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Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments


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Crashing and low fps: It follows you everywhere and when you are finally getting really comfortable without it, it comes to hunt you again.


For example now: By installing the new catalyst drivers, my fps got halfed.

Thanks steam!


Also the LOD things go black and the HDR is to bright. Sometimes i wish things would be more simple.

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For me, one of the most annoying things is that you can't turn around fast when on a horse. If you want to go the opposite direction, you have to wait about 5 seconds just to do it. I never use horses, even though there are mods that change the speed of the turning.


Another, with CM Companions, the fact that I have to look behind my shoulder every 10 seconds to see if they are still following me.

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Oh boy, I could go on for days about the little annoyances I experience.



1. In Sardavar Leed, that huge Alyeid ruin, there's that one conjurer up on that ledge over the first landing after the initial flight of steps. I hate trying to kill that one. The only thing I ever see is the creature he/she summons and every time I manage to score a hit with my bow, he/she runs off behind one of the partitions to heal. I never worry about my acrobatics skill, so I can never jump up there and there are no levitation potions or spells like there are in Morrowind. All in all, that little instance is a general pain in the rear since I can't rest or fix my equipment while inside the ruin due to that one conjurer with super x-ray vision on that ledge.


2. I hate getting caught by a skeleton champion in a narrow hallway. More often than not, the lesser skeleton it summons appears in front of it so I can't hit it. It usually ends with me either continuously killing the stream of skeletons it summons or backtracking through most of the dungeon into one of the rooms so I can maneuver around the summoned one. The former has resulted in high arrow costs for me.


3. I share one of the irks about conjurers mentioned in an earlier post in this thread. Them summoning various Daedric beings and then running away while shouting insults every couple seconds is annoying as heck.


4. I absolutely despise the Fighter's Guild quest where you have to take Viranus Donton to Nonwyll Cavern to find Galtus Previa. I can be a warrior when needed, but I'm primarily a stealth character. Viranus, on the other hand, is a die-hard subscriber to the School of Rushing Headlong into Battle with No Strategy or Regard for Personal Safety Whatsoever. His gung-ho charges of course pull me out of stealth mode since now every troll that's detected him (usually a million at a time) has automatically been made aware of me. I hate this quest!


5. It irks me when I can't rest because there are deer near me. They are considered enemies, but they pose no threat to me. I usually just kill them and take the venison or move far enough away so I can rest.


6. Having the nocking animation for the bows glitch and put the arrow in a weird position and having it fly off to the sides when I'm being chased by some unholy demon from the deepest trenches of Oblivion is a major gripe.


7. I hate it when I go through a whole bandit dungeon, not get seen once by any of the bandits or the dogs, and yet get spotted by every single rat and mudcrab I run across.


8. It's a tad annoying when an end-of-quest boss shows up for the final fight along with a couple other cronies of whom no mention is made at any time during the quest.


9. I hate it when a goblin shaman charges me while I'm trying to kill one of those extremely tough goblin warlords. Before I know it, I've got three enemies including the shaman's summoned zombie attacking me.

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I only recently started playing Oblivion again after a period of doing other stuff. Back during my first run, my computer had this tendency to go into sleep mode completely randomly for no apparent reason. And I mean, literally, utterly randomly. It was like some Schrödinger's Cat kind of setup where you could never know if it was going to happen or not. And of course, whenever it happened while I was gaming, it usually caused Oblivion to crash. In time I learned to save very frequently, but it was still annoying whenever it happened.


Since then, the sleep mode problem has gone away, Now the most frustrating part is the crazy lagging. See, there is something wrong with my computer that makes everything involving graphics in any way cause the computer to lag. I think my graphics card is damaged or something, It's just bad enough to make playing Oblivion annoying but still not bad enough to make it unenjoyable. I kinda miss the time when the battles did not give me a headache, though.


Actually, I don't think I've ever played Oblivion on a computer that wasn't messed up somehow. o_O

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The fact that so many dungeon mods out there don't use descent path grids so that enemy NPCs as well as Companions constantly walk into walls and ignore the doors or tunnels RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. Argh >.<


Surprise! - NPCs and monsters. Usually I don't take screenshots of scenery or wildlife, but that one time I wanted to take a screenshot of a nice sunset over a forest. I toggle tfc, find the perfect spot, get ready to take a screenshot - and a deer with half a dozen arrows sticking out of it's butt runs past me, of corse followed by one of the NPC huntsmen - who had a raging minotaur on his heels. All that was missing was the hostile unicorn.

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Selling gear in the game is such a pita. Yes, I want to sell pos item #2767. No, I don't want to have to click on 100 pop ups to clear my inventory. Very annoying.



Signed .

No multiple inventory-items selection on PC ... Very annoying .


*) Companions are annoying (for the same reasons as mentionned by others .

*) Glarthir in Skingrad is a pain in tha butt too



And one thing I hate : That a single NPC can have up to 4 different voices , depending on the dialog , for ex. beggars .

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Hmm, walking into a town and having everyone tell me how skilled I am. "You have the hands of an Illusionist." "You look skilled in Alteration." Look, tell me how you came to these conclusions. I wear gloves/gauntlets 98% of the time, and I've yet to discern any signs pointing towards someone being skilled in Alteration. I understand I've got the down solid. You don't need to tell me about it. If there was a mod to make it all stop I'd be downloading it instantly.


Oh, and bugs where random doors lock for no reason whatsoever. I don't think I've been able to walk into the Mystic Emporium without breaking in. Sinderion also barricaded himself in his basement one time, however that was on the console version I've got so dunno if that counts. Just hope he starved down there. Never got to turn in my last batch of demon Nirnroots...

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