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I have a bone to pick with a lot of fallout 4 pc mod authors.


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First I want to start off by saying this is to state a grievance that many of us on consoles have had , when this whole mod theft spree was going on the entirety of the mod community blamed everyone on console for the mod theft and stopped making mods for fallout 4 for console players based solely on this incident.


No one else has addressed this ever since it happened and thats bullshit. Most mod authors take out their anger on the console community as a whole to this day for what happened and its not fair.


So if there are any mod authors who participated in throwing all of us out that genuinely respected your work and wanted to see a proper port from you guys how do you all feel now considering youve pretty much left console players dead in the water with very few new mods coming in because of your pettiness.

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The problem is that it's just not possible in a lot of cases to do ports for consoles. Either because the file size is too big, the mod is using new assets/script extensions or the mod was designed in a way that is just too demanding hardware-wise, which means that the performance absolutely tanks on consoles. Another big problem is that it's really hard to do proper testing for consoles, especially if you don't own one yourself. A lot of these things, if not all, have been known for a long time and have been repeated again and again by mod authors and some youtubers to let console users know what the issues are, but a lot of console users just don't seem to care or straight up ignore those facts and still keep on asking if mod X Y Z can be ported to consoles, although it's blatantly obvious that it's simply impossible. Some mod creators eventually grow tired of this never ending cycle.


I'm not saying that I personally hold any grudges against console users, I'm just trying to summarize what I've observed over the years when it comes to the relationship between mod authors and mod users. The best thing we can hope for is that this whole situation will improve with the release of Starfield.



Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Edited by 84Cronos
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What is the point in this post? if it's to try and get more modders to port mods to consoles then insulting them is not the way to go about it.

Ah, but they posted their entitled whiny rant in three different threads, and replied to themself in two of those threads. That will make it much more effective.
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Console player essentially did this to themselves. Folks would download mods from here, and then upload them to bethnet for consoles. (mainly xbox) Some of those folks would even claim the work as their own, even though it was easily proven to be false. Beth really didn't help the situation by basically turning a blind eye to it as well. That had the effect of truly annoying the mod author community, and yes, they had a bone to pick with the console players. (those that benefited most from mod theft) So, mod authors STOPPED supporting bethnet, since they were supporting mod theft. Some mod authors even stopped modding altogether, because of their feelings about the whole issue. So, you can understand (or, should be able to, at least) why authors aren't in a real hurry to post their mods to console, and upload them to bethnet.


And then, piled on top of that, you have the list of reasons detailed by 84Cronos.... Sure, there are a fair few that *could* be ported to xbox..... but, a fair bit of time has passed, and it simply isn't possible to get permission from some authors anymore, they ain't here....

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Why would modders bother with consoles? Where is the payoff to catering to a system you don't use? I'd see it as an extra headache, trying to deal with issues on a console you don't own? That's ontop to all the theft and abuse console users heap onto folks.

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And how come all you mod authors refuse to port your mods onto floppy disks. I told you I would eventually reimburse you for the postage stamps.

Oh come on, you know you want it on cassette tape. Its a universal medium after all.




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