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Just checked my gmail my gaming gmail and some one said that people DONT USE SKSE mods anymore

so how do u get LOVER LAB stuff running ( I know I AM a perv )

Help me with that and I will shut up :sad: :sad: :sad:

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@Mahdi181 - Skyrim SE does not yet have SKSE. That's why the "perv" mods from Lovers Lab mostly cannot be used in Skyrim SE at the moment.


The SKSE team are working on SKSE 64 for Skyrim SE, so once it is available (hopefully later this month), then your favourite mods will become available once again. BUT they will need to be ported over to Skyrim SE because the new SKSE 64 coding is different to the Old Skyrim one.


So once SKSE 64 arrives, it will be a while before the mods become available. And it depends on the mod authors still being around to do the work anyway. But - hopefully our wait will not be long and once again we can enjoy HDT, dodgy bodies and flying airships!

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well okay, lets think here not only did skyrim get converted to 64 bit but in that process most of the original game code was changed while it may not seem that way it did, there for to create a mod that basically adds a function to the scripts bye using the original script code of the game that would indicate that they will almost literally have to go through every single game code and find what has and hasn't changed thin they will likely start coding. so if you want me to sum this up considering how long it took them

(estimating a year) to make SSE we can assume that a good sized fraction of that time they were working on the code. with that in mind and if we wore to say a quarter of the code has not changed thin a maximum SPEED of 3 months and 3 weeks (the number i got was 3.75 buy estimating 60% of the time was used in that year) if they had the same sized teem (witch is unlikely) so id give it a good year.


ps. yes that is a lot but i wanted to thoroughly answer his question

Edited by KCkingcollin420
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Let me offer my own observations and speculation:


1) Skyrim SE maintained Papyrus compatibility with Skyrim. Scripted mods from Skyrim just work on Skyrim SE with repackaging.

2) Skyrim mods that use SKSE only use a small subset of the available functions.

3) SKSE 64 will also maintain Papyrus compatibility. Skyrim mods that use SKSE and no other extenders should run without modification.

Good thing too - some authors are long gone.

4) SKSE will release in stages. First stage is this month. Hopefully the limited functions provided will be enough to get some of the critical mods going - like SkyUI and MMC.

5) Each subsequent release of SKSE 64 will provide more functions, enabling more of the Skyrim mods.


Bottom line: All of the heavy lifting to accommodate engine changes is done by SKSE 64. It should (better be) mostly transparent to existing mods.

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I will be more than glad when skse 64 comes out; that is pretty much the final keystone I need to bridge the gap and port my installed mods over.


Well, that and a fully functional ENB; Reshade just doesn't do it for me. Also, I'm sick of the damned muggy, foggy mist everywhere. Like Skyrim has been sat on by an obese cloud.

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I hope that the script extender-team don't forget about F4SE. While i can understand that SKSE64 has a higher priority, i'm really hoping for a working (i mean with papyrus-support) F4SE for Fallout. Because let's be real: Skyrim wouldn't be the praised game as it is without mods. And the best of them use the Script Extender. And i personally believe: if Fallout 4 had the mod support Skyrim had, it would maybe be even the better game.


So if there are any news about F4SE...


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