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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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To Floatsup, If you want an interesting robotic voice, when not use a Guilt Spark effect?


I'm using the spoiler thing to save space, and the site I found this on is about to disappear so I'm saving the tutorial as well.




The first part is a tutorial using Song Vegas 6.0



These steps proceed only after you have placed a sound clip on an audio track:


  • 1. Right-click the sound clip on the audio track.
  • 2. Select Apply Non-Real-Time Event FX...
  • 3. Select the "All" plug-ins folder.
  • 4. Click once on the Flange/Wah-Wah plugin to select it.
  • 5. Click the Add button to add the effect to your plug-ins chain.
  • 6. Click once on the Chorus plugin to select it.
  • 7. Click the Add button to add the effect to your plug-ins chain.


(You may also double-click a plugin to add it to the plug-ins chain)


8. Click the OK button to enter the effect's settings window.


(Use the plug-in chain near the top of the window to switch between each effect's settings)

9. Apply these settings for the Flang/Wah-Wah plugin:

Effect: Flange

  • Dry out: 0.0 dB
  • Wet out: 2.0 dB
  • Rate: 0.1 Hz
  • Depth: 70%


9. Apply these settings for the Chorus plugin:

  • Input gain: -6.7 dB
  • Dry out: -29.9 dB
  • Chorus out: 0.0 dB
  • Chorus size: 3
  • Modulation rate: 0.001 Hz
  • Modulation depth: 50%
  • Feedback: 20%
  • Chorus out delay: 10.0 ms


10. Click the OK button to finalize the settings.

11. It will prompt you to save the new sound file, so name it and save it wherever you want.

12. The old sound clip will be automatically replaced with the new sound clip on the audio track.


I've added another effect (Chorus) to add on to the flange effect to sound even more like a monitor. And I've also changed the flange effect settings a little bit.



You could also use the Pitch Shift plug-in to raise the pitch of your voice if needed.

Trying to mimic Guilty Spark's voice while recording helps too.


And here is a version of the effect using Audacity, however they say the Song Vegas one sounds better.


Effect: Delay

Decay amount: 10

Delay time: 0.009

Number of echoes: 30


Then click effect > Repeat Delay

about 3 or 4 times.


". This is the closest I have found in Audacity. "



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Thank you simplywayne90 for this resource thread. And thank you for commenting on my New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino mod. I'm currently in need of a female actor for one of my characters. If anyone knows of one please let me know.


Also, I have quality equipment and can do some work for someone if you want me to. I did the male voices in my mod so if you played it with the voiced version you already know what I sound like. If not, here's a link to some samples. http://ypdesign.com/bison/voice_files.htm


Being a southern boy from North Carolina I have a natural drawl, but not nearly as pronounced as what I did in the samples.




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I can do standard dialog and narration. I do not do characters, accents or impersonations. I have uploaded a demo reel here:



I added a readme file for contact info but it hasn't appeared so I am going to have to reupload the zip file. Meantime I can be contacted by PM here or on the Beth Forums as: Edouard


I feel it is important to support the community and if I have what works for you I will be happy to make the time available.

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I would like to offer my voice services for mods. I can do a fairly wide range of voices. I'm gonna put a few links up to some stuff I did recently, and if you want to use my voice for something, just send me a pm with the particulars, and I'll see what I can do.


Link #1


Link #2

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I'm available to do voice work, I've had some past experience (I did the voice for Pvt. Ruiz in the Mothership Zeta Crew mod for FO3 and for anyone who's played Homeworld 2 I did the voice for the Defiance in PDS 1.5x). I can range from smartass to serious and whiny/annoying to semi-deep, and a friend of mine offered to let me use his band's recording studio so it'll come out clean. I do sarcastic or angry very well.


One thing though, since I'd be using his recording studio it may take a while to finish if there's a lot of lines so I may not be the best choice if you need something done very quickly.


Best way to contact is a PM here on nexus, as I generally check the new FO3/NV mods at least once a day.

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Run the Lucky 38 needs voice actors. We're looking for simple dialogue for waiters and waitresses.

Here are the lines we need:

"What can I get you? ", "Can I get you anything?"

"I'll be right back with your drinks"


And some of the typical things waiters and waitresses would say. I need about 3 different male voices and 3 different female voices (they just need to sound different).


Please PM me if you're interested.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if you need my voice let me know in an PM

i'm English and i'm 19, i can do many voices and i have done 6 or 5 plays, doing some abridged animes (gundam seed, dragonball, fullmetal) and video game voices Solid Snake, Gray Fox, major zero, Revolver Ocelot, Psycho Mantis, Marcus Fenix, adoring fan(oblivion) and many more ha


here are links to abridged auditions i did in the past






and take alook at my youtube for more (youtube is dehumanizer3000)


want to ask anything well i do have a skype, so PM if you would like to add me

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