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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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One more thought...

Imagine looking at your bank activity statement online, or in printed form.
Look at that nice easy to read list of transactions, deposits, withdrawals etc.

Now imagine one day, you log into your online bank account, and now your account activity is spread all over the page, in rows and columns of tiles, that now takes you much much longer to look at your transactions and reconciling each transaction in order to keep your account in order.
You open your statement your bank mailed you, and it's the same thing, except now, instead of being 1–4 pages of a LIST of transactions, it's now around 25–40 pages of 4–6 tiles per page, of your transactions.

That's going to be tough to sit down with your calculator and go through each individual transaction in an efficient and timely manner.

That sure would be a real pain in the arse, wouldn't it? 

Having to look, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, with no idea which transactions come before or after the previous one, or the one to the left or right of it.
There's a REASON some things NEED a list.
Browsing mods is one of those things that needs a list.

With a list, you can keep your eyes on the same spot on the screen and scroll...

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Yeah, this UI ain't it, chief.

Aside from each game having its own special color, which was a nice touch, but ultimately not super essential, this new layout has some big problems. There is so much wasted space, for one thing. Individual mods are farther apart from each other. The sides of the site are just big empty voids of wasted space without the old banners. The only colors on the whole screen being black, white, and gray gradient sucks out all life from the experience. 

The redone tabs have problems, too. Going from "New Today" and "New This Week" to just "New" is a good change, as those tabs were redundant, and limiting the time frames like that was pointless. But the "Updated" tab is arguably the most worthless tab of the bunch, as it's filled with a flood of notifications the user probably doesn't care about. A mod getting updated isn't necessarily a mark of quality (as evidenced by the website getting updated with this new UI), and it's not an announcement of a totally new mod experience that didn't exist before, like with the "New" tab. If people want to be notified when specific mods are updated, that's what the Wishlist and Following functions are for. So then why is Updated pushed to be the second tab next to "New?" And why get rid of the "Popular (30 Days)" tab? Having separate speedy options to view the most popular mods of all times as well as the most popular recent mods was already quite nice, but of the two, the All Time list needed the extra publicity the least. If you made the 30 Day list the default people saw, the All Time list would still get plenty of attention, as they're the top of the top of the charts, and people are going to go out of their way to see them. But unless a game is new, that list isn't going to shift around much. Of the most popular Skyrim SE mods, for example, only 2 of the top 16 mods are less than 5 years old. Everyone already knows those mods. By contrast, mods that would have shown up on the "Popular (30 Days)" list need the attention more than anything. Nobody knows about them yet. And they often get passed up in the "New" tab because they get lost in a sea of sex mods, presets, and translations. Making people have to work to see them by adding extra button clicks is going to drastically reduce the visibility they get, again, at the time they need the visibility the most. And for those of us who want to see popular new mods, either out of desire to support the mod authors, or because it's our preferred method of curation, only to have extra steps unnecessarily put in our way like this, it's just a bad experience, and it feels like the people who put this update together didn't put any thought into what they were doing or the experience they were crafting.

I don't get involved in forum posts, ever, but this new UI is really bad. And after seeing the devs say they've been "getting mostly positive feedback on it so far," I had to go out of my way to write all this, and beg the Nexus Mods team to revert these terrible changes.

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52 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

8 pages later..... (after my initial post...) the feedback is still universally negative, and it isn't just the same people posting the same thing, its a lot of different folks, all singing the same tune.

I'm amused by the fact that there are a lot of first-time posters. Never had a reason to post... until now. LOL

I partially fixed the new UI by using uBlock Origin filters, but with no tracked content updates, the only reason to visit the mods side of the site is to see if I have any notifications.

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Please refrain from undermining the existing achievements, especially when they are still functioning effectively. The convenience of the user interface far outweighs the importance of modernization and aesthetics. Most long-time users would not appreciate such a surprise; therefore, kindly revert to the original UI and cease unnecessary alterations.

Within the Nexus Mod ecosystem, there exists a plethora of supplementary plugins.

we need Old Mods Listing page, The new UI has disrupted the normal functionality of Broswer extensions. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1018?tab=posts&BH=1

Kindly provide an option for a button that reverts to the legacy user interface


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22 minutes ago, AndalayBay said:

I'm amused by the fact that there are a lot of first-time posters. Never had a reason to post... until now. LOL

Yep.  Angry people come and post.  Sometimes, happy people come and post (at about the same rate that the "endorse" mods, so you know how low that is).  People who are indifferent to the changes do nothing.  That's why polling has to be random.

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Love this website and been on here for years, but the new layout is very unpleasant to look at. Beyond being incredibly plain, the over use of heavy dark colors with white text makes browsing through pages difficult to focus on for extended periods of time (find myself squinting way too often), and beyond the font sticking out everything else looks attached where it shouldn't.

I understand some things have been moved to advance design, but before there was a very clear divider on the main page between latest trending, new, and images below; everything was contained within boxes and barriers and was pleasant to look at. If you scrolled down quickly you'd have no problem to discern where you are on the page. Now, everything is far too open and free form, causing a sense of disorganization. 

If I hadn't been here for years, I'd have no clue where to start when looking for what I want. This isn't a problem of being different, it's about being worse. 

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Purely anecdotal but I released a mod 2 days ago and it's got nowhere near the same activity in terms of comments that most of my other recent releases have. I'm not arrogant enough to expect loads of comments and endorsements on every release, but most of my recent releases have hit hot files pretty quickly and drawn loads of comments.

This one, not so much. Obviously, it might not be as good as my other mods and this would explain it, but I just don't feel like I'm seeing the same amount of activity, which could mean people are not finding my mod as easily as before the changes.

Not having list view has certainly made me less inclined to browse new mods as scanning left to right just hurts my eyes.

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