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E-Cigarette and Vaping, For and Against


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I started smoking when I was 14, because it helped me fit in. I was able to quit when I was 33 because I started vaping, but only did that for less than a year and now I don't do either. I don't know whether or not vaping is good for you or not since there haven't been a ton of studies on it as of yet, but I do know smoking is bad for your health, especially the older you get, so if it helps folks stop smoking I approve of it, but like anything in life moderation is important.

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Sorry to hear that, bben46. I feel quite stupid about me bumping the thread with my previous post. Cancer is always a severe issue: my father died from it last year, and my brother-in-law a few years ago. There are so many carcinogenic substances surrounding us on a daily basis that even living a healthy life is no guarantee.


I grew up in a family of smokers and smoked myself for almost 14 years before I quit. Nowadays, health warnings about smoking are everywhere. In the 19th and early 20th century smoking was even prescribed for certain respiratory problems - for quite a long time people thought it would be healthy to smoke. Only in the 1970s and 1980s did people start to realize the dangers of smoking on a large scale. We all know that cigarette smoke is unhealthy because of the tar and condensate in it, but it's also the nicotine that's causing problems. And both smoke and vapour contain nicotine. Admittedly, there are no large scale studies on vaping yet, so a lot of people think it's comparatively safe. Thus, changing from smoking to vaping seems a bit like out of the frying pan and into the fire to me.


Personally, there's nothing about vaping that attracts me: it's just dandyish and totally lacks style. Smoking, however, had some sexy wickedness created in literature and pop culture that has stuck to it. Just take Robert Taylor or Clint Eastwood, or Uma Thurman in films like Pulp Fiction. Smoking a cigarette or cigar could be incredibly sexy - I don't see this in the portrayal of vaping at all.

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Cigarette's kind of sexy. SFW, don't worry.





Now compare that to vaping. Still SFW. Sorry to let you down.





Ehm. Ok. On topic.


One of the most highlighted chemical is diacetyl. Will give "popcorn lungs" if inhaled, while on the other hand quite fine if ingested as you've done so when you eat buttered popcorn. I found this in academic database ages ago (You're unlikely to have access to and mine's cut off anyway) complete with references, but I'm sure you can Google it up. And maybe Google more of the things you don't know if you're interested.


But be wary of random webs saying less of *Inserts a random substance in the ingredients list without scientific evidence nor independent review* in vaping compared to ciggy is ultimately better. Ah yes, I've heard this argument in person before.. But just because your dealer says meth is less powerful than crystal meth, doesn't automatically make it safe to take meth. Tip: Always test for purity every street drugs you buy.


Long term effects? There's simply no sample to conclude that. Can be speculated, but no actual sample of say, a group of 10 years active and continuous vapers. Worry not though, ladies and gents. Teens (Aged 16-24) are picking up vaping habit quite rapidly. Thank marketing and lack of regulation. We have fresh samples of lungs. All these clean and juicy lungs are what's needed. Just wait for scientific advancement to take place.


It seems like a huge improvement, right? For reasons said above this post. I personally reserve my judgement, but I'd recommend staying away from vaping. If you do decide to vape however, take insurance and avoid cheap imitations. Because... yeah they really can explode. Whether or not the explosion is bigger than that of Samsung Galaxy S7 is still unknown and I won't bother finding out.


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I find E-cig/Vaps useless lol. Tried it for a couple of months, i had to go back to a real cigarette. Its literally smoking air. If you wanna use Vaps as a way to quit smoking, its not that effective. If you wanna be a Vap convert like my friend, its pretty much possible but its still a sizeable expense every month although reportedly it is much healthier than smoking a cig. In any case, vapes are banned in my country so its troublesome to get vaps and refills.

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  • 1 month later...

An absolute yes if you're trying to quit smoking or if you're a smoker that want's an alternative, and in my opinion a healthier less expensive choice if quitting traditional cigarettes is a feat that can not be overcome.


That being said...


If you're not a smoker or if you're like me and have quit smoking for x number of years, starting a habit in vaping would be foolish... buy some gum. Common sense will tell you that inhaling a foreign substance into your lungs isn't good for you, and I'm sure there are better uses for ones time and money.


... inhaling burning white sage as I type this l'm such a hypocrite, lol. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My opinion is that if a sentient person knows the risks involved, that it may shorten life and or the quality of life and still wishes to enjoy a smoke traditional or otherwise, then its that persons business and personal preference and there is no right or wrong answer.


Its not a moral question.


You might as well ask in fiction why people sell there souls to the devil for seven years of pleasure before kicking the proverbial bucket and why those films appeal to some people.


There are pros and cons to everything and a price to most little pleasures. I guess it depends on how much it pleases you, and what your willing to pay for the moment.


If a life without the little things but with better health is worth it, if you have to have the diet and exercise habits of a beast and drink mostly water like a dog from its dish, instead of coffee, fine wine or carbonated drinks.


Human beings are mortal and the only thing that matters in the end contently is the enjoyment of the time given.


So, years of pleasure for the risk of dying badly over 6 months or so? Or a long life with little please of indulgence? What is pleasure to you, are you a sensualist, or do you like spartan living? It depends on the person.

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Those crazy cigs will explode in your pocket,damn man just smoke some good weed.Just stay away from Willie...


I always heard that his herb was top shelf
I just could not wait to find out for myself
Don't knock it 'til you tried it, well, I tried it my friend
And I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

I learned a hard lesson in a small Texas town
He fired up a fat boy and passed him around
The last words, that I spoke before they tucked me in
Was, I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

I'll never smoke weed with Willie again
My parties all over before it begins
You can pour me some old whiskey river my friend
But, I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

I hopped on his old bus, the honey suckle rose
The party was Vegas it was after the show
Alone in the front lounge with just me and him
With one parting puff grim creeper set in

I'll never smoke weed with Willie again
My parties all over before it begins
You can pour me some old whiskey river my friend
But, I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

Now we're passing the guitar and telling good jokes
I know ones a-comin' 'cause I'm smelling smoke
No, I do not partake, I just let it pass by
With a smile on my face and a great contact high

I'll never smoke weed with Willie again
My parties all over before it begins
You can pour me some old whiskey river my friend
But, I'll never smoke weed with Willie again

In the fetal position with drool on my chin
I messed up and smoked weed with Willie again

Edited by gandalftw
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