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Bad Acting vs Bad Writing


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George Lucas, and the entirety of the prequals aside, because he gets a pass for the genius of the original trilogy.


Jodi's recent departure from Doctor Who had me thinking about other times actors got blamed for bad writing.


I do no believe anyone can honestly say that the downfall of Doctor in the ratings is her fault. It really started with Moffit and has continued ever since Davies left the writing has been in a downward Spiral.


And now both he and Tennant are back, Can they save and resurrect the series?


Or is it too far gone?


Who do you actually blame?


I cannot blame Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi or Jodi Whittaker for the decline of the show as I feel is began the downfall during Tennant 3rd and final season If I am honest, and the person that blames that on him or Katherine needs their head examined. It all for me at least came down to writing and directing.



An a great actor can make a bad script more bearable and no Doctor was better at that than Pertwee, because lets be honest some of those early script were full of ... I believe "cringe" is the new slang term nowadays.


So thoughts?


What are some other actors who you believe were blamed for bad writing?


Tv shows and Movies are all on the table.


(I am disqualifying the ENTIRE cast of the Disney Star Wars Movies from this because lets be honest here. That was not their fault especially; John Boyega. Who did the best he could with a character even worse then Jar Jar Binks. I absolutely refuse to blame that on him.)

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I blame the woke garbage writers, and then there's the moments where the writing is obviously written by someone who's prepubescent.


When the Doctor is questioned by his group about his family... (series 11 female doctor).


Woman: "Have you got family?"

Should be "Do you have a home, Doctor?".


Doctor: No, lost them a long time ago.

Should be "I used to.".


Man: "How'd you cope wi' that?"

HOW'D U COPE WI' THAT... LOOOOL, it's so bad.

Should be "What happened to it?".


Why are they talking like they're children like they don't know our parents die and it sucks? It's so goofy af.


Man, honestly. It's crazy how they just let anyone be a writer these days, just look at the Halo TV show, it's awful. xD

Edited by HedgehogMods31
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This is what happens when you hire writers based on their political beliefs rather than talent, you end up with dross that is closer to poorly written fan fiction. What baffles me is their inability to write relatable or even tolerable female characters, it's almost as if they have a hatred of women and want to make them look as bad as possible, sadly this leads to the likes of Jodie Whittaker and Daisy Ridley getting the blame for what the talentless hacks in the writer's room came up with.

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Bad writing. I see it happening in just about all of the tv series that I watch. The whole 'inclusivity' thing is getting tiresome, quickly. If we were to believe Hollyweird, fully 30% of the population is a member of the LGBTQ+ population segment...... And about the LAST thing I want to see on TV is two men having sex..... or, anyone else, for that matter..... Hollyweird has become FAR too liberal.

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As an alternative, consider the following.

Every show has a target audience, a "market share", and a "fan base". Writers must balance their writing to attract the target audience, to keep the shows market share, and increase the show's fan base. Make a show too highbrow, and the audience thinks the show is talking down to them. Make a show too "politically correct" and the audience thinks the show is preachy. Make the show to realistic, and audience thinks the stories are overwrought.


To achieve such balance, writers write to the lowest common denominator. The least among the viewing public. And that they succeed is demonstrated in the fact that the audience keeps coming back, and advertisers keep buying air time on the shows.

Edited by ScytheBearer
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Guest deleted34304850

George Lucas, and the entirety of the prequals aside, because he gets a pass for the genius of the original trilogy.

"the genius of the original trilogy" - at that point, I fell about laughing. Genius? Ha! Ha!

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Bad writing. I see it happening in just about all of the tv series that I watch. The whole 'inclusivity' thing is getting tiresome, quickly. If we were to believe Hollyweird, fully 30% of the population is a member of the LGBTQ+ population segment...... And about the LAST thing I want to see on TV is two men having sex..... or, anyone else, for that matter..... Hollyweird has become FAR too liberal.

While I applaud your courage in voicing what is sure to be a controversial opinion, I have to state that forcing anyone of any sexuality to watch people not of the same sexuality (hetero, bi, gay, other?) is asking them to basically watch porn they are not interested in. A better question is "Why does Hollywood feel that more than a simple kiss between partners is necessary to convey love?" My parents never did more than hug me but I felt loved. So I therefore postulate what you position should be saying is They need to tone down making EVERYONE watch partners on screen do more than a quick kiss or a hug.


If someone wants to watch more... well that is why they made porn and why Google is so successful.



George Lucas, and the entirety of the prequals aside, because he gets a pass for the genius of the original trilogy.

"the genius of the original trilogy" - at that point, I fell about laughing. Genius? Ha! Ha!


You are of course initialed to your incorrect opinion, and if you would not mind, please go be a troll in your own thread.

And just to show I am just not being snooty.


Yes Genius.

1. Did the original trilogy create a fanbase that borders on a cult following? Yes.

2. Did the original trilogy revolutionize special effects and cause Lucas to create Industrial Light and Magic, which is the inspiration behind such places as Pixar, and WETA just to name a few? Yes again.


The original trilogy was DECADES ahead of it times. Now it barely, and I do mean BARELY equals a CHEAP TV show's special effects. go back and actually watch some other movies especially sci fi from the same era. Then re watch A New Hope. (also known as The Star Wars movie to the ignorant unwashed uncultured heathens). You will hopefully be smart enough to recognize just how much Lucas and the people working with him had to invent so you can in fact enjoy your over budget uber special effects movie.


Because without Star Wars. There is no MCU, no Babylon 5, no Skyrim, no Fallout, and no FF7 remake that looks HALF that good.


Lucas may in fact be an unmitigated a**hole. That does not make him any less of a genius. He may be the biggest control freak in the history of Hollywood. He EARNED the right to make his movie his way by making blockbuster after blockbuster after blockbuster.


Love them or hate them they were GENIUS, I personally love them I know several people that prefer Star Trek, or romcom's, or westerns. Not liking something does not automatically mean it sucks. It just mean you don't like it. Which is fine I am not telling you that you have to like Star Wars hate it as much as you do or do not want to.


But I WILL argue about whether or not the movies were genius, for a multitude of reasons. Because those movies were some of the most important and influential movies of that era. A lot things the world takes for granted about movie production did not exist until those movies went into production and was invented for them specifically.


I highly suggest you go find and watch one of the many documentaries out there about how the original trilogy was made. I personally can not stand mint chocolate anything. That does not mean that mint chocolate sucks, it just mean it is not to my taste.



As an alternative, consider the following.


Every show has a target audience, a "market share", and a "fan base". Writers must balance their writing to attract the target audience, to keep the shows market share, and increase the show's fan base. Make a show too highbrow, and the audience thinks the show is talking down to them. Make a show too "politically correct" and the audience thinks the show is preachy. Make the show to realistic, and audience thinks the stories are overwrought.


To achieve such balance, writers write to the lowest common denominator. The least among the viewing public. And that they succeed is demonstrated in the fact that the audience keeps coming back, and advertisers keep buying air time on the shows.

All very true, but when did making you think become insulting? Are we so sensitive now that if we have to research a little bit to understand something we are insulted? Instead we want to be spoon fed everything like "bad fan-fiction"?


And do any of us really honestly care what the actors writers directors or producers political whatever is?


Or are you more like me; because these are my thoughts when I hear some actor/singer/athlete try and tell me how great X politician is.

"I could honestly care less I pay for your stuff to be entertained, if I wanted wrong opinions I would watch the news. Now dance or something entertain me."

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Guest deleted34304850

when i was 12 i thought it was a work of genius.

now, many years later, it's far, far, far from that.

as you said, its an opinion, we're all entitled to them. i found your use of the word "genius" to be so over the top as to be funny. nothing more than that. don't feel butt hurt because someone on the internet doesn't share your opinion. however, if you want to use the word "genius" without cheapening its meaning, i suggest you watch some other movies.

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