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Your longest fight


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Mine was with Mankar Camoran,on hardest difficulty.I don't know how much time I spent running around in Carac Agaialor,trying to come out as a winner against the old wizard and his blood-crazed children,healing then slashing,then healing again and so on,seemed that circle is never going to end.It was back then when I didn't use mods,and I went in there on level 50.Damn,lol,I even broke Umbra sword over his back,then switched to daedric claymore,31 atack,enchanted with damage health script,and poisoned the blade with drain health potion.He summoned and got me paralized a couple of times,then slapped me with some destruction,I barely survived the rampage,got up,healed again,then disposed his children quickly,stabbed him a couple of dosens of times,while healing at the same time,and he died eventually,I didn't use any magic except healing spells,as I only practiced restoration.


He actually got me for a second with his speech to join his cause.Then I considered it again when he dropped me like I was nothing 4 times in a raw. 'Where should I sign up,sir?'


That's when I learned what is one of those 'few things scarier then an orc with an axe.' :wink:


It's Mankar Camoran,insane altmer master wizard. :sweat:


Second place is definitely Umaril,again on hardest difficulty,level 50.The Prophet didn't lied to me.Those blows were real nasty,it turned out.


I came to his chambers,healed up,geared up,filled with potions,and fully repaied from a wicked fight against Aurorans,and I was like 'Let's see who stands as stronger,Umaril!!Bring it on,boy!!!' *smacks the claymore over the altar* :cool:


And the man came down the stairs,finally to face me,the 'Holy Crusader'... :biggrin:


I just...blocked the first hit he delivered. Oh :ohmy:

it was like,wait man,lol,I was joking!Let's forget about this and have some ale together.

It was too late for the truce.:sweat:

Then,while I tried to run from him for a distance,he hit me over the back,taking almost the whole health bar,I didn't had time to heal properly,so I charged a power attack,but he immediately respond with a power blow,disposing me like a mudcrab,there on the floor of Garlas Malatar.I came back,more prepared,I casted those new powers i gained like Pilgrim's one,which gives you some nise fortifies etc,then I just went on hit and dodge combination,though,he caught me a couple of times with his hits,but I managed to survive,and just carried on with the same tactic and after a quite some time,he died.


But,after all that frustration,I actually had to chase him on the sky as well. :sweat:

I ran out of potions and options,the sword was nearly broken,and he,again,disposed me.


3rd time was successfull,though.I learned my mistakes from before and came into the fight more relaxed.


That was the second thing I caught which being 'scarier then an orc with an axe'


It's Umaril,daedric/ayleid claymore-wielding warlord. :sweat:



Have fun


Captain Moranda

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I cannot remember how long my battle with Mannimarco lasted, but the longest-lasting battle was surely my fight with one of MMM's stinking Balrogs (not the "lesser" version.) My PC and a ton of guard tried to damage it (and failed) for at least half an hour, maybe for nearly an hour. My PC was not dying, plenty of potions and time to heal, but the Balrog was in even better shape, eventually, I got tired of nothing dying and restarted so that we could advance through the saving Kvatch quest. My PC was still in the single digits, level five or lower probably...stinking random spawning Balrogs...
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Hmmmm. I think that the most difficult time is when you don't have ANY enchanted weapons and you have to fight a ghost or wraith for some quest. All you have is your fists and in some cases about 4 guards hopelessly trying to kill it.
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My first encounter with Umbra.

I'd made a new character; and argonian stealth guy.

I was walking around looking for gold and such, trying to hone my skills when I accidentally stumbled on the ruins where she was.

I didn't even know she was there.


I tried to kill her at first, but was unable to effect her, so I turned it down to easy.

Still couldn't scratch her.

Turned it back up to where it was before and ran around the gas things.

She chased me for a couple of hours (I think) before she succumbed to poisoning.

I was freaking out the whole time, because just two hits from her would half my characters health.

Was amazingly funny afterwards.

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Umbra, I cheated to kill in my Ayleid file,


I was trying to take over all of the Ayleid ruins and get all the Welkynd stones and everything (16% there btw) and I walked into Vindasel, and went in, I freaked out when I found out it was Umbra territory, so I cheated because I would never kill her because I was level 1.

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My longest battle was a fish. The Midas magic mod has a whole questline that I didnt know about untill I was about level 32. even at that, it took me almost 20 minutes along with many health potions, and soul gems. The fish would swim for a wile, (I would have to follow) then I hacked away at the thing with a Daedric longsword. The fish itself would turn and fight, but it was fast. I had to attack where I thought it would be next.
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I remember coming out of a dungeon once. due to mods, my character was dealing 12 damage with each punch, and 24 fatigue damage alongside it, and this bandit decided to attack me. after a while of leaping around and hand-to-sword combat, I had drained him of fatigue while using magic to heal my own fatigue, which didn't go fast enough for me to run out of magicka, and shield effects protected me. basically, I'm invulnerable, and this bandit glitched out so he isn't taking any health damage. He got back up, and I had to knock him down seven more times before I realized this futile, so i took forty bottles of skooma and got the hell out of there. of course, he still appears when I fast travel from time to time, so technically my fight with him isn't over. He comes in at the weirdest times, like when your following Baurus to the sewers. he's like the chicken from family guy, just appearing out of nowhere with a yell and a sword swing.


Why don't you use the console command to kill him?

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