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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24569119. #24569589 is also a reply to the same post.

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Yet isoku is getting shafted by Valve and Bethesda and seemingly doesn't realize it, he only gets 25% of what's spent. I'd bet he makes more off donations through Nexus than he could ever by locking it behind the workshop paywall.
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In response to post #24568089. #24568194, #24568259, #24568389, #24568499, #24568534, #24568589, #24568629, #24568659, #24568809, #24568894, #24569004, #24569054, #24569089, #24569569 are all replies on the same post.

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Yeah I'm seeing that because he released the new version over there that's updated and left us the older version here without the fixes, changes, etc. I'm too old to participate in that kind of childish crap....but I am disappointed that this is all happening.
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In response to post #24569124. #24569209 is also a reply to the same post.

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You dont have your money back, It goes steam vallet.. So the money goes to valve anyway, spend it or not..
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This actually may bring more people to the Nexus community. Think about it. Person sees a mod they want on SW. They don't want to pay because they don't want to risk getting something that can break their game (and lets be honest here. Any combo of mods could potentially break anyone's game). They look on the Nexus, and see the same mod. And then they think "Screw the workshop. I'm not paying to get my game smashed," and come here. And we have more modders that may decide to donate to Mod authors after they try and like said mods. I'd rather pay for a mod via donations after finding out I like it as opposed to pay up front at the risk it will break my game. I can name a couple mod authors (AthenaX and Apollodown come to mind. Seriously, look up their crap. It's amazeables) that I enjoy multiple mods from them, thus increasing my desire to tell them to "shut up and take my money", if I had money I could spare to throw at them. On the upshot, I have a job now, so I could easily get it done as soon as I get my life sorted and I start collecting paychecks. I will donate worthy mod authors that have earned my money by creating mods I enjoy. I will never pay for a mod up front, only to find out that it would break my game. Sorry, those of you who plan on charging for an Alduin retexture. I just don't find a paint job worth fifty cents. Make enough good paint jobs in different areas, and I will toss a few dollars at you. And the best part is, while I am sending you three dollars for ten mods, that's still more money you would see if you somehow managed to to charge me 50 cents for each mod in ten mods, thanks to Bethesdaand Valve wanting 75% of your money. Basically, all I am doing here is cutting out the middle man.
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just a little joke for all skyrim fans


We drink to our youth, for the days come and gone.

For the age of modding is just about done.

We'll drive out the paid mods and restore what we own.

With our blood and our steel we'll take back our free mods.


Down with paid mods! The killer of Modding!

On the day of modding's death we will drink and we'll riot.

We're the supporters of Moodding, and we fight all our mods.

And when modding is done, every one of us dies!

But paid mods is not ours and we'll see it wiped clean.

Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams!


Down with paid mods! The killer of modding!

On the day of modding's death we will drink and we'll riot.

We're the supporters of Moodding, and we fight all our mods.

And when modding is done, every one of us dies!


We drink to our youth, to the days come and gone.

For the age of modding is just about done.

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This news makes me extremely worried about modding, gaming in general, and of course our cherished Nexus. You guys should probably look into talking with several network security specialists, lawyers, pre-emptively since this kind of encroaching, greedy behavior is going to want to remove all competition.


That 75% rate for Beth and Valve is insane! Surely they could've flipped this around?! How the heck do they think they can get the popular backing of people when, in all reality, when you pay for mods, you are paying Beth, a company that brought us a broken, unfinished game (despite efforts at patching) and Valve, who really has no need for even more money, let alone such a large portion for content they clearly are able to offer for free until now.


This appeal to greed is insane. I can hardly believe we went past this red line. I am losing consumer confidence in Valve and Bethesda and I already feel a lot less inclined in investing money, support and time in companies that so blatantly try to leech and in effect ruining such an amazing concept of free modding.


Don't feed these leeches, who do not deserve even more of your money for products and services you already paid for.

If you like an author's work, donate to them with kind words of support and a dollar or so. You may want to also back the Nexus itself, I can already see the legal fees coming into view in our dystopian future of 'Valve or Nothing'.

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