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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I have a gaming addiction per se. It's just when I find the one or two that grab me each year that make me addicted. It's always some form of interactive storytelling that does it for me (be it RPG or Adventure, with a variety of choice making mechanics). I first started gaming in arcades, but the game that first truly grabbed me back in the day was Defender of the Crown (C64). Later on, the Wing Commander series was another, on 386 era PC. WC is still the perfect blend of arcade action and interactive storytelling to me.

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Asteroids. Atari 2600

Centipede, Galaga, and Defender were close seconds, thirds, and fourths.

I remember Defender. :) I held the all time high score at our local arcade. :) Of course, being good friends with the guy that ran the show there, and gave me free tokens sure didn't hurt. :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Mine was Delta Force, a FPS game made by NovaLogic, it was one of the first multiplayer games and came out in 1998.

When I was about 8 or 9 years old I played this game for the first time. Delta Force 2 really introduced my to the online gaming world.

A few weeks ago I installed these good old games again, and noticed there were no more multiplayer servers, it made me feel sad.

I like delta force, 1 and 2, especially the second one

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