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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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My true love for video games was when i started playing Nightmare Creatures 2. By the way I still have my old console, ( SEGA Dreamcast ).It is no longer useful but I still have it in its original packaging

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Thats hard to decide! xD but i really think it was "Divine Divinity" a belgian Hack and slash/Rpg made by Larian Studio (Yes everyone, us too we can create videogames ;) ), i bought it in a gaming store near my village in 2002 and i think i passed at least 8 months only playing this game and i regret nothing! Best rpg ever for me<3<3<3

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31 years ago, I'm afraid. Some 2d game on my father's Mac where you had to kill invading forces from a static mortar position. Played it for hours. Then Shufflepuck Café and later the original Doom and Duke Nukem. First RPG like experience which I really enjoyed was Myst. Oblivion was indeed an eye opener in being a non-linear, open world rpg.

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The original Command and Conquer game. It just fascinated me that something like that could even be done with a computer. It just grew from there. Once I played my first Zelda game it pretty much became a life long love of video games for me.

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Console: The Legend of Zelda (NES), first game I ever played as I was about 5 visiting my aunt's house and I was hooked. Console Honorable Mention: Mario Bros.


PC: Duke Nukem 3D, the game actually invented house aiming for the entire industry so we can all hail to the king baby, additionally this was the first game I ever designed mods for way back in circa 1996. Honorable Mention: Age of Empires.


MMORPG: City of Heroes, I had played others before but this one stole several years of my life. Great game, still bummed it's not around anymore. Honorable Mention: Eve Online.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
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  • 2 weeks later...

Went from Arcade visits (80's) to Nuke Dukem 3d on PC (90's). Not much in the 00's until I saw the amazing visuals that Crysis could deliver. Story lacked depth though.

I then discovered the Mass Effect Universe in Oct, 2010 with the purchase of Mass Effect 2 on sale for only 20 bucks! I was so impressed that I bought all the DLC missions too.

My later purchase of Mass Effect 3 was no disappointment either as the combat element was even better than ME2 imo. Although other factors drop ME3 to a close 2nd place for total gaming immersion.

Also got the first Mass Effect to fill in the story. Actual gameplay seemed clunky and unpolished on PC with that one. The console gaming crowd seemed to love it though.

Have nearly 2 dozen AAA titles now. But Mass Effect 2 will always have a special place in my heart and is still my all-time fave!

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SimPark, I think. Countless hours spent creating parks, trapping visitors, interviewing plants/animals, and reading emails from Mum. UFO attacks, that stupid but likeable frog assistant, working hard to get promotions...


Not long ago I decided to see if I could still find it somewhere, but only found a couple of ridiculously priced copies. I don't think a physical version would work on my 64-bit Win 10 system, anyway... I wish GOG had the game. I would LOVE to play it again.

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