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Your longest fight


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The Arena Fight where you battle against three Argonian Prisoners. I was around level 4 at this point, my stats were not at their good part. I found it hard for they drain my fatigue and knock me down. There repeating blows sometimes staggers me, which is annoying. It was a very long fight, I had to use several health potions.
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What's the longest lasting fight you ever had in Oblivion?


Mine would be that time a fought Umbra with the difficulty slider almost completely to the right. I've been hitting her with my axe for almost 30 minutes, and just at the point where I was starting to think that she had actully become immortal or something like that, I killed her. I used about 50 Restore Health potions! :D


For some reason, I cannot kill Havilstien Hoar-Blood's dog, Redmaw. I am doing the Dark Brotherhood quests and at lvl 8. Difficulty is set to medium, am running OOO and MMM. I don't use god items normally, but for this I tried using Dwarven bow and arrows from Banes archer paradox. No Dice. I even used the console to get some copies of the "Rose of Sithis" arrows that are supposed to be one shot kill arrows. Redmaws health meter did not appear to diminish at all, no matter what I threw at him. In the end, after several reloads with different weapons, I wound up killing Hoar-Blood then downing a potion of invisibility (30 sec) and using that time to loot Hoar-Blood and running like hell to get out of Redmaws sight. Remind me not to go to that camp again. I am running several mods, too many to list, maybe one of them made Redmaw invincible.

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The Arena Fight where you battle against three Argonian Prisoners. I was around level 4 at this point, my stats were not at their good part. I found it hard for they drain my fatigue and knock me down. There repeating blows sometimes staggers me, which is annoying. It was a very long fight, I had to use several health potions.



Seems that you're not much of a fighter, eh?


They were easy for me (i entered Arena at level 18, i think :biggrin: and wielding a 2 handed weapon)

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yeah, that battle requires captain tough, whomever that might be.


for some reason that glitch where characters and monsters become invincible has been happening more often to me, as I now have a troll, and a mythic dawn agent following me, showing up every once in a while when I fast travel. I know it's the same creatures, as I have used the console to rename them Reaver and Jackie, respectively. the worst was when it happened to an arena enemy - that Nord woman who Owen calls strong and quick with a blade. I believe it's an advancement match. anyways, I was in the arena to test out that lava arena mod, the first time I'd been in there in a long while, and suddenly I found myself battling someone who simply won't die in an epic duel to the death.


I spent a few minutes fighting her, then attempted to escape the arena by the way I'd entered. did you know the door is sealed until you kill your opponent? I didn't. so I was forced back into the arena, pulling out all the stops in this battle thanks to the mod unnecessary violence. the battle lasted about 20 minutes, and then I just yelled at my screen 'SCREW THIS!" and kicked her in the face. she went over the side of the arena into the lava... and died from the searing heat. I was so mad I couldn't see straight, but it got the job done

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i had trouble with the giant minataur from the lost spires. i was playing as a mage with supreme magicka at the time so i kept teleporting around the room and launching spells for a good 20 minutes straight.
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Well, perhaps not the toughest or the longest per se, but the quest for Brusef Amelion's armor (Fighters' Guild path) becomes a lot more interesting if you throw the Daemon Queen armor mod in the mix.


Besides the armor, you get:


- the titular character, who will be armed with at least dwarven weaponry at lowest levels

- a lich specializing in higher-level skeletal warrior summons, and a rather annoying tendency towards casting self-healing spells

- a female Daedra carrying a really large warhammer, and more than happy to show her skills with the thing

- a rather stubborn Faded Wraith. It takes a little while to whittle the thing down.


Oh, and they all attack you at once (except for the wraith, usually, but that can be easily remedied - just open a certain niche a little too soon...).


Also, the opponents in the final chamber seem to get a little tougher. Upon closing in they naturally tend to swarm around, so you can hack away at 'em with gusto, but you'll have to keep track of those in the back - they'll either keep summoning reinforcements or snipe at you with lots, and lots, and lots of arrows.


Nothing to worry if you're above average level, but keep that in mind if you're trying this out early on. It might take a while.

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