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Hello, I'm trying to get my follower to swap with an NPC after combat stops. My follower is a werewolf, and I figured out how to swap the human npc with a werewolf npc when she goes into bleedout state, and that worked great, but now I'm trying to make a script for the werewolf NPC so that when combat ends, it goes back into its separate cell and places the human NPC back in it's spot. Anyone out there who has an idea?



I always use the MoveTo command to swap out stuff.


set up an object reference xmarker heading where you want to send the werewolf, and another where you want to import the npc


after beating the werewolf in combat, have it crawl away into a dark corner, then swap them out.

so you would have say werewolf.MoveTo(objectMarker) this will be in the cell he came from.



by the time you go to the corner, the npc is back and you can still fix it up so they appear wounded.

Just an idea


ps.the dark corner is so they dont swap out right in front of you, but thats cool, i would place some mist on the ground

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Alright thanks Rigmor! I'll have to try that out when I get home today. One more thing; do you know if editing navmesh is the same for custom cells I build? There is no "original navmesh" right so I don't have to be as careful there?


No that absolutely fine, it will generate a new form, you only need to clean up any edited original navmesh when the CK "complains" you got "undeleted navmesh that cannot be undeleted." when you start the CK



That makes sense, thanks!

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Okay, deleted the portals but that did nothing, so I just redid the roommarkers today.


Quick questions:


1) Is it okay if room markers slightly overlap? If not, why?


2) I was kind of confused when watching the tutorials, but do you need to put portals at specifically doorways or literally for every room marker? What if the room marker covers a portion of an wide open-no-doors area, making the room marker huge. Do I make the portal as tall as the room marker as well?

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Hello, I'm trying to get my follower to swap with an NPC after combat stops. My follower is a werewolf, and I figured out how to swap the human npc with a werewolf npc when she goes into bleedout state, and that worked great, but now I'm trying to make a script for the werewolf NPC so that when combat ends, it goes back into its separate cell and places the human NPC back in it's spot. Anyone out there who has an idea?



I always use the MoveTo command to swap out stuff.


set up an object reference xmarker heading where you want to send the werewolf, and another where you want to import the npc


after beating the werewolf in combat, have it crawl away into a dark corner, then swap them out.

so you would have say werewolf.MoveTo(objectMarker) this will be in the cell he came from.



by the time you go to the corner, the npc is back and you can still fix it up so they appear wounded.

Just an idea


ps.the dark corner is so they dont swap out right in front of you, but thats cool, i would place some mist on the ground


Hi Rigmor! Thank you for your advice :smile: That's just the thing, I did most of that. I have 2 seperate NPCs, one werewolf and one human, and 2 Xmarkers, one for each npc. I have 2 scripts, one attached to each NPC. I've got it so that on bleedoutevent the human npc equips the player werewolftransformFX and swaps her out with the werewolf npc and that works no problem, it's getting the werewolf NPC to swap back with the human after combat that I'm having issues with :pinch:. The script I have compiles, and when I hire her and get the human into a bleedoutstate, whether it's from my character attacking her or from enemies, she transforms properly but after combat ends, the werewolf wont swap back, lol, it just follows me around everywhere. If anyone can help me with this, I'd be eternally grateful, this is really all I need to figure out to start on her quests and dialog, she's already on her own framework and everything.


This is the script on the werewolf that I have so far.


Scriptname AAAAAScript

EventOnCombatStateChanged (Actor akTarger, int aeCombatState)

if aeCombatstate==1



Actor me - Self as Actor

WerewolfChangeFX.Cast (me, me)







ObjectReference Property AAAylethTeleport Auto

ObjectReference Property AAAylethWerewolfTeleport Auto

Actor property AAAyleth Auto

Actor Property AAAAA Auto

Armor Property WolfSkinFXArmor Auto

SPELL Property WerewolfChangeFX Auto



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Okay, deleted the portals but that did nothing, so I just redid the roommarkers today.


Quick questions:


1) Is it okay if room markers slightly overlap? If not, why?


2) I was kind of confused when watching the tutorials, but do you need to put portals at specifically doorways or literally for every room marker? What if the room marker covers a portion of an wide open-no-doors area, making the room marker huge. Do I make the portal as tall as the room marker as well?

Room markers or bounds should not overlap as this could cause rendering issues in game. Gaps between them can also cause issues unless the gap is hidden by an actual door. As the player passes through the gap they might see a quick flash of emptiness depending on how large the gap is and where it is placed.


The way I do it is turn on snap to grid and then ctrl select wall pieces on four sides of the room then click create room marker. After adjusting the marker to fit the room then I duplicate it and move it to the next area and adjust. That way the planes line up perfectly.


Portals should be placed in doorways and only need to be as large as the doorway top to bottom and side to side. If the area is wide open, between rooms, just extend the room marker to cover both rooms.


But be aware that long sight distances can also cause performance and rendering issues.


Hope this answers your questions.

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@Aragorn Thanks.


Also figured out what was glitching the cell. Most of the room markers don't have portals and therefore don't load properly. I'm not sure as why they didn't copy over though.



Been also hitting a navmesh problem, that I'm wondering if anyone has encountered.




Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/sDUmp1h.jpg


The vertices literally cannot move any further, and if I try to make a triangle, it automatically cancels.


I'm navmeshing a small exterior world where it has two ships.


Is this a cell border problem? If so, anyway to merge the navmeshes of both cells to fix it?

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Whenever I wait in-game I also open the console and type "TFC", when waiting is over I type "TFC" again, doing this trick makes time go by so much faster.

Is there any way this can be done automatically through a script or something? (basically so that I never have to open the console again and waiting always goes along with an automatic TFC command.)


Imo that would make a handy little mod which would be essential for me!

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Hey guys, i've been a long time elders scroll player. but this is my first time modding. i've got all the like immersion Armour and weapons and 2k textures. but i'm having trouble finding some like fun mods. like random weird stuff. lightsabers, choo choo trains etc. so if anyone has any good links i'd greatly appreciate it xD ! ty

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Hey guys, i've been a long time elders scroll player. but this is my first time modding. i've got all the like immersion Armour and weapons and 2k textures. but i'm having trouble finding some like fun mods. like random weird stuff. lightsabers, choo choo trains etc. so if anyone has any good links i'd greatly appreciate it xD ! ty


Check out some MXR vids he reviews all kinds of mods, all kinds!

You'll find links to the mods in the description



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