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The Fall of the West.


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One great thing about discussions like this, it exposes what kind of people are around..


:down: Whoah! That's funny! :down:


This is a gamers :devil: playground website Mr . Where's your head at?


Nobody is posting anything about reality. :sad: :ohmy:


At least; I was told not to. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

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The west is falling like the marxist-leninist countries not so long ago because of the concentration of powers that lets the door open to all the abuses.

In a democracy people can easily overthrow a government that doesn't respect their rights, which requires all the parties to have the same financing.

In a democracy the psychopaths wouldn't usurp the power, people would learn to discern their absence of moral conscience, their infinite thirst for power, their reject of any moral constraint and their readiness to commit any crime to serve their unavowable interests.

In a democracy the political leaders wouldn't have anything to win trampling people's rights, they wouldn't receive any bribe/commission when they serve the bosses instead of people because cumulating a political and an economical power would be forbidden and because the financial transparency would be maximum.

In a democracy those who trample people's rights would be systematically denunced thanks to the medias that would be independent from the state and the company bosses.

In a democracy those who trample people's rights would be systematically punished because the justice would be independent from the state (notably the prosecutors), because the penalties would be automatized depending on the facts and because the penalties would be equitable ; when there's no risk of judicial fault and the culprit only needs the popular pressure to fall to get free the justice would automatically apply a penalty the political power will never be able to cancel like death penalty.



Because of this concentration of powers which is a big common point between the right-wing/fascist culture and marxism-leninism the more the bosses and politicians trample people's rights the richer they get and the more they strenghten their illegitimate power. They keep exploding the need of public spendings by poisoning people with their pesticides, carcinogenic food additives, textile chemical solvents without forgetting the petroleum-based fuels, they explode the unemployment rate by replacing their workers with Third-World slaves while not paying any tax which destroys any welfare-state and sinks people more and more into destitution.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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The west is falling like the marxist-leninist countries not so long ago because of the concentration of powers that let's the door open to all the abuses.



In a democracy people can easily overthrow a government that doesn't respect their rights, which requires all the parties to have the same financing.


In a democracy the psychopaths wouldn't usurp the power, people would learn to discern their absence of moral conscience, their infinite thirst for power, their reject of any moral constraint and their readiness to commit any crime to serve their unavowable interests.


In a democracy the political leaders wouldn't have anything to win trample people's rights, they wouldn't receive any bribe/commission when they serve the bosses instead of people because cumulating a political and an economical power would be forbidden and because the financial transparency would be maximum.


In a democracy those who trample people's rights would be systematically denunced thanks to the medias that would be independent from the state and the company bosses.


In a democracy those who trample people's rights would be systematically punished because the justice would be independent from the state (notably the prosecutors), because the penalties would be automatized depending on the facts and because the penalties would be equitable ; when there's no risk of judicial fault and the culprit only needs the popular pressure to fall to get free the justice would automatically a penalty the political power will never be able to cancel like death penalty.



Because of these concentration of powers which is a big common point between the right-wing/fascist and marxism-leninism the more the bosses and politicians trample people's rights the richer they get and the more they strenghten their illegitimate power. They keep exploding the need of public spendingsby poisoning people with their pesticides, carcinogenic food additives, textile chemical solvents without forgetting the petroleum-based fuels, they explode the unemployment rate by replacing their workers with Third-World slaves while not paying any tax which destroys any welfare-state and sinks people more and more into destitution.

Too bad it doesn't actually work that way in real life.


Look at the US. We know for a fact that most (all?) of our politicians are crooks, don't care about 'the people', only their campaign donors..... yet we still put them back in office each election cycle. Here in the US, we do have some pretty bright individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks.

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Same in Canada ... I dare say not any different in any "democracy" you care to name.


In any election you can only choose from the selection offered. If all that is offered is a box of rocks you can maybe choose which colour or size of rock you want to vote for, but in the end it'll be a rock that gets elected. It's been like that since the beginning, the privileged deciding what's best for the unwashed masses ... and it always seems the answer is what's best for the privileged is what will be best for the masses.

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The west isn't falling. It's changing. It has happened before and it will happen again. As grim as you think it is now, it has been much worse in the past.

In a past where the bosses had even more power than nowadays like during the industrial revolution. Our situation is a bit better because laws were created to protect people from that heap of psychopaths slavers and public poisoners who lead the companies. History shows us the more you give power to the bosses the more that heap of right-wing/fascists trample people's rights like in a marxist-leninist dictatorship, both ideologies being based on the concentration of powers.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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Stagnation is always followed by decline and then death in the natural order. We have no goals that would unite people- like exploring and colonizing the galaxy and beyond. Surviving to make a bit more money and live with more modern comfort is just making everyone lazy, fearful, bitchy babies. Hell, even a global pandemic isn't enough to unite people. Rather, it seems to be having the opposite effect and any structure with a rotten foundation is doomed to collapse eventually. The instinctive inclination is to tear it all down and start over again......in short, war and anarchy for a time. Don't misunderstand me, I don't want this. But, I also see no other way. When a forest burns down, it creates the fertile soil for the next generation.

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I highly doubt there will be a "war". Economy today is way too globalized and interconnected to risk going into war.

So I've heard. I'm sure plenty of people have said war is impossible until it's upon them. China is catching up to America fast in military power and technology. Quantum Computing? China has invested heavily in it's research and development and that alone would give them a huge strategic advantage letting them hack even the most secure systems......in seconds.

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