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The Pinned MOD PACK Discussion and Hopefully, Updates


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Hi, I'm starting this topic in hopes that Nexus uses this or starts their own and deletes this one, pinned discussion about Mod Packs and the progress toward them.


I understand that there are many facets of nuance to consider when discussing Mod Packs and the time, effort, resources and especially money, that are involved with such a thing. So!!!!


This is my proposed solution to the biggest two problems, money and recognition. But before I do, let me say, I have paid for several months, not all one after another, in order to mod Skyrim VR without download limits, and still cant bring myself to finish it! Why? Because it is such a mess!!! And easily overwhelms me, when, I just want to relax and play. I spend my energy doing to things I need to live, when I want to play, I dont have enough left to mod, and if I do, I would prefer to spend that energy on 3D printing and making instead.




So, My solution is to charge $10US for a mod pack that is curated by a host like a youtuber. The mods will be listed on the nexus page along with their perspective authors.


The charge is two fold, an access fee for unlimited bandwidth download of said mods in the list, available for 4 days or such. And the rest is split and donated to the mod authors and the mod pack curator.


The next challenge is figuring out how much each person gets. Nexus should determine their cut based on bandwidth while, the rest is cut based on a rating system made with both an algorithm and voting scores on the website.

There are two factors each mod must be considered for, the first is utility, or dependency. Things that many other mods depend on, have a higher rating and thus get a slightly bigger cut. The more useful it is, the higher the rating. The second is popularity, if a modder makes beautiful armor, and gets higher rating, they should get a bit more, right?


The second thing is recognition. Each modder will get a special page that they get to use how ever they want, that will then be displayed as the mods download and install. People can click to go to the next one or back to view old ones, and if they dont click, they will just rotate on their own. People should be encouraged to head to the Mod pack page to and search for Mods, they noticed in game that they really like and upvote them to help get them some more donations. They can also recommend new mods to be added to the mod pack!


Please discuss possible problems with this system below, but for each problem you recognize I ask you also post with it a possible solution. Were not looking for reasons not to do this, we are looking for solutions in order to achieve our goal of implementing mod packs. Thank you!

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To be honest i do see your point however with the current options at hand i feel are completely viable aka lifetime membership. i started several years ago with what you are currently doing and soon realized that with the amaount of mods available for the games that are currently supported that lifetime membership was the way to go. and the youtube channels you are speaking of are not the mod authors they are end users like yourself. Following someone elses mod setup is kinda lazy and also does not teach the end user about modding nor the risks thats involved with modding. paying for mods is forbidden nexus mods is providing a service for mod authors to host their personal creations with the community. these mod authors are not asking for money they are just showing their talents and their knowledge of modding. For someone to say hey let us pay XX amount to just take the short quick path not actually taking time to appriciate what has actually whent into the mod package you just downloaded is to say the least lazy and insulting. society today is just that, everyone thinks they can have everything they want now if they throw money at it. and its the same people that will complain afterwards if their is something they didn't like about their product. I could go on for days about this topic but Im sure someone will pick up where I left off.


best advise is to buy lifetime membership to nexus, support and thank the authors, and appreciate their work, they are people that love the game and love sharing their personal passions with the community.

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the moment I have to pay for mods I will quit. I understand donations and etc. But I never pay 10$ for limited access to mods for a short period of time that is bull and if this happen I will have my account deleted and I will never come back to nexsus ill find a new place.

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  • 1 month later...

@TOLOVERU - If you pay a sub to this site, that is essentially what your doing. No one said that the mods would be paid. The mods are still free. They will be just like they are now. MOD PACKS are essentially a batch file that automates the process. Your paying to get access to the unlimited bandwidth for the site, and the site is the one that donates to the modders. Just like you do now, Ive paid for 4 months and still dont have my skyrim modded... So, to re-iterate, if you dont like it, you dont have to "buy" into it.


@sinsoft76 - Lifetime Memberhips have nothing to do with Mod Pack services. It is a product unto itself. And just as I explained to Tolo, you dont have to use it, and nothing will change.

I understand that the YT channels are end users, but they put in work as well with testing, feedback, and compatibility issues. They spend a lot of time and effort in getting things just right. So they deserve something for that as well.

Fallowing someone elses setup is not lazy, its smart. Do you mean to tell me that every mathematician need to learn math by themselves otherwise its lazy? Does each factory have to learn EVERYTHING before it can make something new? By your logic, we should all have to make each of our mods from scratch ourselves, and even the games, and compile them ourselves. Do you know why, I dont spend my time LEARNING how to add all the mods or even just fallowing a long list of instructions to install them. Because I dont have a lot of time. I would prefer to spend what little of my time playing the games.

Can you please tell me how installing a game, or mods(dlc), is insulting? Is it insulting when you get normal DLC? Do you really thing, people like me, READ everything in the mod listing? Or for that matter, somehow show, in an actual way, our appreciation? Do you show appreciation for the cow that gave its life, and the people that wasted their time, as you shove that hamburger down your face? Im sorry, but your points dont make any sense.


WHY WOULD THESE MODDERS MAKE THESE MODS, IF NOT TO GIVE THE WORLD, THE BEAUTIFUL, AND HEAVENLY EXPERIENCE OF THEIR MODS? It would be like Michealangalo making his painting then saying that only those as good as him can ever see them. You show your respect by using mods. Whats the worst way someone can dis you? By giving you NO attention and pretending you dont even EXIST. AND to many, MANY, people such as myself, almost all these mods, might as well not exist, because Im not playing them. WHY, because I dont have the time. BUT HEY, I have money. IF I paid you 20/hr would you come install them for me??? BET YOU WOULD.


Finally @sinsoft76 - Let me help you fix your understanding of money. You see, you dont REALLY know what money is. You were raised in a privileged time, in a privileged place. Please take this with you the rest of your life, and everyone around you. Their is one commodity, one resource, one thing, that all of us creatures on this earth have that is THE MOST valuable thing we will EVER have. OUR LIVES, Litterally. We have a very limited amount of TIME before we die. AND the worse thing IS, we dont even know HOW much time we have. It could be days, or centuries. But we know it is limited. So when we work, when we do ANYTHING, what we are doing is giving our time, OUR LIVES, to whatever it is we are doing. We can GIVE time to family and friends, and only ask that they do the same in return. You see, we just exchanged goods. We TRADED our time with each other. Trading is all we ever do. In the old days, we could only trade directly. I Spent a year making wheat, I'll exchange it for a chicken, which you spent your life(time) raising to be plump and juicy. But what happens when we make something that isnt real, like spending time to tell a story. What can I trade, but time ITSELF. And that is where money comes in. MONEY is the thing you get for your time. So, If im good at making burgers, but I cant trade a modder directly for a mod, then I could send them money. I will make someone else a burger, USING UP my life, in exchange for money, which they USED UP thier life to get, so that I can give a part of my life (my time) to the modder, for his services.


SO, I am willing to give up a part of my life, for someone else to mod my PC for me. IT TOOK ME WORK to make that money. SO HOW IS THAT LAZY? If I can make burgers faster than a modder, but a modder can make a cool skin faster than me, then wouldnt it be more efficient, if I make burgers and he makes mods, instead of both of us having to do both? And would we also save A LOT more time? Well mod packs are just that!


The complicated part is the legal aspect of payment. Which is why, this is all donation based, which is WHY modding will stay the same, FREE, but If you wish to donate money, why not be rewarded with mod packs? And why not reward everyone included, with some donations as well????

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  • 6 months later...

Mod lists will be a thing for vortex.

Mod lists will also be an issue for Mod Organiser, and any other mod manager that appears in the future, as well as for the sites that host mod packs, and those that hold the original mods. To say nothing, of course, of mod authors.


Never-the-less, as I observed, mod packs are not a specifically Vortex issue.


Further, given that the OP's comments did not refer to how mod managers will handle mod packs, but rather the distribution of money and credit (issues irrelevant to Vortex) I maintain that this thread does not belong on this discussion forum.

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