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Those changes to the compatibility scripts shaved off 1 whole minute. Thanks again.


I've run into another snag, what if the script has 4 workbenches like the Hearthfires and Dragonborn one does?

I would just add another ElseIf statement to the Dawnguard example.

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Those changes to the compatibility scripts shaved off 1 whole minute. Thanks again.


I've run into another snag, what if the script has 4 workbenches like the Hearthfires and Dragonborn one does?



I would just add another ElseIf statement to the Dawnguard example.


Thank you, I still need to test that.

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I just tested the new State Options MCM it seems to be working minus a few minor bugs. I also tested the item swapping scripts, those have major bugs things are showing up where they shouldn't (seems to be the Hearthfires and Dragonborn Scripts). Any ideas? To me it seems the workbench swap isn't working right, it's possible I missed something. Below is my codes for both scripts.

Hearthfires Script:

Scriptname LCCA_HF_CompatibilityScript extends Quest

FormList Property LCCA_HearthfiresRecipes Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstHearthfires Auto
Keyword Property BYOHCraftingOven Auto
Keyword Property CraftingCookpot Auto
Keyword Property CraftingSmelter Auto
Keyword Property CraftingSmithingForge Auto
Keyword Property WBPHCookPot_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHCraftingOven_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHForge_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHSmelter_LCCA Auto

LCCA_DB_CompatibilityScript Property LCCA_MCMMenuQuest Auto

Formlist Property LCCA_HearthfiresItemsOld Auto
;assign in CK in following order
;FoodBeefCooked - index 0
;FoodChickenCooked - index 1
;FoodGoatMeatCooked - index 2
;RestoreHealth02 - index 3
;FoodHorkerMeatCooked - index 4
;deathBell - index 5
;RestoreHealth03 - index 6
;FoodMead - index 7
;FoodPheasantCooked - index 8
;VoidSalts - index 9
;FoodRabbitCooked - index 10
;RestoreHealth04 - index 11
;Taproot - index 12
;FoodSlaughterfishCooked - index 13
;FoodVenisonCooked - index 14
;FoodCarrot - index 15
;FoodRabbit - index 16
;Snowberry - index 17
;Wheat - index 18
;Lavender - index 19
;GemAmethyst - index 20
;GemDiamond - index 21
;GemEmerald - index 22
;GemGarnet - index 23
;GemRuby - index 24
;GemSapphire - index 25
;ClothesIron - index 26
;Lute - index 27
;Kettle01 - index 28
;Lantern01 - index 29

FormList Property LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew Auto
;empty list in CK - assign via script - see below

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AddToList(FormList TheList, Form TheItem)
If !(TheList.HasForm(TheItem))

Function HF_SwitchItems()
If LCCA_InstHearthfires.getValue() == 1
; Forms are now exclusively controlled by this script and have been disabled in the Compatibility Script.
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03005A68, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Straw ;index 29 - replaces Lantern01
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300300E, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Sawn Log ;index 28 - replaces Kettle01
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300306C, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Quarried Stone ;index 27 - replaces Lute
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300300F, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Nails ;index 26 - replaces ClothesIron
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003012, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Lock ;index 25 - replaces GemSapphire
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003035, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Iron Fittings ;index 24 - replaces GemRuby
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003011, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Hinge ;index 23 - replaces GemGarnet
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300303F, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Goat Horns ;index 22 - replaces GemEmerald
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03005A69, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Glass ;index 21 - replaces GemDiamond
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003043, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Clay ;index 20 - replaces GemAmethyst
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003545, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Salmon Roe ;index 19 - replaces Lavender
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300F1CC, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Hawk Egg ;index 18 - replaces Wheat
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003536, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Surilie Brothers Wine ;index 17 - replaces Snowberry
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353F, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Steamed Mudcrab Legs ;index 16 - replaces FoodRabbit
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353B, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Snowberry Crostata ;index 15 - replaces FoodCarrot
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353D, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Potato Soup ;index 14 - replaces FoodVenisonCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003537, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Potato Bread ;index 13 - replaces FoodSlaughterfishCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003540, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Mudcrab Meat ;index 12 - replaces Taproot
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003534, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Milk ;index 11 - replaces RestoreHealth04
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03011801, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Lavender Dumplings ;index 10 - replaces FoodRabbitCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003539, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Juniperberry Crostata ;index 9 - replaces VoidSalts
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353A, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Jazbay Crostata ;index 8 - replaces FoodPheasantCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x030009DC, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Garlic Bread ;index 7 - replaces FoodMead
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003538, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Flour ;index 6 - replaces RestoreHealth03
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353E, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Clam Chowder ;index 5 - replaces deathBell
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x030117FF, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Chicken Dumplings ;index 4 - replaces FoodHorkerMeatCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0300353C, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Butter ;index 3 - replaces RestoreHealth02
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x030009DB, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Braided Bread ;index 2 - replaces FoodGoatMeatCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003535, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Argonian Bloodwine ;index 1 - replaces FoodChickenCooked
AddToList(LCCA_HearthfiresItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x03003533, "Hearthfires.esm")) ; Apple Dumplings ;index 0 - replaces FoodBeefCooked
;NOTE - AddForm adds items at index 0 changing the index of each previous entry by one.
;Thus we add the replacement items in reverse order so that index entries match between the old list and the new list

Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the DLC Hearthfires.")

Function SwitchItems(FormList RecipeList, FormList OldList, FormList NewList)
Int Size = RecipeList.GetSize()
While Size >= 0
Size -= 1
ConstructibleObject CurrentRecipe = RecipeList.GetAt(Size) as ConstructibleObject
Int OSize = OldList.GetSize()
While OSize >= 0
OSize -= 1
If CurrentRecipe.GetResult() == OldList.GetAt(OSize)
OSize = -1 ;got what we need, did what we need stop loop
;with only three workbenches to deal with, we skip the formlist build and compare direcly
If CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHCookPot_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHForge_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHSmelter_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHCraftingOven_LCCA

Dragonborn Script:

Scriptname LCCA_DB_CompatibilityScript extends Quest

FormList Property LCCA_DragonbornRecipes Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstDragonborn Auto
Keyword Property CraftingCookpot Auto
Keyword Property CraftingSmelter Auto
Keyword Property CraftingSmithingForge Auto
Keyword Property CraftingTanningRack Auto
Keyword Property WBPHCookPot_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHForge_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHSmelter_LCCA Auto
Keyword Property WBPHTanningRack_LCCA Auto

LCCA_DB_CompatibilityScript Property LCCA_MCMMenuQuest Auto

Formlist Property LCCA_DragonbornItemsOld Auto
;assign in CK in following order
;FoodHoney - index 0
;Ale - index 1
;FoodTomato - index 2
;FoodBeef - index 3
;FoodVenison - index 4
;FoodLeek - index 5
;FoodDogMeat - index 6
;FoodChicken - index 7
;FoodGourd - index 8
;Mushroom01 - index 9
;Mushroom02 - index 10
;Mushroom03 - index 11
;Mushroom04 - index 12
;Mushroom05 - index 13
;Mushroom06 - index 14
;Garlic - index 15
;SaltPile - index 16
;BirdEgg01 - index 17
;BirdEgg02 - index 18
;BirdEgg03 - index 19
;LeatherStrips - index 20
;WolfPelt - index 21
;Charcoal - index 22

FormList Property LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew Auto
;empty list in CK - assign via script - see below

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AddToList(FormList TheList, Form TheItem)
If !(TheList.HasForm(TheItem))

Function DB_SwitchItems()
If LCCA_InstDragonborn.getValue() == 1

AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0402B06B, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Stalhrim Ore ;index 22 - replaces Charcoal
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0402B04E, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Chitin Plate ;index 21 - replaces WolfPelt
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD7C, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Netch Leather ;index 20 - replaces LeatherStrips
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x04017008, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Trama Root ;index 19 - replaces BirdEgg03
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD6D, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Spawn Ash ;index 18 - replaces BirdEgg02
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x04017E97, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Scathecraw ;index 17 - replaces BirdEgg01
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD72, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Netch Jelly ;index 16 - replaces SaltPile
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0403CD8E, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Felsaad Tern Feathers ;index 15 - replaces Garlic
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401FF75, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Emperor Parasol Moss ;index 14 - replaces Mushroom06
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD6E, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Burnt Spriggan Wood ;index 13 - replaces Mushroom05
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD6F, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Boar Tusk ;index 12 - replaces Mushroom04
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x04016E26, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Ashen Grass Pod ;index 11 - replaces Mushroom03
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD71, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Ash Hopper Jelly ;index 10 - replaces Mushroom02
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0401CD74, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Ash Creep Cluster ;index 9 - replaces Mushroom01
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x040207E6, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Sujamma ;index 8 - replaces FoodGourd
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x040248CC, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Shein ;index 7 - replaces FoodChicken
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x040248CE, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Matze ;index 6 - replaces FoodDogMeat
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0403CD5B, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Horker Ash Yam Stew ;index 5 - replaces FoodLeek
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x040207E5, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Flin ;index 4 - replaces FoodVenison
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0403CF72, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Cooked Boar Meat ;index 3 - replaces FoodBeef
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0403BD14, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Boar Meat ;index 2 - replaces FoodTomato
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0403572F, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Ashfire Mead ;index 1 - replaces Ale
AddToList(LCCA_DragonbornItemsNew, Game.GetFormFromFile(0x040206E7, "Dragonborn.esm")) ; Ash Yam ;index 0 - replaces FoodHoney
;NOTE - AddForm adds items at index 0 changing the index of each previous entry by one.
;Thus we add the replacement items in reverse order so that index entries match between the old list and the new list

Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the DLC Dragonborn.")

Function SwitchItems(FormList RecipeList, FormList OldList, FormList NewList)
Int Size = RecipeList.GetSize()
While Size >= 0
Size -= 1
ConstructibleObject CurrentRecipe = RecipeList.GetAt(Size) as ConstructibleObject
Int OSize = OldList.GetSize()
While OSize >= 0
OSize -= 1
If CurrentRecipe.GetResult() == OldList.GetAt(OSize)
OSize = -1 ;got what we need, did what we need stop loop
;with only three workbenches to deal with, we skip the formlist build and compare direcly
If CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHCookPot_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHForge_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHSmelter_LCCA
ElseIf CurrentRecipe.GetWorkbenchKeyword() == WBPHTanningRack_LCCA

Edited by LadyCrystyna
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I don't see a code reason for those scripts to be having issues. Could be a timing issue perhaps. It is possible that the items are being added to the list in a different order than intended. Take a good look at what is replacing what and see if you can figure out a specific pattern. If there is no noticeable pattern, then it very well could be a timing issue. Also, check to make sure that you do indeed have the formlists filed out in the order listed on the script. Also make sure to test on a fresh game. Some things don't like to update properly mid-game.


I'll be honest, most of my formlist work via script has been with items that did not need to be in a specific order. Anything that needed to be in a specific order, I did that directly in the CK.


As far as the workbenches, no idea. Its looking for one thing and replacing with another. If that isn't working correctly, maybe the recipes do not have the same data or the properties are not filled. No idea.

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How do I post a thread on the forums in the skyrim mod section (Make my own post like you can on bethesda.net)

Pick a sub-forum of Skyrim Modding such as Skyrim Mod Talk and press the Start New Topic button at the top right (immediately above the list of threads).

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I've another question, this one is about using text options in states. Is it possible to set text option value (where the text is on the right) but set the value on the left without it being underneath the text?

I'm actually confused... maybe a screenshot to demonstrate what you are wanting?

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As requested, the image explaining the issue.


I also can't get the player alias to work on a load of a saved game. Am I doing something wrong with this script and it's startup script?



Startup Script:




Scriptname LCCA_StartupScript extends Quest
; LC's Crafting Addons depends on this script, please do not delete or alter this script. You may use elements of this script to build your mod.
bool property DLC1Loaded Auto Hidden ;Dawnguard
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstDawnguard Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_DawnguardCompatibility Auto
bool property DLC2Loaded Auto Hidden ;Hearthfires
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstHearthfires Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_HearthfiresCompatibility Auto
bool property DLC3Loaded Auto Hidden ;Dragonborn
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstDragonborn Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_DragonbornCompatibility Auto
bool property MOD01Loaded Auto Hidden ;Clothing & Clutter Fixes Vanilla & Legendary
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_InstCCF Auto
GlobalVariable Property LCCA_CCFCompatibility Auto
Int ModPosition = 255
LCCA_CompatibilityScript Property DG_Enable Auto
LCCA_CompatibilityScript Property HF_Enable Auto
LCCA_CompatibilityScript Property DB_Enable Auto
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Event OnInit()
Event OnUpdate()
Debug.Notification("You have loaded LC's Crafting Addons for the first time, performing maintence via scripts.")
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafting Addons maintenance is now complete. The Mod is now ready for use. Going to Active state inside the mod.")
State Active
Event OnUpdate()
; Do nothing
Function RunModCheck()
; DG_Enable.DG_Compatibility()
Function DawnguardCheck()
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm")
If ModPosition != 255
If !DLC1Loaded
DLC1Loaded = true
DLC1Loaded = false
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the DLC Dawnguard.")
Function HearthFiresCheck()
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("HearthFires.esm")
If ModPosition != 255
If !DLC2Loaded
DLC2Loaded = true
DLC2Loaded = false
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the DLC HearthFires.")
Function DragonbornCheck()
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm")
If ModPosition != 255
If !DLC3Loaded
DLC3Loaded = true
DLC3Loaded = false
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the DLC Dragonborn.")
Function ClothingClutterCheck()
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp")
If ModPosition != 255
If !MOD01Loaded
MOD01Loaded = true
MOD01Loaded = false
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafing Addons didn't detect the mod Clothing & Clutter Fixes.")

Player Alias Script:


Scriptname LCCA_PlayerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias 
; LC's Crafting Addons depends on this script, please do not delete or alter this script. You may use elements of this script to build your mod.
LCCA_StartupScript Property LCCA_MCMMenuQuest Auto
; Save Game Load Initialization ---------------------------------------------------------
Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
Debug.Notification("You have loaded a saved game, LC's Crafting Addons is performing maintenance via scripts.")
Debug.Notification("LC's Crafting Addons maintenance is now complete. The mod is now ready for use.")





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