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First of all, thank you guys for the update of the forums! It was needed and is looking great! 🖤

I have a question, tho, about the "About me" profile on Nexus site. Previously we edited it through our Forum profile, now we change it in the forums but changes are not applied in the site (as it is different things now). Can I ask if there will be a way for us to edit the infos in our site profiles?

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2 hours ago, Dark0ne said:

We'll work to restore at least some of this functionality in the not-too-distant future while other things (like Friends) will not be coming back.

Maybe should update the site news post then, where the following now-incorrect information is provided:

The 'Friends' feature will be removed from the main Nexus Mods website and you will need to visit the new forums to use it.

As for "only showler gets it"… feedback was requested in this thread, so it was provided. Couple people were rude about it, I don't like that either. But… "You get it, thank you"? That feels so dismissive of everyone else as "those that don't get it". I doubt most were assuming Nexus was removing features for laughs or out of laziness. Instead I see a lot of valid feedback. For what is worth I was excited by the update, and I still think the new forums are nice and sleek. But I got a *single* nexus friend some weeks ago… and I got all giggly for once. You clearly don't see value in the feature, or you wouldn't coldly dismiss its reimplementation, and that's fine. It's not our website, it's yours. We were just giving feedback though.

In my opinion site news could have been much more straightforward in describing that features would be lost, permanently and out of necessity, and maybe people would've been less upset by the situation. For instance:

There WILL be some quirkiness and missing features. We will be working to quickly bring them up to speed.

This is still there, implying all features will be restored, and quickly too. It's setting incorrect expectations.

My last bit, and hopefully I won't be a bother any further… please consider prioritizing the feature to edit "About Me" in the mods site. It's a bit awkward having a bio we cannot change anymore.

Hope you all have a good day.

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Current feature status following forum migration:

  • Quick link to send a private message to a user from their profile - Planned to return this feature in early 2024.
  • Link from site profile to forum profile - Planned to return this feature in early 2024.
  • Link from forum profile to site profile - Planned to return this feature in early 2024.
  • Friends list - Has been removed, no plan to return this feature.
  • Users 'about' page - Will be removed, currently cannot be updated. Will be replaced with new user profiles in 2024.
  • Kudos system - Has been returned to user profiles.
  • Post count - Shown on forums, excludes some numbers from post count. No plan at this stage to bring this back to site profile.
  • Forum Reputation System - Will be put to community vote.
  • Donate button - has been returned to user profiles.


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16 minutes ago, Aen9ine said:

My last bit, and hopefully I won't be a bother any further… please consider prioritizing the feature to edit "About Me" in the mods site. It's a bit awkward having a bio we cannot change anymore.

In the Discord, under #site-help-feedback Pickysaurus just answered that.  They are solving the problem by removing that section from the mod side profile soon.


Edit:  Never mind, Demorphic beat me to it.

Edited by Eolhin
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Oh god, but people have useful info in there! Like overriding permissions for mod use from authors that are gone from Nexus! Or links to their other works and such…

Damn… I hope data is migrated into 2024 profiles then 😕

Thank you for the response.

EDIT: Never mind, we can read that in their forum profiles now. I'm making a panic over nothing. Apologies.

Edited by Aen9ine
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6 minutes ago, Aen9ine said:

Oh god, but people have useful info in there! Like overriding permissions for mod use from authors that are gone from Nexus! Or links to their other works and such…

Damn… I hope data is migrated into 2024 profiles then 😕

Thank you for the response.

It's not ideal, but links will return between website user profile and forums. Utilising the forum profile as a place for this info might be a solution until updated user profiles are implemented.

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What I miss the most, which was an invaluable tool, was being able to search the Comments for MODS in the mod section.
Instead of having to trudge through hundreds of pages of comments on a mod page, I was able to use the "(Now missing) "Search Forum" button and use the Search Box to quickly find any Mod comment that pertained to my search term.

This is especially missed for older games such as Oblivion etc, where I need to search for old comments for a refresher on any quirks with a mod etc.

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20 minutes ago, Demorphic said:

Current feature status following forum migration:

  • Post count - Shown on forums, excludes some numbers from post count. No plan at this stage to bring this back to site profile.
  • Forum Reputation System - Will be put to community vote.


Thank you for clearing some things up.


Post count: Ok, not coming back to the mods side then.  But is there any chance the 'some numbers' that are currently excluded from the count on the forum side might be added back in?  Is that technically possible?  My post count was well over 6k, and you see where it is now.  That is just blatantly unfair to those of us that tended to choose a side to post on (the mods side in my case, obviously) and stick to it.  It also renders having the inaccurate post count on the forum side entirely useless, unless one believes that only the forums count, and posts on the mod side are just pointless.  Zeroing out EVERYONE's count would be equally unhelpful and useless, but it would be more fair than the way things are now.  I can understand tackling the more immediate functionality issues first, of course, but the unfairness of this (probably pointless to many) disparity really gets to me, more than I would have thought it would.

Forum Reputation System:  May I ask what form it will/would take?  Or will that at least be stated before the vote?  As the systems are now separate, will there be a separate reputation system for the mods side?

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