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What can be done to defuse America?


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At the risk of escalating things and unleashing some repressed cynicism, I have to say:


Extinction: Kill all the problems - Euthanise the rest.


This polarisation and classification of people according to political alliegance is simply another expression of the us vs them mentality. Tribalism. Innate to the human species. Also manifests as racism, class divides etc. It also seems to be a symptom of the larger problem; a political ruling class out of touch with the people, persuing their own agenda at the people's expense. It is all the easier to fulfil your own interest if you deflect attention onto swathes of the general populace and convince them to fight each other.


I don't mean to be alarmist, but the people responsible for this are the politicians themselves and their strategy seems like 'divide and conquer' to me. Reform is therefore impossible in my opinion; the people who have that power won't shoot themselves in the foot and sacrifice their power and strategic advantage. Revolution is unfeasible; you will likely lose, it will be messy and devastating. Even if you win, there is no guarantee of an improvement. Often times Revolutions become full circle or revolving door, only compounding the mess.

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At the risk of escalating things and unleashing some repressed cynicism, I have to say:


Extinction: Kill all the problems - Euthanise the rest.


This polarisation and classification of people according to political alliegance is simply another expression of the us vs them mentality. Tribalism. Innate to the human species. Also manifests as racism, class divides etc. It also seems to be a symptom of the larger problem; a political ruling class out of touch with the people, persuing their own agenda at the people's expense. It is all the easier to fulfil your own interest if you deflect attention onto swathes of the general populace and convince them to fight each other.


I don't mean to be alarmist, but the people responsible for this are the politicians themselves and their strategy seems like 'divide and conquer' to me. Reform is therefore impossible in my opinion; the people who have that power won't shoot themselves in the foot and sacrifice their power and strategic advantage. Revolution is unfeasible; you will likely lose, it will be messy and devastating. Even if you win, there is no guarantee of an improvement. Often times Revolutions become full circle or revolving door, only compounding the mess.

Pretty much this.


I don't see a solution. The largest problem is our government doesn't actually represent us. They exploit us, in numerous ways. The 'career politician' is the major problem. Term limits would go a long way to combat this, however, as the Rodent above me stated, the only folks that CAN implement this change, are the very folks that this change would be attempting to reign in. So, highly unlikely it will ever happen. I don't see revolution as a viable option either. Americans have become too fat, dumb, and happy to want to expend the effort to actually DO something about it. Seems we would much rather blame it all on the 'other' party, rather than recognize that the problem is ALL OF THEM.


Of course, this will eventually become a self-correcting problem. We can only follow this course for so long, before it becomes untenable. It's already unsustainable...... we will reach a point that we won't be able to borrow any more money, as we won't even be able to afford the interest payments on our burgeoning debt. Unfortunately, that'll take a major bite out of the world economy..... We will crash, and take everyone else down the tubes with us.

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"the only folks that CAN implement this change, are the very folks that this change would be attempting to reign in."


A constitutional convention can accomplish the same thing, and we're just a few states away from one being convened for a balanced budget amendment. Once it's underway any other amendments can be offered. Term limits are at the very top of the to-do list.


To answer the OP's question, imo defusing starts at home. For a drastic improvement in your quality of life, cut the cord to your cable TV service. We did about 10 years ago and it was easily the best family decision we've ever made. Major reductions in stress levels and conflict.

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Well you could start with how the media mind f___s you and stop being sheeple and that goes for both sides.



Like seriously all it takes for liberals (in this case) is to have him on Ellen and few other shows and the guy that was the devil incarnate when he left office , is now the guy you would want back. Holy crap you people are easy to manipulate. If people can't realize that propaganda is being used against you then there is no fixing this , at least not in a peaceful way. The interesting thing is this is not coming from Gov't , this is the private interest Deep State. Strange those things the US has done to other countries is now being utilized to destabilize them and people who would normally be opposed to them like leftists/socialists/antifa types are actually doing their bidding. The propaganda that is being laid on the American people right now is so thick , that the people doing it are obviously playing for something much bigger than the American Presidency , this is about globalism and they have lost a key piece of that puzzle with the election of Trump. Thats not an endorsement of Trump , just saying they have lost something they thought they had and they want it back really bad.

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I am not sure a balance budget amendment is such a good idea..... at least, not without having some time constraints built in. Forcing the government to IMMEDIATELY balance the budget would have some far reaching consequences, none of which would be good.......


Of course, even WITH a LAW dictating that they MUST have a balanced budget, I don't have a lot of faith in our government to actually accomplish that in the foreseeable future.

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I'm sure all kinds of exemptions will be included in a balanced budget amendment, not the least of which would be for "national security" etc etc. But the point is, to qualify for a convention 2/3 of states must request one on the same issue. A balanced budget amendment is just the foot in the door for systemic changes.

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