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No, the media tag works. But you have to put the whole link inside it.Like this[*media][*/media](obviously without the * )See, it works :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFuKR3qKrWg&feature=fvsr


This was what I was getting at, it didn't work on the site, only the forum.





Do the youtube tags still work in the comments? the media tag doesn't work away from the forum and looks a little messy if you comment on a file from the forum.
Yep, Dark0ne put the old youtube tags back.


Missed that, thanks for the link.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a plan to put the image resizing back? I liked the way the old board had you click to enlarge images rather than having them make the place look a mess.


I second this.

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