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So... a popular Ytuber I have been watching for a few months stated recently that he has never modded his games. Like ever. Not going to say a name, but this guy has been gaming for at least two decades playing a lot of MMOs. He also has played a lot of single player games as well in that time... and has never, not even once, thought about downloading some mods for his games (note that he has reviewed Beth games)?

He said his reason was "it feels like cheating". Are there really people out there that think this? I mean... MG do these people even realize how much you can mod in games anymore (Beth games are insane)? Obviously they don't. You can download so many mods to improve the performance, aesthetics, weapons, enemies, etc. and not even touch the gameplay mechanics or difficulty settings at all.

So is it just a simple case of people not bothering to even look at mods and don't understand the mind-blowing amount of stuff you can change in a vanilla game? Or is it some glitch in their programming that causes them to think "mods bad"?

I am profoundly perplexed by this. Particularly from gamers. Anybody care to explain? 🙂

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3 hours ago, showler said:

The vast majority of Beth game players do not use mods.

In 2024? When literally the company itself advertises it's own mods in the game menu screen? There are actually ppl that aren't even a little curious what the deal is with them and never even bother to check anything out? See the difference mods make in Bethesda games in Ytube video after video for the last twenty years? Are they human?😃

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To be fair, I don't really mod most games -- and I say that looking over my 230+ Skyrim LE mod install and 130ish-and-counting SE mod install.  And even games I do mod, I don't necessarily mod them a lot.  How much I mod depends on the game, how much I play it, and how satisfied I am with how it already is. 

EDIT: Not to mention how easy/difficult it is to mod it, and how much it was designed or meant to be modded.  My most modded games tend to be those that were designed with modding in mind from the start, like Skyrim, Civilization II, or The Sims 1.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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13 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:

I don't really mod most games

Okay, I admit that even I don't try to mod every game I own because some of them really don't need mods. They're that enjoyable on their own for me. But Bethesda games? Really? Like the difference between vanilla and modded is so significant enormous that I don't see why anyone wouldn't mod their Beth games. As far as ease goes, I can install a new copy of Skyrim right now, download a MM and literally just click a few buttons to mod my games. It doesn't get any easier than that.

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9 minutes ago, Fkemman11 said:

Okay, I admit that even I don't try to mod every game I own because some of them really don't need mods. They're that enjoyable on their own for me. But Bethesda games? Really?

Yes, really. Some of us actually enjoy Bethesda games in vanilla. Why is it so hard to believe? Tastes differ.

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18 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

Why is it so hard to believe? Tastes differ.

You can't like vanilla that much. I can practically guarantee it. I played Skyrim (for instance) thousands of hours vanilla and there are those moments in the game(s) where you think to yourself "Gee... I wish I could change that". Like with a vanilla bug that Beth never bothered to fix? 🤣

Okay, okay. I want to see someone post that they 100% like everything about their vanilla Bethesda game of choice and have no desire ever to change anything about them.

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42 minutes ago, Fkemman11 said:

I want to see someone post that they 100% like everything about their vanilla Bethesda game of choice and have no desire ever to change anything about them.

Yes, that would be me. Oblivion. I make mods, yes. But I don't change anything in what already exists, I add new lands.

You asked a question but in fact you don't want to hear the answer.

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37 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

I add new lands

Ergo, you mod your game. I was wondering what you'd be doing on a mod site if you didn't mod anything. Still, Oblivion has some really good mods available for it. Have you ever even looked at any others and thought about using them?

Let me be clear here. I'm not trying to make fun of ppl for not modding their games. I am genuinely curious as to why they don't/won't. It's kind of blowing my mind. 🙂

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ok obviously to two of  you  have a different definition of "modding", or are not understanding each others point.
OG poster is talk of mods in general even ones that just  add items and or lands or quest to the game (like Bruma for Sky) as well as the cheaty cheaty ones (like Cheat room for Sky)

LenaWolf  is saying that yes they mod but  only  the ones that add stuff and looks on that as just adding something to a game, not Modding, (see the capitals there) 


Now you wanted someone to post a Beth loved game that they  love as is with as Vanilla. Fallout 3 to be honest I do not even like the DLC all that much for that game I like the true Vanilla game and have logged hour  upon hour playing while never once looking for a mod. And infact still play it on occasion.

Edited by JediMasterTallyn
spell check
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