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The last movie you watched thread


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  • 1 month later...

Boss level 6.7/10
Ok, so this type of film has been done again and again, but this is definitely an entertaining addition to the repeat the same day over and over genre. Frank Grillo is excellent in the lead role and its got plenty of action and comedy thrown in there. Definitely worth a watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Shadow in the Cloud rated R : language for adults. I gave it 5 stars because there aren't 10.


Takes a step back into the past. Back when they had movies for training purposes that were cartoon shows. The movie might have sent some of the pilots my Dad knew when he was alive running to hide in their closets. Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone) made a TV short that reminded some people that there are strange beings that may be living in the shadows.


Cover your children's ears that are under 17 years of age, and some of the ones 17 years old and older too.


William Shatner... BE AFRAID!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In the Earth An excellent scenic journey along with backpacking hikers. Subtle hints suggesting intimacy, suggesting the end of humankind, horror along the lines of ancient beliefs, tainted with scientific studies, sight gags, and scientists manners slipping as they slowly realize they are failing to make heads or tails of the facts. Too slow for the run and gun lovers although there are some scenes that get the adrenaline pumping us up.


If you're not in the mood for a film to lean back with some movie snacks, to get some of that soft limelight which Nature offers, or that good ole laid back feeling we have occasionally for long moments, interrupted by sudden changes, during the show this movie isn't for you. It's not JAWs, but it's better then the Blair Witch Project.


Not for experienced gore and lore lovers of Zombie and Feral ghoul gamers who want adrenaline super charges.


If you are a run and gunner, fast and blood splattering abundant gore kind; that can't sit still to see this beginning tale of the end of humankind; I dare you to try and sit through the whole 106 minutes of it.

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