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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24562194. #24562354, #24562709, #24563084, #24563309, #24563459, #24563644, #24563674, #24563819, #24563864, #24563879, #24564044, #24564379, #24564994, #24565419, #24565464, #24565479 are all replies on the same post.

trainwiz wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: Like.
NoDebate wrote: Thank you trainwiz. You my n'wah.
raupao wrote: You give me hope.
enrikiller wrote: But goy, don't you know there's mad shekels to be made?
yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote: As will mine.
EWM333 wrote: Much appreciated
peppefarina wrote: THANKS trainwiz... sadly i think there surely will be some good/big modders that won't be as enlightened as you are... and they will be lured in this marketing campain that's taking place "on the other side" pretty fast pretty badly...
Bellasimo wrote: good boy :) Thanks
forellenfischer wrote: awesome!
lordburnch wrote: Never thought I would see the day were Dark0ne agreed with Trainwiz. Good sport Trainwiz.
Madrias wrote: Have a Kudos point from me, Trainwiz. You've made some awesome stuff, and I'm glad it is staying free.
Celltrex wrote: The coolest modder has spoken!
Orgaya wrote: Thank you.
TSotP wrote: i really like what you said Trainwiz, but what's to stop someone from downloading your free mod and re-uploading it to steam behind a paywall? Do you really think Valve and Beth are going to step in to protect your work (which can't exist without their work)? Especially considering the huge cut they will be getting from the stolen mod.

This whole idea of paid mods reeks of greed on the part of Valve/Beth.

And i don't really blame any mod author who want's to get paid for all their work either.

Imagine you are the SkyUI team, sitting there with your free mod that has literally millions of downloads. But some guy who opened up nifskope and rehashed some vanilla armors into something 'new' is charging $4 for his mod. If you were SkyUI, wouldn't you be a little annoyed that you are NOT making money?
Voodoo McGee wrote: The credo of a true modder, for love not glory.

+1 Kudo for you!
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Paygated mods are both a questionably gray legal line and an even more questionable moral line. Any modder using the steam workshop for paid mods is someone I don't want to be around. I'm not against supporting modders, in fact I think Nexus needs a Donate button for modders to receive donations for their hard work, but thats not paygating, that's being supported for hardwork by the community, the backbone of modding. This paygating has literally ripped the backbone out of the community and replaced it with some strange technologies. (FNV reference). I only fear for Fallout 4.
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This should be a very interesting ride. As a modder who has spent over 5000 hours on my opus of a mod :P I would love to be able to see a little financial reward for my effort. Having set pricing and required payment however is a really blurry area in my opinion simply because a large number of mods (mine certainly included), utilize a lot of 3rd party content, resources, collaborations and outright merged contributions of entire other mods, so to charge a set fee is difficult because all those people certainly deserve a piece. I feel like the better solution is to allow donation to be much more prominent by having suggested donation notices or at very least just a more obvious reminder that it's an option for users.


I am a little bothered by activism against paid mods because frankly I think the majority of those against it have not produced one bit of content for the public on their own. It makes the petitioners look like a bunch of people just wanting stuff for free. This is of course a gut reaction of mine, I haven't done any research into who started the current petition, so I could be wrong, but my initial impression is not a good one.


I do feel like there are some of us in the modding community who have put forth huge effort to build something solid and complete and substantial and it is well worth the price of admission for those who choose to pay for it, but there are a much larger percentage of hobby modders who just do it occasionally in their spare time (which is cool as well), but who often times tend to drop the ball of fleshing out their project, and that's part of the real risk in charging for mods to begin with because there really is no quality control and I think that's where this could blow up in Bethesda/Valve's faces. They will get a wave of modders who either put forth halfhearted effort or put out sub part products in an effort to try and make a buck and people will be very upset to spend money on something that doesn't work right. Anyhoo, just my opinion piece on this new development :) should be interesting to see what happens

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What I can say is: I dont make mods/tool for money.


However I remember I was asked by a user to put a donation button because he wanted to give me something for one of my project, so I made that button, and I got a total of 2 donations in 2 or 3 years.

Since, as I said, i didnt made stuff for money, I dont care much, but that made me understand how much a lot of people actually dont think *at all* about the amount of work that can be put in a mod or tool.

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I'm very torn. Being the author of a VERY large mod (SMIM), I believe in the open modding community. Then again, I have a real life...and expenses...and obligations. I've had to stop modding lately because my real life needs attention. So if I can charge a small fee on Steam and make a few dollars regularly, I could come back to SMIM and update it more. The system will surely be abused by $5 retextures and other garbage. But for someone like me, who has spent literally hundreds of hours on SMIM, a nearly universally appreciated mod, is charging about $2 greedy? Thanks for listening...I'm still processing it all.
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In response to post #24565434. #24565459 is also a reply to the same post.

SolidusEkans wrote:
Blademaster1215 wrote: Yes. And you'll need to be connected to GFWL or else the mod will delete all your saves.

Blademaster1215, the next true prophet of our generation. Edited by setupexec
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