a terrible person. And being extremely judgmental over something that really shouldn't matter at all in this entire thread. It should have been something you easily could have ignored, but chose not to ... and constantly poke at me about it.


Whatever ... I am so tired of dealing with people who can't seem to understand people have feelings. Guess I am going to block you too. Honestly should have a long time ago even back during vortex testing days ... cause you were just as bad then.


And you're not banned after this personal attack. I wonder why? Could it be because you're defending the lords who preside over the serfs?


You don't own the website.

And Nexus doesn't own the mods on the site. As HeyYou points out, that means we have the right to delete those files on demand.

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And you're not banned after this personal attack. I wonder why? Could it be because you're defending the lords who preside over the serfs?


The thing is, there have been plenty of personal attacks flung at me too, fumy how you never mention those. Could it be because those who do it, agree with your stance? Anyway, I am done with this mess of a thread, it's gotten me emotionally riled up, and I should just leave it. I only came back because I figured maybe things would have calmed down a bit, but then I just kept being called a troll again for literally no reason.

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And you're not banned after this personal attack. I wonder why? Could it be because you're defending the lords who preside over the serfs?



And Nexus doesn't own the mods on the site. As HeyYou points out, that means we have the right to delete those files on demand.

They've been very lax with moderation over the past month. Mostly closing threads but avoiding bans. I suspect that might change next week.


Also, you have four more days to delete your mods. If you leave them here past then you are agreeing to the new TOS and you have no more claims that you didn't have warning.

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exactly - we have the right, showler.


the issue is that we have to run for it to court from now on - not very comfortable at all and not a minimum of trust shown by nexusmods to change or delete some content physically or at least in a way that nobody can access the deleted mod data - no user and no mod collection!


they seem to be sure mod authors are unable handle their mods even if it worked out for a decade. they think and act like the problem is mod author related and not mod collection related. and you still do not get it :wink:.

we do not own the site and we are not interested in ownership. nexusmods did a good job for a decade and the only reason this and some other threads exist is that in this case some actions look like a miserable fail for more than just a few people. and we are just talking about that.

your problem is that you do not understand but you post like a champion together with brabbit and as someone who completely ignores why youtube, reddit, this forum and many others discuss this stupid issue and that some skilled authors already left this site because of this stupid issue. and more will likely follow or at least are not motivated any more to upload new mods on this site. a sad thing but surely no coincidence.


even the dumbest mod author can not be happy if he realizes that he has no control over his content after upload. if you make one upload mistake you will not be able to correct it or to wipe this out without the help and control of a third party. fine! in the meantime your accidentally uploaded crap is part of 10 mod collections or more. cheers! no quick opt out and no delete option can save you thanks to nexusmods and thanks to lack of mod control. and this is only one of the new problems for modders if they upload mods on nexusmods.

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I only came back because I figured maybe things would have calmed down a bit, but then I just kept being called a troll again for literally no reason.

No, there was a very good reason for it.

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I only came back because I figured maybe things would have calmed down a bit, but then I just kept being called a troll again for literally no reason.

No, there was a very good reason for it.


Incorrect, it's just you and the few others using the word as an ad hominem to try and delegitimize anyone else's views but your own. It's called character assassination, you try and ruin the credibility of anyone who disagrees with you instead of actually arguing against their point by labeling them a troll. The word troll has been thrown around in this thread like it has no meaning, or like some of you have never actually run into a legitimate troll before.


But whatever. Anyway, I got work to do. Plus planning on uploading my Sims 4 mod here later and need to make sure it still works properly with all the recent changes to the game.

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I only came back because I figured maybe things would have calmed down a bit, but then I just kept being called a troll again for literally no reason.

No, there was a very good reason for it.


Incorrect, it's just you and the few others using the word as an ad hominem to try and delegitimize anyone else's views but your own. It's called character assassination, you try and ruin the credibility of anyone who disagrees with you instead of actually arguing against their point by labeling them a troll. The word troll has been thrown around in this thread like it has no meaning, or like some of you have never actually run into a legitimate troll before.


But whatever. Anyway, I got work to do. Plus planning on uploading my Sims 4 mod here later and need to make sure it still works properly with all the recent changes to the game.



This is called the "Poor me" defense. Brabbit1987 isn't a troll. It is everyone else who is out to get poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987. Poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987 is the victim. The big meanies, with all their facts and truth and reality, are picking on poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987.


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This is called the "Poor me" defense. Brabbit1987 isn't a troll. It is everyone else who is out to get poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987. Poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987 is the victim. The big meanies, with all their facts and truth and reality, are picking on poor, helpless, little Brabbit1987.



Incorrect. First of all, a "poor me" defense, isn't even something that I have ever heard before. Sounds pretty made up. Second, I didn't even say anyone was specifically against me in that comment, as I literally stated it was used against anyone (keyword ... anyone) here who disagrees with them. It hasn't even just been me who has brought up the poor usage of troll here, as several people have.


And all you are doing now is trying to antagonize and patronize me. Which just shows the kind of person you are.

Edit: I would say ... not surprising from someone with only 15 posts, but many people here have proven post count means nothing when it comes to fairly poor behavior.

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