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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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If so many people don't like the new design, then there's probably a good reason. I think nobody has a problem with a new design, but it is harder to read and navigate, so it's basically a "downgrade" and to say "just adept" is BS.


Take the feedback, rework the design and most of us will be happy with a new page.

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I keep having two takes on it. My personal thoughts, "Meh, some thing I like, some things I don't like." Then my QA mode kicks in, "These elements work well, I might have done this differently but it's acceptable." Overall, I like it. It will take getting used to new elements, but we'll have the same issue at my job when we upgrade our customers interface.


And for the hilarious "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" commenters, where were you when we got rid of 300 baud modems?

No, wait, better yet, "...some said that even [coming down from] the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans." Douglas Adams FTW.

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In response to post #55271123.

fluxxdog wrote: I keep having two takes on it. My personal thoughts, "Meh, some thing I like, some things I don't like." Then my QA mode kicks in, "These elements work well, I might have done this differently but it's acceptable." Overall, I like it. It will take getting used to new elements, but we'll have the same issue at my job when we upgrade our customers interface.

And for the hilarious "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" commenters, where were you when we got rid of 300 baud modems?
No, wait, better yet, "...some said that even [coming down from] the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans." Douglas Adams FTW.

"[coming down from]"? If coming down from trees was the bad choice staying in the ocean would not follow. "[going up to]" maybe, if you insist on adding a comment.
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In response to post #55269683.

Haddock81 wrote:

If so many people don't like the new design, then there's probably a good reason. I think nobody has a problem with a new design, but it is harder to read and navigate, so it's basically a "downgrade" and to say "just adept" is BS.


Take the feedback, rework the design and most of us will be happy with a new page.

Keep the word "us" to yourself. There are plenty of people that don't spend their life spinning their tires that like the new design. I can't find a single aspect of the new design that is worse than the previous iteration. It's cleaner, it's faster, and it doesn't look like a web page from the late 90's anymore.
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The new design is a big improvement over the old site in every conceivable way. It's much faster even in its early form and it's much easier to find everything and I don't see a single missing feature of any significance. Don't worry about the people that complain about the design, they are just the type that don't like change and get set in their ways. They'll adapt to the new design just like they'll adapt to Vortex when it comes out despite the grumbling. The only one improvement I would make is that when I click on the button to check the mods out for the week, there is no point in having the "Load More" button and then add the page numbers. It just wastes time reloading the same page that is already up. I clicked to check the mods for the past week, obviously I want to load more. But still very good work. I can't wait to try out Vortex.
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In response to post #55255308. #55256923, #55257018, #55257068, #55257338, #55257343, #55259548, #55259848, #55259863, #55263213, #55263383, #55263583 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design. Since the nexusmods still is the best site for mods to me, i will stuck with you, but when the old design is shut down and only the new site is available, well.... i will stuck with you, but i will hate you forever at the same time for making me use the new design and i will hate myself for using it and not leaving nexus and i will hate everything from then on.
I hate the new design so much and i hate you for creating it.
I hate you.
CreeperLava wrote: Is there really a need to be so agressive towards what is ultimately not that important ?
r0ck7y wrote: i guess you need a day sleep before posting.
KSI Carbon Core wrote: So much hate for something so mundane.
Veritech100 wrote: Wow so much hate for such a small thing!
KensaiTonada wrote: I see you are not a financial supporter... so you're angry because something you get FREE is changing... what a putz.
blackninja50 wrote: I'm angry to so go die.
Crusader33 wrote: Kids and teenagers LOVE it !!!!!!! Adults all hate it !!!!! Such is life We well have are revenge while in the nursing home for the next generation of kids well change there's as well !!!!
Skauldomir wrote: You must not take change easily...
Keleigh3000 wrote: I hate it too. I'm a premium member, does my opinion count?
Dziggy wrote: The people saying they don't like the new design should really try to offer the Nexus Mods staff some actual constructive feedback. Simply saying that you don't like it is pointless. How can they improve the things that people don't like if they have no idea what those things are?
jsparks40 wrote: I think the OP is just being facetious people :P

Well, if you hate yourself I am pretty sure that you hate humanity .... you are going into the dark path. Be careful. It is a fact, that nobody can give what they do not have. If you hate in your heart, you will hate everything and everybody that surround you. Too bad !

Nothing is forever in this life whoever you are; you were a baby before, then you grew up and became a teen, then you will grow up more and become an adult and one day probably an old woman/man and at your end, you will pass away. Nothing is forever. Accepting that reality is the key to be calm and peaceful.
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In response to post #55269683. #55271403 is also a reply to the same post.

Haddock81 wrote:

If so many people don't like the new design, then there's probably a good reason. I think nobody has a problem with a new design, but it is harder to read and navigate, so it's basically a "downgrade" and to say "just adept" is BS.


Take the feedback, rework the design and most of us will be happy with a new page.

Loveblanket wrote: Keep the word "us" to yourself. There are plenty of people that don't spend their life spinning their tires that like the new design. I can't find a single aspect of the new design that is worse than the previous iteration. It's cleaner, it's faster, and it doesn't look like a web page from the late 90's anymore.

I agree with @loveblanket, since joining in 2011 the old site feels like a design that is common on older websites from the late 90s, and it makes nexus feel old, while the new design is keeping up with the current trend/design that is acceptable in this era, i'm sure the design team is going to improve the current iteration which is already way better than the old one. Edited by Arienas
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