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Elder Scrolls 6 confirmed with a small video to


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Whats your opinion on ugrids, personally Skyrim feels just bad set at 5 ugrids & tied to event triggers felt wrong needing to be tied to a set distance away from player. The game should have been optimized for the pc better & less for X360 first go around, the pop ins are really bad I just never noticed it on the X360 that much, 7 ugrids fixes this however. I feel 11 ugrids is the sweet spot the only issues I'm running into are npcs not moving their mouth & creatures/enemies just standing still, I've tried more brains mod for higher active AI's in oldrim but to only run into the same issues still present.

Do you think Elderscrolls 6 will somehow bypass these issues using better tech, personally I feel graphics have reached their peek 4k(mainly for 65 inch screen only) is never needed on a HD laptop screen & really not even 2k I alway compress texture mods down to 1k & they still look just as good, tho parallaxing textures on floors/walls/trees/terrain & fleshing out animations while boosting ugrids seems far more important than raw graphical increases, however Elderscrolls doesn't do any of these well, we will likely see multiplayer as the Blades cell phone pretty much looks like their beta attempt at that much like Fallout 76. I'm just wondering if Skyrim was their 1 hit masterpiece & if we are just going to get more of the same, fallout 4 suffers from just about all the issues Skyrim has & that scary, I use a mod in oldrim that literally animates every vanilla food/drink for eating/drink took me a while to get out 90% of the issues fixing it to active even without fisn. The Animations Mod where you read/lockpick open doors barrels & such things seems a most have but vasted improved as in if a item is on or under a table you actual reach directly to that item even notice the physics of the table its now not clip thru in but press on it like a true solid object even place your other hand on the table to grip it as you character bends down to dig thru a backpack or toss junk to the side to to take a potion behind another object, this would truly make the game feel so much more than what it currently is capable of being in Skyrim.

So thats pretty much my wish list.

Really good 2K Textures with parallaxed textures on floors/walls/trees/terrain, with an optional compress at 1k to display on Full HD Sized PC Screens for better performance.

Game Npcs functional at 11 ugrids, if closed cites like whiterun are still present use ground skybox gif images & many great lods to give the illusion of a really outside area.

I had this idea to place a skybox on the ground of whiteruns outer cells that acts just like moving pictures of the city, not laying on the ground but several slanted screens in the distance placing repeating gifs that mimics the time of day/weather showing npcs pacing about & animate large objects like windmills/fires & stuff, seems at bit excessive yet plausible enough to actually work, jsut a bunch of .gifs playing which drains like nothing resource wises while having a few lods mixed in to truely make a city feel opened up.

Added/Improved Animations for just about everything including for the player & many just option for roleplaying reasons.

Lastly Races with better starting stats, like nords having 150 hp a frost resistance & a higher/lesser power to invoker daily/hrly, same for all races, I made a custom mod that does this for Skyrim personal use not on nexus, lastly same person edits to all foods where most meat buffs hp+5-10pts for 8hrs, soups for mp, veggies for stamina, a non stackable effect that doesn't require usage in mid combat that player in survival mode naturally auto munch on to always maintain a nice small buff to avoid small hungry/thirsty debuffs.

5 steaks that restore 50 hp is fine but less so when you have to stop & play a eating animation to do so for each one ate & maybe its not realize to do this in combat or maybe realisticly your full after two just a few reasons why a long term 8hr buff of fewer hp 10 or so thats heal-able is better in my opinion + hrs lets you know you need 3 a day & gives an idea of the next time you need to find something to eat.

These may seem like very minor niche things but really make ES6 so much better, of course we need better story telling & no voiced player as well, even a simple karma system like a few youtube video suggest would help if done right, like attacking a chicken is fine while citizens try to arrest you instead of kill you same stealing a cup isn't a fine just you going oh hey looking at this here I can put it back or buy it instead of receiving a bounty, details matter thats all I'm saying its the small stuff we players appreciate the most.

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  On 9/1/2018 at 7:38 AM, GoddOward said:


  On 8/6/2018 at 10:18 PM, GoddOward said:

I wish they would have 2 or 3 GIANT dungeons in ES VI. Maybe 8 to 10 levels.


Too many bugs for me, and I don't like going back too far in game series...because the graphics are way worse in the early games. That just turns me off. What I would like is Bethesda to remake all the earlier games and redo the graphics up to present quality. Kind of like the Quest for Glory games were all redone and improved graphics and sold as a single pack of games. That was way back in the 90s.



Same here, I don't have any "Nostalgia" for blocky 8 bit graphics games etc, I played them in the 80s and 90s because that was the only choice for graphics at the time, now I can't stand to look at them.

I loved the old lucasarts adventures, and thankfully some of them have been upgraded with today's graphics, because there's no way I could bear to look at the old ones again


I would love for Daggerfall to be brought up to today's graphics, so I could actually play it.

The most I played it, I installed it, went into my first dungeon, walked up the ladder to exit and went through the wall inside the world.

Quit the game and uninstalled it.

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  On 12/3/2018 at 7:13 PM, HadToRegister said:


  On 9/1/2018 at 7:38 AM, GoddOward said:


  On 8/6/2018 at 10:18 PM, GoddOward said:

I wish they would have 2 or 3 GIANT dungeons in ES VI. Maybe 8 to 10 levels.


Too many bugs for me, and I don't like going back too far in game series...because the graphics are way worse in the early games. That just turns me off. What I would like is Bethesda to remake all the earlier games and redo the graphics up to present quality. Kind of like the Quest for Glory games were all redone and improved graphics and sold as a single pack of games. That was way back in the 90s.



Same here, I don't have any "Nostalgia" for blocky 8 bit graphics games etc, I played them in the 80s and 90s because that was the only choice for graphics at the time, now I can't stand to look at them.

I loved the old lucasarts adventures, and thankfully some of them have been upgraded with today's graphics, because there's no way I could bear to look at the old ones again


I would love for Daggerfall to be brought up to today's graphics, so I could actually play it.

The most I played it, I installed it, went into my first dungeon, walked up the ladder to exit and went through the wall inside the world.

Quit the game and uninstalled it.


Daggerfall was a cool concept, but, execution wasn't really the best. Everything was procedurally generated, and if it screwed up, your game was toast. Of course, you may not find the goof until you had several hours into the game.... then it would crash, and you get the message: "An error has occurred, you must reinstall the game. " The SECOND time I got that message, after many hours of gameplay, I uninstalled it, and never looked back. (still have the discs......) Of course, by that time, Morrowind was out. I really don't wanna think about how many hours I put into that game, and the CS..... :D


And the dungeons in Daggerfall were TOO big. Holy smoke. They were HUGE. However, they DID manage to give you a three-d map of the dungeon, that you could zoom, and rotate, as you liked. THAT was a VERY cool feature, and one that I miss in later games. Made dungeon navigation a whole lot easier. Of course, that just wasn't a problem in Morrowind, as the dungeons were one level, with two or three rooms...... :)

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Game engine is 16 years old, now? I don't think I'm going to buy another Bethesda game in light of the game previews I saw online last night. Every single game looked better than anything Bethesda would do. I don't want to waste my time with a console-centric, buggy reskinning of Morrowing/Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout.


And The Outer Worlds? I suspect Bethesda is done.

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Now if only the dragon swooping over the land would have slowed down enough for me to see if there was life on the ground below where one of my house's is.


  On 8/6/2018 at 4:03 AM, metaphorset said:


Ok, let's do not talk about the "Teaser" (I've done scenes like that in Blender 8 years ago) and instead talk about the wish list.


  1. Less bugs. Way less of them! It would be a nice change, to play a TES title for once in a while, where not every stage in the main quest has a possibility of breaking.
  2. Balanced gameplay. At least on the hardest mode. It's sad that combat in every BGS game becomes boring after reaching level 20. Especially in a world that is big enough for hundreds of hours of gameplay.
  3. Option to disable pacifier mode - aka quest markers. Not only the floating ones but also the ones on the compass and the map. Morrowind style navigation, by following directions, given by NPCs. I'm a big boy and I want to play big boy games! Let people explore. Let them find stuff on their own.
  4. Less annoying NPCs. Guards should do guard stuff, they aren't there to fill my quest log with random quests and location markers, when I pass them, while simultaneously turning their back on me when I get followed by bandits.
    I don't care about the nip in the air three times per day and I also do not care about some random a$$hat's opinion about why I don't belong in the Cloud District every time I pass them.
    I don't care about a follower's opinion when I collect garbage. If they want to know what people expect from followers, they should take a very close look at Inigo and start from there.
    Not every single NPC needs to have a backstory and I surely don't need to hear it without asking them.
    They also should have manners. You don't talk while others are having a conversation. It's rude. Seriously! STFU!
  5. Distinguishable traits for races and classes. Obviously this ties in heavily with No. #2. A Khajiit Thief should obviously feel different than an Orc Tank. Argonians can breathe under water, so there should be at least some possibilities to use this to an advantage.
  6. Replayability. Do not! - and I repeat DO NOT! TIE EVERY! MAJOR! FACTION! INTO! THE! MAIN! QUEST! Also do not make factions easily accessible to every Tom, Dick or Harry at any given time. This "Prove to be worthy by farting three times in my general direction - congratulations, Harry. You're a wizard." is no fun at all unless you are a three year old toddler.
  7. A balanced economy. Easy quests - few coins, hard quests - many coins. Way less but much better loot. Unique Loot - not just random swords with crappy enchantments. Loot that makes sense (aka no fresh food in tombs that haven't been open in thousands of years).
  8. A balanced fame system. If you are famous for slaying that dragon outside the town, NPCs should treat you accordingly.
  9. A complete moveset, for crying out loud. We got rid of ice skating in Skyrim, we got rid of stickfigure movement in Fallout 4. What about climbable ladders? Rolling animations? Dodging? Head dives into water? Anything animation-related that already got introduced in the first Tomb Raider game 22 years ago?
    Weapons that feel different because every weapon type requires a different fighting style? Short swords, long swords and Battle Axes are not the same. We surely have seen enough of the same hack-hack-slash-slash since Morrowind.
    Speaking of weapons and combat: If a guy swings a 30 kg iron block on a massive wooden handle over his head in a vertical line, he surely is not able to do a 180 at the same time.
  10. NPCs should act according to their abilities. Random grandmas don't fight dragons or vampires. Go ask your grandma. It surely is funny to watch, but it's not exactly what happens in a "living and breathing world".
  11. Hamlets, villages, towns and cities should differ in size and their population figure. Novigrad is a medieval city, Solitude is not.
    If a place is known for its vast graveyard, there should be a vast graveyard, not only 10 graves.
    If some random NPC talks about his childhood dream of "sailing the rivers of Skyrim", there should be rivers in Skyrim (duh).
    Also, a 10v10 fight is not a civil war. And there surely is no civil war at all, if there are no signs of it other than random soldier camps sprinkled around the landscape.
  12. Can we have a modern sound middleware? I am quite tired of wafer-thin walls or hearing conversations from 50 meters away.



Found a link for all the games in the community there too. If you want to, copy and paste your wishes to post it in Bethesda net community Skyrim positive feedback?

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  On 12/4/2018 at 3:38 PM, HeyYou said:

Of course, that just wasn't a problem in Morrowind, as the dungeons were one level, with two or three rooms...... :smile:

Good idea for a mod. When are you gonna to release it? :tongue:


Nah, joke aside. I once tried Arena, but didn't get far before getting killed by some goblins and after that happen I stop playing Arena.


Also, I never played Daggerfall. But I think I have spent about 3000+ hours, probably over 5000+ hours, of playing Morrowind and still play it after more than 15 years since I bought a copy of Morrowind.



Back to topic. I'm looking forward to see what Bethesda come up with for TES 6, but seriously I won't buy it if they use the same quest design they use in Skyrim as it has flaws.

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  On 12/12/2018 at 11:18 PM, leonardo2 said:


  On 12/4/2018 at 3:38 PM, HeyYou said:

Of course, that just wasn't a problem in Morrowind, as the dungeons were one level, with two or three rooms...... :smile:

Good idea for a mod. When are you gonna to release it? :tongue:


Nah, joke aside. I once tried Arena, but didn't get far before getting killed by some goblins and after that happen I stop playing Arena.


Also, I never played Daggerfall. But I think I have spent about 3000+ hours, probably over 5000+ hours, of playing Morrowind and still play it after more than 15 years since I bought a copy of Morrowind.



Back to topic. I'm looking forward to see what Bethesda come up with for TES 6, but seriously I won't buy it if they use the same quest design they use in Skyrim as it has flaws.


I would dearly love to have the skills to implement a 3D map in tes games........ (fallout games as well.....) but sadly, nope. I am inadequate. :D


I don't even wanna think about how many hours I have in, playing morrowind, modding it, and writing scripts.......


What aspect of questing did you not care for??

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  On 12/13/2018 at 3:18 PM, HeyYou said:


  On 12/12/2018 at 11:18 PM, leonardo2 said:


  On 12/4/2018 at 3:38 PM, HeyYou said:

Of course, that just wasn't a problem in Morrowind, as the dungeons were one level, with two or three rooms...... :smile:

Good idea for a mod. When are you gonna to release it? :tongue:


Nah, joke aside. I once tried Arena, but didn't get far before getting killed by some goblins and after that happen I stop playing Arena.


Also, I never played Daggerfall. But I think I have spent about 3000+ hours, probably over 5000+ hours, of playing Morrowind and still play it after more than 15 years since I bought a copy of Morrowind.



Back to topic. I'm looking forward to see what Bethesda come up with for TES 6, but seriously I won't buy it if they use the same quest design they use in Skyrim as it has flaws.

I would dearly love to have the skills to implement a 3D map in tes games........ (fallout games as well.....) but sadly, nope. I am inadequate. :D


I don't even wanna think about how many hours I have in, playing morrowind, modding it, and writing scripts.......

You know, it's never too late to learn and even I have learned a little about modding in Morrowind.


  On 12/4/2018 at 3:38 PM, HeyYou said:

What aspect of questing did you not care for??

The Forbidden Legend quest is one quest of a few quests that Bethesda screw it up completely.



If the player continue to go through Arngeir's word of power quests, after finishing the Jurgen of Windcaller quest, that has random locations one will sooner rather than later end up with a quest marker for Folgunthur usually after the High Gate Ruins.


In Folgunthur the player will obtain a book and a writ of seal and reading one of these items will start the Forbidden Legend quest. The next loaction for that quest is most ilkely Saarthal, which is a locked location and tied to the College of Winterhold faction.


I really doubt Bethesda knew what they were doing when creating the Forbidden Legend quest, because logically in RL how can the player know that Saarthal is tied to the College of Winterhold hence for being locked. How? I dunno, do you know how?


In RL that's almost impossible to know such a thing unless one have already visit Winterhold and joined the College of Winterhold, otherwise it doesn't make sense IMO. What Bethesda should do instead is to do the same thing as they did for the Mage's Guild quest in Nchuleftingth via the letter of introduction the player get from Hasphat Antabolis in the first quest in the MQ. Once the player enters and hand over the letter of introduction the player gets hired to find their guide Anes Vendu who is missing (later found dead).


A similar concept of a quest design would work in Skyrim, but did Bethesda do that no they did not. So, with that in mind the player get a quest stucked in the journal for the rest of the game unless joining the College of Winterhold.


That's what I am referring to when saying, if Bethesda used a similar quest design as they used in Skyrim then I would consider not to buy TES 6.

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If it is not a single player with full mods allowed and not a remake of the previous with better graphics ( like 76 ), I won't be interested. Only the time will tell us exactly what we would get ... IF we get it !

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