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Illusion of freedom


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So long as there is religion, there will never be peace on earth. :smile:

You're very categoric. The ideologies used to oppress people act to remove the critical mind, the freedom of opinion and of speech and to make the group consider the one who doesn't entirely follow these ideas as en enemy of the group. This way of acting is as well used by some religious groups as well by the marxist-leninists.


Even if the psychopaths are over-represented among the influential religious there are and have been great idealists among them like Martin Luther King or the Mahatma Gandhi.


The religions are superfluous and potential tools of oppression but they aren't evil in themselves.


More people have died in the name of religion, than ANY other cause in mans history. Granted, if it didn't exist, I am sure humans would come up with some other reason to make war on each other. We have an excellent track record of doing exactly that in any event.


To make it short the idea of the existence of god(s) is as absurd as the idea the world would be better without the religions.


As long as the psychopaths will keep existing and concentrating the powers this world won't be better.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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Religion has never been about whatever god but about control. Religion has always been a political arm. Why do you think the pope's private residence was turned into an official state? Because of diplomatic immunity.


Without Roman Emperor Constantine Christianity would be a mere speck on our timeline.


Laws were not made to make people obey, but to make sure certain folks were exempt. Class justice. Class religion. All men are born equal is, besides being wrong, written by white folk who had slaves. Slaves were set free not out of humanitarian reason but because of financial reasons. It's cheaper to have wage-slaves who need to pay for their own keep than having to buy slaves, maintain their health and provide for them in any way possible. Cheap labor is still cheaper than owning laborers.


You don't work to earn your bread. You have to work to make sure that a certain elite can keep their good life. That's why the word Utopia became a synonym for the unattainable. And those who gave the word that meaning did so because they bloody well know that it's NOT unattainable. But everything must be done to make the commonors think so, otherwise the 'elite' becomes redundant.


In order to get there, I fear another couple of wars will have to be fought. Wars are profitable and only started to make a serious buck. But we'll need one to get rid of the old garde. And build a new empire, this time not on the fundaments of the old one.

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So long as humans are around, Utopia is indeed, out of our reach. Too many differing ideas on how things should be done, and who should be doing them. The whole "Can't we all just get along?" thing, is a joke. Because the answer is "No". Just look at the american government. A group of less than 1000 people, that half of them think the other half are lunatics, and should be in an asylum.

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For years I would semi jokingly say "Take all the rich people and put them in a boat. Take the boat half way across the Atlantic and dump all the rich people ... any that want to swim home are welcome back".


The problem with that, and why it would have absolutely no effect is that it doesn't address the root cause of the problem.


You don't need to look to just the rich to find people who firmly believe that them having more than anybody else is not wrong. You can go to slums and find those people. The only difference is how that group of people try to achieve their goal of having more than their peers.


So my "solution" of addressing the problem would only create the opportunity for those directly below the rich who are like that to achieve their goal ... having more than anyone else.


My own personal belief has shifted to the root cause being genetic, and for us to resolve that is beyond current understanding of genetics. That and the ethics of those of us who do not have the "problem" genetic sequences would never go down the path of what to do once we have a solution.


Bottom line ... we're screwed and have always been screwed. Our only option is ignore the rich and live our lives as best we can with whatever we have left.

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I think if we got rid of all the career politicians, and lawyers....... the world would instantly be a better place. :D


Unfortunately their masters would just gather up another bunch of flunkies.


Sure it would probably take them a bit of time to find the most maleable flunkies (actually I think the biggest problem for them would be winnowing down the herd who would rush to vie for the job).

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If we change society then maybe we won't have anymore politicians ?

Cuz they are basically an invention out of need.

And ya sure they abuse their power. Who doesn't ?

But could you live without them? Are you the people going to do the work they did ?

No they are a natural effect of economy and necessity .

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If we change society then maybe we won't have anymore politicians ?

Cuz they are basically an invention out of need.

And ya sure they abuse their power. Who doesn't ?

But could you live without them? Are you the people going to do the work they did ?

No they are a natural effect of economy and necessity .

Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :) No politicians needed. :D

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If we change society then maybe we won't have anymore politicians ?

Cuz they are basically an invention out of need.

And ya sure they abuse their power. Who doesn't ?

But could you live without them? Are you the people going to do the work they did ?

No they are a natural effect of economy and necessity .

Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :smile: No politicians needed. :D



Hey Hey ... I thought that was my job. Are you saying I'm only good enough for north of the border??

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If we change society then maybe we won't have anymore politicians ?

Cuz they are basically an invention out of need.

And ya sure they abuse their power. Who doesn't ?

But could you live without them? Are you the people going to do the work they did ?

No they are a natural effect of economy and necessity .

Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :smile: No politicians needed. :D



Hey Hey ... I thought that was my job. Are you saying I'm only good enough for north of the border??


We can trade off every three or four years. :)

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