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Question A,


You don't release without permission full stop, no permission no release, it is your responsibility to get permission not the original authors to be available.

Hmmm, ok, figured that was the case. guess I'll just keep tabs and see if the author ever becomes active again. Thanks anyway.

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Ok, I sent this message to Robin on December 30th 2013 and have recieved no answer. So I though I would post it here (hope this is an appropiate location) for all admin to see in hopes of an answer.


Hi Boss and Everyone,

Before I get into my three questions my name is Kathryn and I've been a member since the 27th of July 2011. Now for my questions.


I have a favourite bit of armour on the Fallout 3 nexus. I wanted to port it for me. But then I thought that maybe people on the FNV Nexus would like it too. I also wanted to include it in my Black Ops mod. (I'm new at modding and needed something to practice on) So I left a comment and I messaged Delgerin for permission. Unfortunately he has not answered yet (it has been over a week) and his profile says he was last active in March 2012. I was wondering if it would be okay if I released the mod with this disclaimer -


"Delgerin is the one who originally created the armour so go to the Fallout 3 Nexus and give him Kudos. I have asked Delgerin for permission and received no answer (yet) so I am releasing this on the condition that if Delgerin comes along and asks me to remove the file then I will, so do not be alarmed if it has vanished and NO if I do get it taken down do not ask me for it, I will not oblige out of respect for other Modders."


My second question is, is there some way I can apply to become a chat or site moderator? I ask because A) I don't work, I'm on disability support for Autism, Depression and Social Phobia so I can actually be here quite a lot if someone needs a Moderator. B) I have no friends except people on this site C) in relation to b, everyone on this site helps to keep my loneliness and depression and anxiety at bay. D) in relation to c when I'm in a dark place of one my three problems looking at Mods as well as talking to people helps E) in relation to all of the above I feel I owe it to Nexus as a whole to give something back and help keep the place fun, without breaking the rules..


My third question, I know you can't change screen names, But I was wondering if you could tell me if either Kat or Katter is taken, I usually prefer to go by that and when I first registered I was having technical difficulties. If they are not, and I got this account shut down to re-register would it be possible to get my premium status at least transferred over? or would I have to donate again for that? By the way Donating again is fine, if necessary.


Thank you, Kathryn.


First question: You must have permission from the owner of the mod/content to use it, the staff can't give you permission. No answer from the owner means no I'm afraid.

Second question: People are chosen to do it, there's no application as such.

Third question: It's rarely done because from what I understand it takes more than a simple edit and is a pain.



Ok, thanks anyway. I wasn't so much asking for a name change as I was just wondering if Kat or Katter was taken. But I have this vague recollection that they were taken when I signed up, and if they were taken then I do not see any reason why they would be free now. Again, thanks anway.

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Why are the rules on cursing and obscenity so strict here?

An entire section of the site is dedicated to "Adult-only" mods, and the vast majority of the users here appear to be old enough to not be offended by the occasional cursing.


Must we parent other people's children?
Or is it about keeping traffic?

Is it something else entirely that I'm missing?

Edited by Nosdrapoel
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You agreed to the rules when you joined the site and the chat. Not every one want to to see profanity all the time and not all users are adults as well.

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An entire section of the site is dedicated to "Adult-only" mods, and the vast majority of the users here appear to be old enough to not be offended by the occasional cursing.


Because swearing doesn't make you an adult. If you can't say it without swearing, you need to expand your vocabulary.


We like to keep things amicable and friendly here and stopping swearing isn't anything to do with protecting kids, it's about keeping the community clean and respectful, simply for the sake of keeping it clean and respectful.

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You agreed to the rules when you joined the site and the chat. Not every one want to to see profanity all the time and not all users are adults as well.


I agreed to the rules and I am not breaking them, nor do I intend to break them, nor do I intend to change them. I am merely asking about them because I'm genuinely curious.




An entire section of the site is dedicated to "Adult-only" mods, and the vast majority of the users here appear to be old enough to not be offended by the occasional cursing.


Because swearing doesn't make you an adult. If you can't say it without swearing, you need to expand your vocabulary.


We like to keep things amicable and friendly here and stopping swearing isn't anything to do with protecting kids, it's about keeping the community clean and respectful, simply for the sake of keeping it clean and respectful.



Keeping things respectful, I can understand, and completely agree with. Disrespect should not be tolerated on any medium, and nobody should have to deal with some jerk swearing at them over the internet.


But disrespect is not the rule I am questioning here. Cursing isn't always disrespectful - it stands as a useful emphasis in English. It is such a useful emphasis that it is commonplace in many people's languages.

Disrespect also doesn't need to involve cursing - I imagine, and certainly hope you guys would ban someone equally for "You're worthless imbecile trash", which contains no curse words but is still extremely offensive.


I have a large vocabulary that I use when I'm writing. But when I'm talking, I curse, because it portrays the meaning I want it to, and is universally understood. It's quick. So, when I write on a forum like this, I have the urge to curse. I have a vulgar vocabulary which I have developed for informal speech even though I have plenty of experience in the English language to do otherwise.

You might be wondering why, for my first post on this forum, I bring cursing up of all things.

I'm not trying to be rude. I'm genuinely curious - This is the first community I have been on in years that has strict rules on cursing.

I got quite a bit of a shock on the chat when I went on for the first time to ask about dealing with random events, where a moderator jumped onto me for describing the attack with the word "gangbang". I'm not angry about that, and the moderator wasn't rude about it or anything - I just didn't know that word would be considered offensive in that context, and so here I am.

Edited by Nosdrapoel
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The chat mods tend to be a bit over zealous about what can and cannot be said, it can put a needless damper on things sometimes. Then again, we rarely ban for anything other than piracy chat in the chat, choosing rather to see the chat as a privilege, not a right, and to take away just the chat privileges if people go out of line.


Irrespective, you skipped over the "clean" part of what I said. Clean and respectful.

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The chat mods tend to be a bit over zealous about what can and cannot be said, it can put a needless damper on things sometimes. Then again, we rarely ban for anything other than piracy chat in the chat, choosing rather to see the chat as a privilege, not a right, and to take away just the chat privileges if people go out of line.


Irrespective, you skipped over the "clean" part of what I said. Clean and respectful.


It is true that I was not banned. I still have access to the chat.


I think the idea I don't understand, and therefore the idea I am curious about, is the "Clean" part. My first impression is that you see cursing as a kind of deviance, and want to maintain a formal language for the forums. Is that correct?


If that is the case, that would be a satisfying answer. Certainly, if you see cursing as deviant, then you would want to keep it off your forums. I do not see cursing as deviant - but I do see disrespect as deviant. But maybe someone who doesn't see disrespect as deviant would be irritated by a rule against disrespect.

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