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Derek: Click the controls in the bottom right corner of the player. You can add the video to your "watch later" list, view it on youtube.com, or open it full-screen.


I can watch later, view on YouTube to leave this site and go to YouTube but I cannot open full-screen. Believe me, I've tried. I'm using Firefox, latest version 36.0.

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@lennykrapitz; The same rules apply to music tracks as to any other content you're going to use in a mod. If you didn't create it yourself (your own performance) you need permission from whoever did. If it's your own work you can use it. :thumbsup:

@Thandal.. That relieves a lot of concerns I had. Thanks a lot

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Derek: Click the controls in the bottom right corner of the player. You can add the video to your "watch later" list, view it on youtube.com, or open it full-screen.


I can watch later, view on YouTube to leave this site and go to YouTube but I cannot open full-screen. Believe me, I've tried. I'm using Firefox, latest version 36.0.


Whether or not you can open the video full-screen seems to depend on where it is posted. In my experience, if the video is posted on the mod's Videos page, you should be able to open it full-screen as AaronOfMpls describes - I'm also using Firefox v.36.0. However, if the video is embedded within the mod's Description page, the full-screen option won't work. In the latter case, I either use the browser's zoom function to make the video larger or watch it full-screen on YouTube.

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Whether or not you can open the video full-screen seems to depend on where it is posted.

Yah, I see that now. (I'm using FF 35.0.1 here*, on Win 7 SP1.) In file and image descriptions, the Full Screen button grays out when I click it. In video tabs and on the forums, it works fine.



* I downdated back to FF 35 for the moment because of a problem in the Nexus forums editor: In FF 36, text wouldn't wrap in the editor's plain-text mode, but was instead continuing off the right edge of the box, making me have to scroll horizontally. Both the reply box and the full editor are affected. Text in WYSIWYG mode wraps as it should. My plugins seem to be up to date, too. I have not yet tested if file/image comments or other sites' forums are affected.


I think I may be filing a bug report soon, if I test this some more.

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Why does the file search option often not find files?

I've only used the Skyrim site but when searching for some files I often get 'no results' but I know the file is available, example, using the 'Advanced search options' the exact file name is 'Fantasy Sountrack Project 3-0' I try searching using 'file name contains' and 'descriptions contains', using all filter options but get no results until I reduce the search to just 'fantasy' and the file is found with the full name 'Fantasy Sountrack Project', rather annoying.

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Why does the file search option often not find files?
I've only used the Skyrim site but when searching for some files I often get 'no results' but I know the file is available, example, using the 'Advanced search options' the exact file name is 'Fantasy Sountrack Project 3-0' I try searching using 'file name contains' and 'descriptions contains', using all filter options but get no results until I reduce the search to just 'fantasy' and the file is found with the full name 'Fantasy Sountrack Project', rather annoying.



The name of the file is "Fantasy Soundtrack Project", not "Fantasy Soundtrack Project 3-0". You are searching for "Fantasy Sountrack Project" which has a typo in it (it's missing the "d" in soundtrack"). If you search for it properly, without the typo, it shows in the results.

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hey im having a bug happen. im looking at most endorsed adult files on the skyrim side of nexus and if i press the *forward 100* button it changes the *most endorsed ADULT* files to *most endorsed NON-ADULT* is this happening to anyone use? im using google chrome havent tested it yet with firefox. thanks!


*Edit : oh yeah i have the *Filter by* box set to armour happens with any of the filter on there.

Edited by EndFear
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