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I doubt much can or will be done with this game.


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Starfield has one problem. The demands on rendering and machining capabilities are too high. ue5 on the old 1080ti is capable of rendering a photorealistic scene of 3-5 billion polygons at 40-60 frames per second. There is a video from 2020 where ue5 processes 16 billion polygons in a scene. ce is not capable of drawing 5 hundred million polygons onto the stage on the most modern video card. ce is good for local scenes with carefully crafted plots and well-designed interiors. Large open worlds are a bad strategy for our beloved engine.If I were making a game about space on CE, I would make something like the movie Pandorum. The world is a giant starship with a large number of interiors with different physics... Controlled civilized zones with gravity, disaster zones; weightlessness, flooded, radiation, frozen with liquid nitrogen, etc. It would turn out to be a survival game and with a good, deep plot, this would become an acceptable world for the possibilities of ce.

Lets be honest here.

They couldn't even optimize their own HD Texture Pack for Fallout 4 (and never bothered to fix it I might add)

Giving them and even larger machine requirement was only going to end one way...

I don't think textures will help. Probably the rendering method itself, or the materials... Tracing, or something else... They dont reveal the model. Figuratively speaking, the visualization speed is not enough. Using clothing as an example... There are mods with photo textures and detailed meshes of 0.5-3 million polygons. But it doesn't look realistic in ce. Well, I dont demand realism from ce. Such a pleasant and unpretentious renderer is quite enough for me. The complaints are specifically about average computing capabilities. I don't like that playing a game with mediocre picture quality forces me to buy a top-end video card.
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just my list of issues i noticed so far. you are free to discuss this or even add new aspects to this open list.

so my answer to the topic question is: if am todd i would hide myself for the rest of my life.

the real problem is not the mediocre game but the beth announcements and the fatal handling of press insiders.



1 game engine terribly old fashioned in 2023 (unsolvable)
2.worse, uninsprired, bland story and nobody cares for content (partly solvable?)
3 rpg elements not up to date (partly solvable?)
4 skill tree handling not meaningful (partly solvable?)
5 excessive load screen usage (partly solvable for pc users)
6 no meaningful planet exploration (partly solvable?)
7 open world has no meaninful environment, no free exploration anymore (partly to unsolvable)
8 space combat: no tactics possible at all (partly solvable)
9 poor, hardwarehungry graphics (probably engine related)
10 fuel range - like a skill wall - just adds load screens. no purpose (solvable)
11 poor physics (partly solvable)
12 poor ogygen-co2 stamina system - purpose on all planets? (solvable)
13 pronouns addition - worth a discussion at all? not a matter to discuss at all!
14 poor ui/menu (partly solvable)
15 too much lockpicking (solvable)
16 stupid bounty mechanic (partly solvable)
17 lack of space suit variety (solvable)
18 no index of planets / no History available (partly solvable)
19 skill progress (solvable)
20 braindead combat ai (partly solvable? )
21 player-faction interaction(partly solvable)
22 vendors have no credits (solvable)
23 buying options(solvable)
24 comparison of space parts (solvable)
25 lack of enemies outside of premium factions (partly solvable)
26 no local maps (solvable)
27 too many fetch quests (solvable ?)
28 1000 mostly repetetive planets (partly solvable ?)
29 outpost system lack of tutorial and creativity -purpose?
30 repetitive copy paste events(partly solvable ?)
xx place to add more aspects/shortcomings to the list


this is not a list about a 10/10 game or game of the year.

the problem is starfield specifc and is not affecting skyrim or fo4.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/15/2023 at 7:34 PM, xrayy said:

just my list of issues i noticed so far. you are free to discuss this or even add new aspects to this open list.

so my answer to the topic question is: if am todd i would hide myself for the rest of my life.

the real problem is not the mediocre game but the beth announcements and the fatal handling of press insiders.



1 game engine terribly old fashioned in 2023 (unsolvable)
2.worse, uninsprired, bland story and nobody cares for content (partly solvable?)
3 rpg elements not up to date (partly solvable?)
4 skill tree handling not meaningful (partly solvable?)
5 excessive load screen usage (partly solvable for pc users)
6 no meaningful planet exploration (partly solvable?)
7 open world has no meaninful environment, no free exploration anymore (partly to unsolvable)
8 space combat: no tactics possible at all (partly solvable)
9 poor, hardwarehungry graphics (probably engine related)
10 fuel range - like a skill wall - just adds load screens. no purpose (solvable)
11 poor physics (partly solvable)
12 poor ogygen-co2 stamina system - purpose on all planets? (solvable)
13 pronouns addition - worth a discussion at all? not a matter to discuss at all!
14 poor ui/menu (partly solvable)
15 too much lockpicking (solvable)
16 stupid bounty mechanic (partly solvable)
17 lack of space suit variety (solvable)
18 no index of planets / no History available (partly solvable)
19 skill progress (solvable)
20 braindead combat ai (partly solvable? )
21 player-faction interaction(partly solvable)
22 vendors have no credits (solvable)
23 buying options(solvable)
24 comparison of space parts (solvable)
25 lack of enemies outside of premium factions (partly solvable)
26 no local maps (solvable)
27 too many fetch quests (solvable ?)
28 1000 mostly repetetive planets (partly solvable ?)
29 outpost system lack of tutorial and creativity -purpose?
30 repetitive copy paste events(partly solvable ?)
xx place to add more aspects/shortcomings to the list


this is not a list about a 10/10 game or game of the year.

the problem is starfield specifc and is not affecting skyrim or fo4.

good list, I think at least no.26 (no local maps) will be fixed by bethesda in the next update

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My experiance of what the modding community are able to make is extremely impressive in all games from TES 3 and forward, and the number of extremely well made quest and faction mods made for Skyrim is enormous and I do expect the same will happen with Starfield when CK gets released. At the moment I do like to play this game more than Skyrim but Skyrim do run much smother, no doubt.  😉 I did soenf double the tine in Oblivion than Skyrim and that is because I have good control of what I am doing in CS and not so mycj in CK and also that it is no idea to try to complete with all the quality mods there are available to Skyrim and there are loads of mods still I have not tested even.

If you completed the main game, which is fast done in any Beth game really, then take a break, play some Skyrim mods while you wait for the CK to get published and Skyrim CK came the late 2012, a year after the game was released 2011-11-11 but who really wanna make a guess when we get CK and mod support for this game?

What I really wanna see before CK is game stability and also better performance, but that's me.  😉   Ck will get fun no doubt, when we learn to use it and I bet it will look different from Skyrim CK as they always do a lot of changes between each game generation so when we get it, does not mean we can start to make wonders and I bet we all will need to learn how to crawl and walk and a year later we can start running  😉    If I recall right, it also took me a year tor so to get used to Oblivion CS really, to get the full control or close, at least to not be technical hindered to fulfill my ideas.

Some said the base game have more content than Skyrim? If I recall right, it took me a year to play it through the first time I played it 2011 and then I took a long break and went back 2020 and the 2nd play through with all the new cool and extremely high quality mods was much funnier than it was playing it 2011, so just take a break and get back 2031 and then there should be modding content for at least 5 years playing and then the game will be much more stable as well and it needs to be more stable as some mods will cause issues, as some always do, in one way o another, well specially for Oblivion though.  😄  

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Pretty sure this would be covered here but didn't feel like going through each response.

The CK is not even out yet and Bethesda still have a lot of patches still to come which will

cause most modders to have to update their mods,the game it's self has a lot of potential 

for modding like maybe making their own planets/moons and aliens/creatures and towns/city's.

Also making their own stories,I haven't even really started the main story as soon as I got my own ship

I went exploring like I do in any open world game that gives the freedom like Bethesda games do but I have

heard that the NG+ messes with TIME  that alone creates a hugh potential in mixing the story up for modders 

that have time for that type of story telling these are the mods I hope we get once the CK is released.

OP next time don't try to come in on the forums trying to start a conversion like people or Companies associated

with the game have some woke agenda,I've been on steams forums and never seen a more toxic group in all my years

just saying try to ask next time can anyone see this game going anywhere in the modding community that's all.


PS:Can someone please point me in the right direction my spacing for writing on this forum are driving me crazy lol. 

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1 hour ago, CowboyBlues said:

Pretty sure this would be covered here but didn't feel like going through each response.

The CK is not even out yet and Bethesda still have a lot of patches still to come which will

cause most modders to have to update their mods,the game it's self has a lot of potential 

for modding like maybe making their own planets/moons and aliens/creatures and towns/city's.

Also making their own stories,I haven't even really started the main story as soon as I got my own ship

I went exploring like I do in any open world game that gives the freedom like Bethesda games do but I have

heard that the NG+ messes with TIME  that alone creates a hugh potential in mixing the story up for modders 

that have time for that type of story telling these are the mods I hope we get once the CK is released.

OP next time don't try to come in on the forums trying to start a conversion like people or Companies associated

with the game have some woke agenda,I've been on steams forums and never seen a more toxic group in all my years

just saying try to ask next time can anyone see this game going anywhere in the modding community that's all.


PS:Can someone please point me in the right direction my spacing for writing on this forum are driving me crazy lol. 

Pretty sure the double-spacing is a forum 'feature'. I don't know if its user configurable or not. I just let the size of the window determine when text wraps... or I am starting on another thought/topic, I'll start new paragraph. (with the double spacing... hhhmmm.....) 😄

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*yawn* This is all deja vu from Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4. Wake me up when someone has something actually original to post on this. We'll all laugh and jeer at this topic in about a year and a half. In 2 years, someone is going to roll their eyes on the pure short term memory on display. In 5 years, when the next Elder Scrolls comes out, the cycle of stupid repeats again.

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please.  go play scarfield for a couple nights


bring you billy bad a$$ character and load the mod in


you world will get rocked.  and you will beg for more

please say its boring.  please say the space combat sucks

then tell me nothing can be done with the game

i've only been modding about 2.5 months,.  give me another year



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On 12/20/2023 at 12:40 AM, kellthekyuss said:

please.  go play scarfield for a couple nights

bring you billy bad a$$ character and load the mod in

you world will get rocked.  and you will beg for more

please say its boring.  please say the space combat sucks

then tell me nothing can be done with the game

i've only been modding about 2.5 months,.  give me another year

Although i applaud your confidence and youthful exuberance ...i doubt you will ever be able to fix any of the fundamental issues Starfield has.
 One can only polish a turd to a certain point and if Beth doesn't do anything about it* , this game will remain a turd at its core.

* I'll concede that in a decades time , mods might have turned Starfield into the best game in human history..but they would also have changed it to be a vastly different game in the process. Not what Beth released and patched, which is what we are looking at.

The only way this game can be truly saved, is if Beth devs sit down and rework large parts of it.. and hopefully pull off a "No Mans Sky" of sorts in the process (NMS was VERY BAD on launch..but the devs stuck to it).
Now...we are almost a trimester in from release and there are broken recipes since day 1 that haven't been fixed.. (Amun Dunn engines) .. Does that show devs that are working hard or devs that are hardly working? 

IMO they are being secretive about what their plans to "fix" the game are, because they are looking to do as little as possible.  Just the good ol' Beth bs Band-Aid fixes
NON VERBATIM eg. "We will look into space travel" or "we understand that people are concerned about loading screens breaking immersion"  ---is going to result to--> You can now fast travel from anywhere to everywhere.

Ps. We, the consumer, paid a premium price and bought the vanilla game...so the vanilla game is what needs to be the focus of whatever criticism we , the consumer, have. 
Not every one of us, consumers,  will have access to mods...and access to mods for some , doesn't eliminate the issues for everyone.

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3 hours ago, dw420 said:

Although i applaud your confidence and youthful exuberance ...i doubt you will ever be able to fix any of the fundamental issues Starfield has.
 One can only polish a turd to a certain point and if Beth doesn't do anything about it* , this game will remain a turd at its core.

* I'll concede that in a decades time , mods might have turned Starfield into the best game in human history..but they would also have changed it to be a vastly different game in the process. Not what Beth released and patched, which is what we are looking at.

The only way this game can be truly saved, is if Beth devs sit down and rework large parts of it.. and hopefully pull off a "No Mans Sky" of sorts in the process (NMS was VERY BAD on launch..but the devs stuck to it).
Now...we are almost a trimester in from release and there are broken recipes since day 1 that haven't been fixed.. (Amun Dunn engines) .. Does that show devs that are working hard or devs that are hardly working? 

IMO they are being secretive about what their plans to "fix" the game are, because they are looking to do as little as possible.  Just the good ol' Beth bs Band-Aid fixes
NON VERBATIM eg. "We will look into space travel" or "we understand that people are concerned about loading screens breaking immersion"  ---is going to result to--> You can now fast travel from anywhere to everywhere.

Ps. We, the consumer, paid a premium price and bought the vanilla game...so the vanilla game is what needs to be the focus of whatever criticism we , the consumer, have. 
Not every one of us, consumers,  will have access to mods...and access to mods for some , doesn't eliminate the issues for everyone.

How do you propose folks that 'don't have access to mods' get access to patches? All either needs is an internet connection....... So far as I know, NO mod site restricts users from any specific region. Granted, if you have crappy internet, that makes things a bit more difficult, but, if you are downloading a 125GB game, your internet can't be THAT bad.


That said, yep, the game has bugs, and those need to be fixed. The number of loading screens though? Not sure it is possible to fix that..... We shall see what Beth does in their next update......

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