Tomlong54210 Posted May 13, 2010 Share Posted May 13, 2010 Getting to so intense into a dungeon crawl, and then bam. Crash to desktop....goes without saying... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terramaris Posted May 15, 2010 Share Posted May 15, 2010 My least favorite moment was when my friend was playing my Oblivion he accidently saved over my level 40, Oblivion mainquest finished, Listener of the Darkbrotherhood/Arena Grandchampion/Grey Fox charactor. But ingame my least favorite moment is either the helping the dukes in the Isles or rebuilding the staff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NStigma Posted May 15, 2010 Share Posted May 15, 2010 Whole "Through the nightmare darkly" thingy. I really don't play that quest with my other scharacters, than the main. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunairalasce Posted May 15, 2010 Share Posted May 15, 2010 Shutting down Oblivion gates to get aid for bruma >.> I've lost hours and hours to complete that quest. Some of them were easy while others were hard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vindekarr Posted May 19, 2010 Share Posted May 19, 2010 I slip into the dungeon, siilent as the night, knives in hand, as I aproached the throneroom, 2 massive halforcs block the way, slipping past them is effortless, as they are so assured that their vampiric nature, and the strength shared by all their misbegotten kind would prevent any intruder from daring to attack, entering the throne room, I slid along the shadows on the far left side, the vampire archlich doesnt notice-he too is so certain of his immortality that the posibility of assassination seems unthinkable, tonight however, one cautious strike would succeed where thousands had failed: drawing my crossbow and the specialy crafted bolt, I load, span and aim, one perfect shot to end a reign that had lasted 5 thousand years and a hundred wa-ERROR! C++ runtime error: oblivion has stopped working, please wait while we diagnose the problem: reports and solutions: solutions: a problem has occured and the program needs to close. this is what annoys me more than anything else, you get that one perfect killshot and then CTD and a whole dungeon run lost. :nuke: :devil: :nuke: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyran Posted May 30, 2010 Share Posted May 30, 2010 To some of the previous post:Enemys don't need to see you to detect you! No! Their gods look into Tamriel check EVERY living being within 20km radius from their worshippers and tell them about those. And invisibilty and chameleon won't work against gods once they set eye on you. I know that. Master Thief, 100 % chameleon,detect life 40 spell active, sneaking through a dungeon :ninja: and LIGHT! :huh: Who saw me?...Come! Show yourself!...*Waiting*...*Silence*...Oka*1 mob entering detect life range still behind a wall*...*2 minutes waiting*...*mob gets out of detect life range*WHERE IS THE ONE THAT HAS SUCH AN ALLMIGTHY VISION!*mob come back into detect range now on my side of the wall*Okay calm down wait till that thing gets near and than kil*Headless zombie draws close* :confused: Are you kidding me? We were seperated by a wall!*Kills the zombie*Allri*4 Ogres and another 3 zombies running up to my char* :sweat: They can still see me? THERE IS NO WAY!most frustrating moment? hm...My selfmade Magican/Swordmaster who allready was known as Champion of the Arena, Master of the Figtherguild was trying to become Archmage...bad idea...I got the staff for the first mission and tried to get the next mission and "We have to talk about your rank within the guild!" - "Do so!" - *Repeats*(I already mentionat that somewhere) and after 2 hours of despair CONSOLE SAVE ME! setstage*currentquest* 100 setstage*nextquest* 10 => CRASH => starting Oblivion => load => CRASH :dry: I had to reinstall oblivion Edit: Have a new one to add thanks to "alba"I was struggling to get trough a very tough doungeon from a mod. I finally came to the room of the endboss. I gave alba a bow so she won't stand in my way while fighting that one. I didn't even give here arrows. Well...she must have looted some while we explored the first she was a great help...but then it happened...i paralyzed the boss and was about to deliver the finishing blow low on life myself but with a paralyzed enemy no need to heal and bam :pinch: :mad: alba shoot me down with the bow -.- she was circling around me and the boss while we fought but i didn't realized and thought that she still stood on the other side of the boss (i postioned myself so the boss would stand between us excepting something like this) a little bit annoiyed but still somehow calm i dicided to reload...last time i saved was a the beginning of the dungeon...1 hour wasted...because alba can't aim :wallbash: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spl1nt3rC3ll Posted June 11, 2010 Author Share Posted June 11, 2010 By far my most frustrating: A virus ate up my gaming computer. Fortunately, I backed up the save files and mod files on a flash drive. Unfortunately, I backed up the data file, but stupidly left it on the computer instead of on a flash drive ("Oh, if I mess up the Data file the back up will be safe and restore things to normal." Didn't think what would happen if the computer itself failed.). :verymad: Is there any way to restore my game? I know that you're not supposed to install multiple mods at once, but if all the mods worked in the past, would it matter now? The computer's still toast, so there's no hurry. Also, I lost all of the stuff I needed to play games: Xpadder, WinRar, etc. It's going to suck hunting those down and reinstalling them. It took me a couple of hours the first time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vindekarr Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 thats another thing that ahppened to me. I still dont know if it was an error in my particular install, or or simply terrible programming, but I recently attemtped to install OOO and it shuffled my load order around, corrupted my mods and BSAs and forced me to lose my finest level 112 character, it then took a week of spare time just to repair the damage it had done, this was the last time I used one of that line of mod, but I was repeatedly and profanely told by oscuro fans that it was my fault for "installing it wrong" despite it being an .esp error and the readme clearly stating that no extra meshes or textures were needed, and no mention was made of special requirements like obse boss or wryebash, whats more this was with the game patched to the version this needed, and it had no other mods running, I was absolutely furious when this happened, as it took 46 hours to repair the damage and tell all the fanboys where they could put their ideas on my computer skills (Im an IT tech) this isnt technialy and oblivion problem, but a badly made and packaged mod, but it still made me the most furious of any oblivion mishap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyran Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 New one, beats every thing i knew till now: the King of Worms...after some hard fights I made it. I'm archmage! I just have to kill Mannimarcor. *Sets out for an epic quest to destroy evil* 15 minutes later "So this is his lair? In we go!" *10 minutes and some fights later* "Fight me, King of Worms!" *bla bla -> free -> 2 swordslashes -> he's dead*I mean: The last archmage feared him and entrusted his SOUL to me so that I can fight him! He is the god of necromancy. He gathered souls and followers to destroy the magesguild! And then he dies after two hits?! He made me damage not even worth using a healing spell! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DariusMoranda Posted June 12, 2010 Share Posted June 12, 2010 I was really thrilled and excited while doing Umbacano's quest.That quest was maybe the best in game by my opinion. Number of reasons, I will spare you the details. Now first time I got disappointed was entering the last chamber of Malada. I expected to see at least some part of that atrocious, uninspirational piece 'Cleansing Of The Fane', but no, say hello to liches and wraths as usual. Not to mention before that, I had to search all over Cyrodiil for those statues he wanted, fought a pile of cultists and creatures, I really entered that quest with all the hopes up.Didn't want to cheat with the Lindai crwon, I wanted to see the real thing, no joking around. And there it comes, the final moment, the truth of all truths- Raiding Nenalata. Lack of money, dying constantly, short on potions, etc. I killed all the things inside, THEN asked Umbacano and the mercenary breton to join, as Umbacano died several times inside when I tried to get through together with the 2 of them. And there goes the speech, I could smell the ancient glory of the Ayleids while i was listening to it, the stone doors are opening- and I discover an empty room. The Last Ayleid King locked himself there, the battle hardened warrior, a king who ruled Niben once... Without any treasure?No texts about his fate?No last words? The room was locked down for centuries! No one could enter it! Picked clean? What, some looters had a spell to go through the walls? And alright, ok, let's see what happens when old altmer sits at the throne with the crown on. He transforms into an undead madman? 'I just get out from this death trap!' No,no.. It should be like this- 'I must get out of this poor end of an epic story,Bethesda failed!' Have fun :thumbsup: Darius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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