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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54671958.

captainoftheobvious wrote: Eugh.

It's not a good look imo. Best to leave it as it is.

The new site is cluttered and not at all intuitive.

Go make a hugely successful mod hosting website and you can design it, but in the meantime leave it to the nexus crew.
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In response to post #54671888.

Mebantiza wrote:

This new version is rather poorly designed in many respects, sorry you wasted all that time and money on it. Particularly bad, are the file sections-they all just run on and look the same, its like looking a spreadsheet with overly large font.

The 'new' main page, consists of thumbnail spam. This would be somewhat more tolerable if users could configure what content is displayed. In addition, much of the content is not really that important to warrant all that wasted space. Like others have noted, way too much scrolling involved, and for what? Most of the content is not really of enough interest to warrant all those identically sized tiles allocated to them. While there may be some actual improvements buried here and there in this re-design, most of them are hard to find.


Nor is it clear why such huge images are allocated to two 'trending' mods. Now, will be have to look at huge images of the most popular clickbait loli-follower of the week...day? Poorly, made plastic barbie follower mods were\are a problem before that nexus refused to address, now nexus has gone out of its way to reward them even more. Well played. :ermm:


Naturally, comments such as this will be dismissed and brushed aside in the avalanche of throwaway 'lookzzz awwwwwesome dude' type comments. Its not as if the old layout didn't need improving, not at all. That does not mean that what is on offer now, is necessarily it either.

I completely agree with all of your points! Too cluttered. Needs an option to disable or personalize certain UI elements. My eyes are drawn to everywhere but where the actual site functionality is!
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Beautiful look, excellent job devs!


I don't see the problem, as far as utilising what I assume is HTML 5, CSS and probably a few other things like Js, it's well designed, it looks clean and neat and has everything where it should be

Edited by MistaOmega
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Looks great to me. Love that we can have larger size images in posts in a variety of places. Been waiting for that ever since the images got shrunk to 600 pixels. I also know doing a web layout is a lot of work - and I can't even imagine what might be involved on something of this scale and complexity.


People just get used to things - seeing things in certain places, etc. It becomes comfortable and homey. Then it changes and they have trouble and get frustrated. People adapt though. I really like the design and why I don't care one whit about mobile browsing I also know you need to keep pace. to some degree, with the times and trends. Been a long time since the layout was changed and I consider it a nice fresh coat of paint myself. May not agree with everything, and some things could be better, but overall I really like the new layout and design and happy to give a virtual kudos to everyone who helped work on it.


Nice job all.

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