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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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I believe there are basically 2 things about FO4 that will keep it from becoming a great game even when the modding community are done with it.


Thing one: the way the main quest relates to family. If you are single, you will probably feel detached from your character, which given the overall immersion level is the lesser of two evils. If, however, (like myself) you do have a family, the absurdity of not crying your eyes out over your kidnapped boy in every dialogue, of not putting all the resources at hand unto searching for him, etc. will likely antagonize you and your character to an extent when you will feel like saying ,'hey, I don't want to be this guy, I want to slowly kill him with a blunt tool and feed him to the molerats.'


Thing two: optimization. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my subjective impression when Skyrim came out was that on some detail level it was playable on a calculator. You could grab a two-year old office laptop and play the game at +/- console quality if you felt the need. FO4 has an inexplicable thirst for vram (with its appalling textures), loading times which make you doubt you have actually got it running on an SSD, reported fps drops of 15-20 in absolutely random places, and perhaps more that we have yet to discover. As is, the game will run smoothly on most rigs, that much is true. I expect, however, that without at least 4gb of vram you won't be able to use any high-res texture mods, and an ENB-like postprocessing mod won't be playable on anything less than a 980.

Mods may be able to disable the main quest. And I'm single female, but I felt really attached to the wife. You don't have to be married to know how it feels like.

It is true, that I'm holding the man quest off while I wonder about, but you know what I mean. Right?

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All the hate for this game comes from the fact that Bethesda made it and it's fashionable to hate on Bethesda. From what I've seen so far FO4 is not only superior to FO3 but superior to NV as well. It looks better, plays better, and so far is less glitchy and weird. There's a couple of things from NV I'd like to see come back, but overall they're minor.


Everyone is comparing FO4 to The Witcher 3, and it's ridiculous. If TW3 was just soooooo fantastic then why - just a few months after launch - were there at least 4 times as many people playing that other horrible ugly Bethesda game (Skyrim)?


The Steam controller is getting hate for exactly the same reason. Despite the fact that it's demonstrably superior to any other controller, and in fact is just as good as our beloved trackball mice, people hate it because it's Valve that made it. If it had a Razer logo on it instead of the Steam logo the entire internet would be singing choral chants to it.



Ignore the haters, they'll go away soon enough and let us adults get on with the serious business of having fun with - and modding - a great game.

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All the hate for this game comes from the fact that Bethesda made it and it's fashionable to hate on Bethesda. From what I've seen so far FO4 is not only superior to FO3 but superior to NV as well. It looks better, plays better, and so far is less glitchy and weird. There's a couple of things from NV I'd like to see come back, but overall they're minor.


Everyone is comparing FO4 to The Witcher 3, and it's ridiculous. If TW3 was just soooooo fantastic then why - just a few months after launch - were there at least 4 times as many people playing that other horrible ugly Bethesda game (Skyrim)?


The Steam controller is getting hate for exactly the same reason. Despite the fact that it's demonstrably superior to any other controller, and in fact is just as good as our beloved trackball mice, people hate it because it's Valve that made it. If it had a Razer logo on it instead of the Steam logo the entire internet would be singing choral chants to it.



Ignore the haters, they'll go away soon enough and let us adults get on with the serious business of having fun with - and modding - a great game.


I agree, but the quests and the writing is bad.

And people can play two games.

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All the hate for this game comes from the fact that Bethesda made it and it's fashionable to hate on Bethesda. From what I've seen so far FO4 is not only superior to FO3 but superior to NV as well. It looks better, plays better, and so far is less glitchy and weird. There's a couple of things from NV I'd like to see come back, but overall they're minor.


Everyone is comparing FO4 to The Witcher 3, and it's ridiculous. If TW3 was just soooooo fantastic then why - just a few months after launch - were there at least 4 times as many people playing that other horrible ugly Bethesda game (Skyrim)?


The Steam controller is getting hate for exactly the same reason. Despite the fact that it's demonstrably superior to any other controller, and in fact is just as good as our beloved trackball mice, people hate it because it's Valve that made it. If it had a Razer logo on it instead of the Steam logo the entire internet would be singing choral chants to it.



Ignore the haters, they'll go away soon enough and let us adults get on with the serious business of having fun with - and modding - a great game.

Do you honestly believe in half of this?


Sure, some people want to hate on bethesda because it's bethesda but there's alot of fair and valid criticisms out there to this game that I find have merit and belong in the discussion. Forums and places like this can't be some excusable circle jerk and wave off all problems this game has because "the mods will fix it".


I wouldn't ignore the haters. Some of them may have a valid argument against the quality of this game. And also the steam controller is completely subjective and it's getting heat for the exact same reasons this game is getting heat for.


And it's all about compromises. Compromises to appease everyone when in the end it's pleasing none of the people who expected as it has always been, in Fallout's case, it's just not a good Fallout RPG game. It's just a good game.


If anything people excuse Bethesda too much, leaving features and streamlining their games and leaving core elements of what the originals had for the sake of pleasing everyone, leaving the modders to clean up the slate. Vanilla skyrim is a bland game at best, mods saved that game and they know it. So, they must have thought why not just make a better Fallout 3, and anything they leave out we can let the modders fix it, but host it on Bethesda network for a cost so it means more money for no effort. Also, less glitchy and weird? Dude that's differing from person to person, I'm seeing this stuff daily when I play it. This is New Vegas levels of bugs at times.


Just because people at criticising a game you happen to like very much it seems, and more power to you, I can disagree all day with you on it though, it doesn't mean these people are always necessarily haters or trolls and makes them 'children' in your eyes. That's just being juvenile.

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All the hate for this game comes from the fact that Bethesda made it and it's fashionable to hate on Bethesda. From what I've seen so far FO4 is not only superior to FO3 but superior to NV as well. It looks better, plays better, and so far is less glitchy and weird. There's a couple of things from NV I'd like to see come back, but overall they're minor.


Everyone is comparing FO4 to The Witcher 3, and it's ridiculous. If TW3 was just soooooo fantastic then why - just a few months after launch - were there at least 4 times as many people playing that other horrible ugly Bethesda game (Skyrim)?


The Steam controller is getting hate for exactly the same reason. Despite the fact that it's demonstrably superior to any other controller, and in fact is just as good as our beloved trackball mice, people hate it because it's Valve that made it. If it had a Razer logo on it instead of the Steam logo the entire internet would be singing choral chants to it.



Ignore the haters, they'll go away soon enough and let us adults get on with the serious business of having fun with - and modding - a great game.


People have different opinions to you sometimes, that's life. Try not to take it all so personally, not everyone is going to agree with you, playing the Bethesda is a victim card does nothing but derail topics into nonesense. This is how things are developed and changed from feedback, any change brings feedback.


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The Witcher 3 should get the GOTY/Best RPG Award this Year.


I stopped playing Fallout 4 now (after only a few days) and switched back to Geralt for the time beeing and keeping an eye on the Mods who are coming out in the near Future. This Game just didnt grab me like NV or Skyrim did, its just not fun, nothing interresting got added, instead they removed things (i will not get into detail, its been said over and over again).


Damn Shame

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I like it more than Skyrim and Oblivion, yet again I'm not into quests that much in the first place. It odd when they made flies gather over dead bodies though, it seems the only who didn't work were the writers.

Edited by Boombro
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I'm not taking it personally. I also don't have a problem with valid criticism and pointing out genuine issues and bugs. That said, the amount of raving nonsense hate going on is simply ridiculous. That's what I was referring to, and it's by far the most prevalent.


This is a discussion forum, it's not somewhere you go to have your own opinions validated, it's somewhere to you go to read other people opinions and discuss them, preferably without name calling. Very few people hate the game, but many people do have problems with it, especially with the RPG elements or lack thereof.

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