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Vortex made Onedrive overdrive.


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Vortex makes a shortcut to 'Data' in 'C:\Users\UserName\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Starfield' and Onedrive syncs all the data from 'Data' so Onedrive space gets full. Because the 'Data' shortcut is a 'Data' folder in the 'Starfield' installation. it is huge, over 116GB!

And it made explode me.

It made me mad.

And it made me scream.

And I had to trash my time to find out why Onedrive was full and solve this.

Onedrive never stopped syncing, and didn't allow me to change syncing folders, so I had to uninstall Onedrive.

It was just a shorcut, but Onedrive interacts with it.

And after I launch Vortex, it just makes a data backup folder and put a 'Data' shortcut again. I deleted it before.

Vortex is not a system essential administrating software, but it just changes folder structure on its own without notice, permission.

What will you do about it?

So, I have to do it manually myself, I cannot let stupid software handles things on my desktop.

I cannot trust you.

Vortex, Nexus are not safe. They just ruin my day, my time, my life.

Why do you put that 'Data' shortcut in a system drive's documents folder? Why? Is it that necessary? I think I can access the Data folder on my own. Why do I need a shortcut in that folder? Ah, not me, you need that?

Edited by thebestexpert
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Guest deleted34304850

did it really "ruin your life"?

i mean, given the absolute state of the world, is that the worst thing that's ever happened to you?

if so, i truly envy you.

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Perhaps you missed the site news post (or the extension changelog) which explains what Vortex is doing and why.


None of our team use OneDrive so this didn't come up in testing but we'll look into it next week.


You can exclude BA2 and ESM files from OneDrive backups but for some unknown reason you can't tell it to ignore specific folders.

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@Pickysaurus "look into it next week"? Insufficient and disappointing response, judging by the havoc that this change is wreaking on peoples OneDrives in the news section article about the update. Need an immediate hot fix.

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Our office days are Mon-Thurs so there's nobody around to fix it until Monday. It will be a priority as soon as we're back though.


There are multiple workaround for the time being (rollback to 0.3.0, turn off OneDrive sync for now, add ESM/BA2 files to your OneDrive ignore list).


It's not a great situation, but we'll get it sorted as soon as we can.

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Mike's answer above is, unfortunately, incorrect.


Our Vortex dev has been and continues to look into this issue today and over the weekend and is trying to find an adequate solution, be it a graceful rollback (which is difficult to do in a short time considering the nature of the update) or a hotfix. Neither are simple, both are going to take time.
There will be a lot of incident postmortems over this release, of that you can be assured.
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