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Dude, two words for you: Stintar Gaming.


It's happened before, and it will happen again. What we are worried about has, in part, happened already and has caused a mess we're still dealing with to this day. Now, that issue will be multiplied and automated. It's got nothing to do with people being stupid but people being new to this. And every new game bring new people in. Be them user or authors. New users don't know where to start, and just because there's a good list doesn't mean that will be the first one they come across.


I was lucky enough to already know YouTube channels like Gopher before I started adding mods to my games. I had a place to start, and now that I've been doing this for years I have an idea of what to do when I pick up a game for the first (I got Oblivion and Morrowind for PC this year). Someone who decided to try the other games after playing Fallout 76 isn't going to have the same general idea of what to look for as the rest of us. It comes down to experience, not intelligence.

Googling "Stintar Gaming" turned up nothing useful.


The rating system is designed to bring well-built Collections to the top of the list and drop badly built ones to the bottom. Good lists should be the first thing they come across.


And the whole point of Collections is to move the necessity of experience to the curator instead of the user. Because new users can't have experience and shouldn't be punished because of that.

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You are totally missing the point. It has been explained to you multiple times, yet you still don't seem to get it.


You are basing your assumptions that anyone using a collection is going to look at ratings. Read the description, etc, when he already have DECADES of evidence that proves FAR too many folks DON'T. You are, quite simply, a lost cause. You go right ahead and play cheerleader for Nexus. Watch what happens.

Actually, I'm basing it on the assumption that anyone that wants the quick install experience of a Collection rather than looking through thousands of mods is also unlikely to look through hundreds of Collections. They will look through the first few pages, which will be the ones with the best ratings.

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Modding is as well a hobby where the âlearning by doingâ is such an important factor. Ofc itâs always good to have a foot in the door with something that starts easy. Accessibility is something I think itâs important. As I am disabled myself. Stuff like Bodyslide and Outfitstudio are gems. Xedit - probably one of the best tools out there.


I donât think people paint the worst picture. People just approach this realistically.


For example people always think the angry post are only from entitled users. But many come as well from people with disabilities who are exhausted and frustrated and snap. Or who are having a hard time with socializing when they are in utter stress and discomfort. And I can assure you, as a disabled myself, rarely non-disabled are aware of this. Rarely non-disabled think of this, nor do they react with empathy. Even when I as a disabled repeat over and over I am exhausted I am salty, I canât help it. People regularly expect me to behave like I am not ill. Alone this can create so much conflict. I am not saying collections shouldnât be done. I just say, itâs necessary to approach this with a realistic view on how this world actually IS. And what conflicts and issues arise because of it, and there needs to be a implementation that tries to find a middle ground.


Like for example opt out. Not only for the MAs who donât like to be generally in a collection, but now to just take disability in consideration. For me, I can react as well salty and snap at a user that comes to my mod. Often a way of dealing with With as a disabled person You distance yourself from something. If I canât opt out of collections, I canât distance myself from something that causes me extreme stress.


Now I can just leave the nexus as a MA or stay. Thatâs exactly the scenario disabled people are always so angry about. Because often thatâs exactly what we have to do. We canât find another way. We simply canât do something. So itâs just black and white for us. In a way - this whole scenario that makes people desperate and frustrated is how we often feel, or how we feel on a day to day basis. You simply donât actually have a choice, when all you can do is letting a thing go.


It can go both ways. Loading the responsibility of intact collections on the MA will just end up in conflict, tension and more âwarâ between users and MAs. Stardew Valley will be a candidate for this. Where regular updates are still coming and regularly break all important mods. The awesome thing - the stardew Valley modding scene updates fast. And most of the time there, old versions donât get deleted, but defect ones get. But still, there will be a rising in the cases of people have an updated SV and practically so many collections will be broken. Now explain someone to get an old version on steamâ¦good luck with that. XD


For me itâs as well ignorance. People donât realize how many are out there who have so much issues with tech. Thereâs a reason why consoles are so popular. If you say we are the ones faulty here on thinking everyone is a idiot. You are ignorant towards the fact how many people arenât tech experienced. How they see a PC and what imagination they have and understanding of it. Ask someone in tech/IT supportâ¦they will tell you. And that doesnât mean we paint them as idiots. It just means we arenât oblivious to the facts and issues. And that this isnât an easy situation that canât be resolved by making one party suffer the most - the MAs.


And in the stardew Valley modding scene, a SMAPI log is always the standard of getting help. If you canât, donât want to, share your SMAPI, people most of the time wonât help you. Reasonably, because itâs practically impossible to know what it is, without.


There are so many games here, so many different ways of modding a game.


For example how do collections work with the mod and dlc system on Witcher 3? Because I think I saw it got added to Vortex.


I think one post here nailed it pretty good. This is all connected to vortex. A mod manager I donât even use. There is too little explanation how this all works out, with the games Vortex supports. And then - how many games are actually supported? So we lose our rights of mods because of an implementation that is limited by a mod manager, not everyone is even using, and doesnât support that many games. And that all without having enough transparency as of how it actually will be handled fully by said mod manager.


Itâs like me a nurse telling a patient - you have to go into surgery - yeah no, this time we donât tell you anything about it in detail, but this ultimatum here. Thatâs not how decision making works, when itâs about very important stuff. And the right to delete in IRL time is important on the internet. It seriously is.

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Honestly, I can't wait till this is all over. The drama that has been caused over this is pretty absurd, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised with this community.

I nearly blew coffee through my nose when I read this. If you want it over, stop posting and leave. Don't like the drama, leave. It's that simple.

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I've mostly been active in the Bethesda modding scene. Since Morrowind days.


Anyone modding a Bethesda game now is benefiting from decades of people creating tools to make it easier to mod your game. Mod managers, Wrye Bash, xEdit, LOOT, Nemesis, DyndoLOD, pretty much every other tool people use. It all exists because people wanted to make modding easier.


Collections is no different.


What is different is that Collections required a TOS change from Nexus. And that's a problem for a lot of mod authors.


But that doesn't mean that Collections is some upcoming nightmare of support issues.


And you can "explain it to me" all you want. It doesn't make you right or me wrong.

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I've mostly been active in the Bethesda modding scene. Since Morrowind days.


Anyone modding a Bethesda game now is benefiting from decades of people creating tools to make it easier to mod your game. Mod managers, Wrye Bash, xEdit, LOOT, Nemesis, DyndoLOD, pretty much every other tool people use. It all exists because people wanted to make modding easier.


Collections is no different.


What is different is that Collections required a TOS change from Nexus. And that's a problem for a lot of mod authors.


But that doesn't mean that Collections is some upcoming nightmare of support issues.


And you can "explain it to me" all you want. It doesn't make you right or me wrong.

You already tell what the difference is, which is a enormous difference. I am pretty sure if one of those tools would have demanded a violation of mod authors rights, mod authors would have reacted towards that tool in the same exact manner like they do now.


I donât even understand that you say what the difference is, and still canât see the point.


Itâs actually quiet comparable to state surveillance issues. Where it gets promoted as âsecurity measuresâ for the citizen of a country but the issue lies always in - what if a country gets someone in power that will abuse this against its citizen. Therefore there always is the need to protect the citizen from such maybe future abuse. And mass surveillance is a critical topic in it all and has all sorts of restrictions to ensure future abuse is minimized.


Itâs always difficult to cut into peoples rights that extremely - when nobody knows what the future might brings. This isnât painting the worst case scenario, this is being realistic.

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Probably a misspelling and they meant "Sinitar Gaming"

Ahhhh̉̾.that makes much more sense xD


Edit: uuuuuhuhhâæthat âAMAZINGâ modding guideâærightâæ*cough cough* <_< The non plus ultra./s


Edit2: can we have first a functioning pm and commenting service on mobile, before we get collections. XD XD XD XD

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