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Official Vortex Beta Release


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I just think that Nexus Mod Manager working fine, I don't really see the advantage of launching a new Mod Manager.


I already done many tests to find the correct installation and load order for games like Skyrim Special Edition and I don't have it installed actually.

So, I just hope that we can import the NMM settings in Vortex.


If we can do that, a fast and fully compatible transition to Vortex, why not !

If not, I will just keep NMM and still use it.

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Many congrats to the team!

I will say, though, that while I definitely appreciate the huge amount of work that has gone into this, I won't personally consider switching from my current setup unless a manual sorting feature is added. Not having one is a step backwards. Yes, I'm aware of the Rules thing, but that is cumbersome and unintuitive compared to a simple drag and drop system. I like to be able to fine-tune my load order in a straightforward way, and I like being able to do so because auto-sorting doesn't always get it right.

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In response to post #64242946. #64243326 is also a reply to the same post.

OhPa wrote: Beta, nice! I've been using Vortex through several revisions now and am happy with it. Unfortunately, my particular learning skills and a lack of free time aren't conducive to figuring things out on my own. No doubt I'm clueless on a lot of the available features and how best to use them. Is there an updated user guide, or even better, a leisurely video walkthrough available? Thank you and keep up the terrific work.
Pickysaurus wrote: We have linked to the wiki for Vortex in the article.

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War, War Never Changes


In 2007, this great community accepted, that game modding was the only way to preserve our rights, to fun, enjoyment, and the pursuit of happiness, if our founding Modders could only see us now. From Fallout to Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age to Mass Effect, we have Modded, and now, the Online menace, is at our doorstep, Single player itself is under threat of annihilation.


That is why today, on October 9th 2018, 11 years after our great website began, we gather together to honour the completion, of Vortex Mod Manager, this sprawling, Intricate system, may have been engineered by Black Tree, but it was built by you, the good people of the internet, so that if Online games do come, if the end does come, our way of Gaming, will endure, but not everyone will be saved, those chosen to enter this site must be our best and our brightest, for when the updates have stopped and the servers have settled, you must rebuild, not just mods, not just load orders, but hearts, and minds, and ultimately single player itself, so as we stand here today, we pray that the Internet will know peace, but if that is not our destiny, if war must come, we stand together knowing that here on Vortex Mod Manager,

our future begins...


Edited by Stormcrafter134
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My congratulations! On the first open release of alpha, I found a powerful assistant in Vortex, which in my opinion surpasses both NMM and MM (1,2). and it was an early alpha. Now Vortex is overgrown with additional features, got rid of serious bugs and has grown significantly in performance and stability. Thanks to the team of Nexus Sites, and a specially to Tannin!
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