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Warnings and Site Ban Theater

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Posted (edited)

And introducing the latest and not necessarily greatest one to be banned for piracy here on Nexus, let's have a round of boos for this pretentious tough guy. It's none other than Mr. hell4u2pay himself. You gotta love the name, right? Ooooh, I'm so scared.

Edited by UsernameWithA9
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Got to love some of the user names people assign themselves, straight up highly offensive and ban-able off the bat lol. My favourite from quite a while back was "Letmedownloadyoucunce", which amusingly was banned for a reason other than that user name, but I'd say it was the username at fault there lol.

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10 hours ago, Dashyburn said:

which amusingly was banned for a reason other than that user name, but I'd say it was the username at fault there lol.

Yah, I've seen a few that probably could've got banned for inappropriate usernames too, on top of their actual, worse offenses.

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Posted (edited)

This next person, asdaed, could clearly use a hug.


deyensi go f*#@ yourself , f*#@ your mother, f*#@ your grandma, f*#@ your sister, stupid motherf*#@er, If I saw you in person I would shoot you, You're lucky you're just a moderator on a shitty site

Wow! Just... wow. Come on man, bringing Grandma into your tirade wasn't cool at all. Here's the funny part though: It turns out that the user deyensi isn't even a moderator, as pointed out by TheVampireDante, 'Hey Genius - they ain't a moderator.'

In the event that asdaed overcomes the ban and makes it back to read this, I like to offer this advice: It's just a game and not that important. The next time you feel frustrated, let it go and move on.


Edited by UsernameWithA9
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And jackss133 (living up to their typoed name?) found one of the quicker ways to get banned:


Harassment of a site moderator via private message after recieving administrative action.


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This latest character is my favorite so far. At least by way of having the best username, although surprisingly not banned for it. What robinscottyturdboywonder did get banned for follows.




Previously banned user who thinks they're so clever that they PM staff to boast about their ban evasion. You clearly have nothing else going on to spend so much time trolling.

"still haven't banned me can't touch me cant catch me ive been ban evading here since 2015 n!@&£ i am Nothinbutazetsu thecurrenthokage etc hundreds of names, just decided to laugh at you for trying recruit people into your cult of fat f@&#!t virgins, L. hurry up and ban me because i demanded you do so. do what i tell you dog. ban me."

This user says he has hundreds of names! I can't wait to see what he comes up with next!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a smile out of two apparent ban-system tests:

  • GregPaddleTest1 - Banned
  • paddletestuser2 - Banned

"Bein' our test account?  That's a paddlin'."

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I was going more for the Simpsons episode (Wikipedia, Wikisimpsons, Simpsons Fandom) with the various people -- including the one long-bearded old man I snowcloned -- substitute-teaching during a teacher's strike. 

Sorry to bring up less-pleasant things with it.

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