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Moved on from Guild Wars to NeverWinter. I don't care if it sucks so hard it blows, it's better than what Guild Wars has stagnated into, and it'll tide me over until what I really want comes out-ESO.

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I got so much new stuff off the steam sale right now. Can't quite decide what to focus on.

Lately I've been playing Rouge Legacy, Bioshock and Just Cause 2.

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I was playing Skyrim, to finally finish it because I honestly haven't come far... I'm too curious for my own good. And I was playing Fallout 3 to try Broken Steel for once. But then my graphic card got sizzled... *sigh* There was also some Magic 2014 but have just started it. And of course me and a LARPing mate is trying to get through Minecraft together, the Wither-fight is coming up and then we will head for the End! Wow, one too many gaming-balls in the air at the moment. Guess my graphic card gave me a break!

EDIT: This just reminded me, I just bought Mars: War Logs and now I can't even play it.... WHY?!

Edited by Bovel
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Not a lot right now, Neverwinter sucked so hard it blew in such a way that even that sucked.(confused yet?!) Thinking I might have to buy something old to tide me over to Gen-8 console release. Hopefully Space-Hulk: The Game will come out before I go mad from boredum. Space Hulk is going to ROCK. It's literally just Space Hulk. Only now it's a PC game. Which is the most epic thing since the invention of comically overdone hyperbole. Seriously, it's that good. Space Hulk. On PC. WOOO!

Edited by Vindekarr
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