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The only uniting you do with commies is unite them with Jesus. At least thats what both of my grandfathers died doing.



Your Grandfathers died in vain, thanks to McConnell, and the Fascists in the Senate and House, who are enabling Trump.





Fascists have very little in common with communists.......




I know, Hitler sent the Communists and Socialists to the Gas Chambers after his Fascist party took over.

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Fascists , communists ... what's the big difference really ?

Aren't they both based on socialist principals ... which is really a fairly new idea in the governance of societies.

And these fledgling attempts just failed because they need more refining in implementation.

Or you could say greed could not be kept from infiltrating their inner workings ... which it seems socialism is an attempt to quell what greed always seems to do in human interaction.


But imagine what would have happened had communists and fascists had succeeded towards that end.

And remained allied through WWII .

Sort of reminds of what could have happened with the middle east , had east and west christendom been able to get along.


So it would seem all this polarization is good in the long run ... and may be just an inevitable necessity for what will happen to the USA ... which certainly is not united anymore.

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Fascists , communists ... what's the big difference really ?

Aren't they both based on socialist principals ... which is really a fairly new idea in the governance of societies.

And these fledgling attempts just failed because they need more refining in implementation.

Or you could say greed could not be kept from infiltrating their inner workings ... which it seems socialism is an attempt to quell what greed always seems to do in human interaction.


But imagine what would have happened had communists and fascists had succeeded towards that end.

And remained allied through WWII .

Sort of reminds of what could have happened with the middle east , had east and west christendom been able to get along.


So it would seem all this polarization is good in the long run ... and may be just an inevitable necessity for what will happen to the USA ... which certainly is not united anymore.

That is a fact. Unfortunately. I don't see it changing either. This has been brewing for some time now, it just came to the boiling point with the election of Obama as pres. Then, the 'us vs. them' attitude truly bloomed, and it has only gotten worse as time passes. The philosophical differences between the two major parties have grown so far apart, I don't EVER see them coming together again. And now we have AOC, with her 'Green New Deal'...... which a fair few dems are supporting. Of course, they have no idea how they are going to pay for it, nor do they have any clue just how unworkable it really is. Should they actually gain enough traction to start moving on that, our economy will suffer in ways that make the great depression look like a kids party....... Trouble is, if you tell folks "Vote for me, and I will give you so much free stuff, that you won't have to work." they will indeed vote for you.......

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All the money wasted in the political struggle could pay for all sorts of things we the people need.

Hence coming to the conclusion we would be better off as allied nations than fellow countrymen may be the only way to get some economy out of what it costs to run a government.

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All the money wasted in the political struggle could pay for all sorts of things we the people need.

Hence coming to the conclusion we would be better off as allied nations than fellow countrymen may be the only way to get some economy out of what it costs to run a government.

Yeah, we spend millions of dollars on political campaigns, which start YEARS before the elections...... Back in the day of horse and buggys, with no telephone, no radio, etc, I could see how that would make sense. (the timing, not the money) But, today, we have instant communication, and your message can be heard 'round the world in seconds..... so, why the extended campaigns???


I would love to see some variety of election/campaign/finance reform, but, as the only folks that can change it, are the very same people that benefit most from NOT changing it....... I don't see it happening. Ever.

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All the money wasted in the political struggle could pay for all sorts of things we the people need.

Hence coming to the conclusion we would be better off as allied nations than fellow countrymen may be the only way to get some economy out of what it costs to run a government.


And when your party runs for the job for president I'm voting for you.

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Well it's not just money spent to the private sector that I'm talking about for political strife.

The Money spent now , and in the past , to undo previous administrations efforts.


Albeit not really bad when looking back 50 years . But the frog was slowly boiled till now ... and I think I see some serious steam coming off this cess pool soup we are swimming in , only to get served a shiot salad with it.

Because nobody can put 2 pieces of bread together so we can have sandwiches on the menu /;:?/

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All the money wasted in the political struggle could pay for all sorts of things we the people need.

Hence coming to the conclusion we would be better off as allied nations than fellow countrymen may be the only way to get some economy out of what it costs to run a government.


And when your party runs for the job for president I'm voting for you.


Thanks for the nomination :) On a side note ... how much of a budget do you think we should have ?

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Considering ... sense of decency (or lack there of).



This is really the crux of our polarization isn't it ?

Using our sense of it , instead of actually agreeing upon what decency means (or lack there of)


Would a good start be a top 10 ? I'll bet everybody could find a common top 10 with anybody else.


Everybody else ... of freaking course not. Hmmm having a top 10 list of what is decent kinda sounds familiar ... did we do this before ? Maybe the list has become just to long for the scope of people it is suppose to encompass ? And that cycle of event sounds familiar too .

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