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The Fall of the West.


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imho we are whining on highest level.

there will never be the ultimate party or candidate to vote for. this is part of the democracy. so why we are whining about compromises and parties which are a essential part of a democracy ?

be happy that we can whine here all sitting in a warm room with a working free internet and without the risk to be put in jail just while posting about the fall of the west.


many people would like to whine about their situation but they cannot for different reasons and they are most probably not living in a democracy!

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imho we are whining on highest level.

there will never be the ultimate party or candidate to vote for. this is part of the democracy. so why we are whining about compromises and parties which are a essential part of a democracy ?

be happy that we can whine here all sitting in a warm room with a working free internet and without the risk to be put in jail just while posting about the fall of the west.


many people would like to whine about their situation but they cannot for different reasons and they are most probably not living in a democracy!

Which democracy? Excepting perhaps the scandinavian countries the western countries are oligarchies.


If we want the parties to serve us we need to ensure they have nothing to win trampling our rights and everything to lose which requires forbidding the cumulation of a political and economical power, giving the same financing to all the parties with independent medias and an independent justice with equitable penalties automatized depending on the facts.


As long as we won't have this separation of the powers the right-wing/fascist corrupted politicians will keep usurping the power and voting will remain useless because the elections are rigged.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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Fall? Nah, the fact is, throughout history, empires have come and gone, but "the people" have always endured and the basic tenets or "western" culture have almost always prevailed. Some borders 'may' change, and some groups may fall, but humans in general aren't evil people and eventually they will get sick of those that try and oppress them, because those people eventually either die, are killed, or kill each other.


We're, seeing it already in China, as more and more people get tired of the oppressive CCP (though I don't think it's quite at the tipping point yet) We're seeing it in the US as more and more people see the evil in the Democratic party. We saw it in Britain where the people showed that they were tired of the leftist bullshit that has been shovelled on them for years (sadly the alternatives weren't/aren't much better)


Will there be a civil war? Quite possibly, or perhaps "civil unrest", such as the lunatics currently running California trying to succeed from the Union or some such idiocy. The world is too "visible" these days, and the criminals in the CCP or the Labour party in Britain or the Democrats in the US can't hide their activities and intentions any more.


Yes we might see a time of turmoil, but "fall"? I don't think so.

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Fall? Nah, the fact is, throughout history, empires have come and gone, but "the people" have always endured and the basic tenets or "western" culture have almost always prevailed. Some borders 'may' change, and some groups may fall, but humans in general aren't evil people and eventually they will get sick of those that try and oppress them, because those people eventually either die, are killed, or kill each other.


We're, seeing it already in China, as more and more people get tired of the oppressive CCP (though I don't think it's quite at the tipping point yet) We're seeing it in the US as more and more people see the evil in the Democratic party. We saw it in Britain where the people showed that they were tired of the leftist bulls*** that has been shovelled on them for years (sadly the alternatives weren't/aren't much better)


Will there be a civil war? Quite possibly, or perhaps "civil unrest", such as the lunatics currently running California trying to succeed from the Union or some such idiocy. The world is too "visible" these days, and the criminals in the CCP or the Labour party in Britain or the Democrats in the US can't hide their activities and intentions any more.


Yes we might see a time of turmoil, but "fall"? I don't think so.

I am waiting for the rest of the world to figure out that the US is NEVER going to be able to repay it's debts. The government continues to operate at a deficit, and no one seems to care. At least, not yet...... Currently, debt service accounts for around 8% of the national budget. But, that is with rather low interest rates.......

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Fall? Nah, the fact is, throughout history, empires have come and gone, but "the people" have always endured and the basic tenets or "western" culture have almost always prevailed. Some borders 'may' change, and some groups may fall, but humans in general aren't evil people and eventually they will get sick of those that try and oppress them, because those people eventually either die, are killed, or kill each other.


We're, seeing it already in China, as more and more people get tired of the oppressive CCP (though I don't think it's quite at the tipping point yet) We're seeing it in the US as more and more people see the evil in the Democratic party. We saw it in Britain where the people showed that they were tired of the leftist bulls*** that has been shovelled on them for years (sadly the alternatives weren't/aren't much better)


Will there be a civil war? Quite possibly, or perhaps "civil unrest", such as the lunatics currently running California trying to succeed from the Union or some such idiocy. The world is too "visible" these days, and the criminals in the CCP or the Labour party in Britain or the Democrats in the US can't hide their activities and intentions any more.


Yes we might see a time of turmoil, but "fall"? I don't think so.

I am waiting for the rest of the world to figure out that the US is NEVER going to be able to repay it's debts. The government continues to operate at a deficit, and no one seems to care. At least, not yet...... Currently, debt service accounts for around 8% of the national budget. But, that is with rather low interest rates.......



Then again Wimpy never seemed to go hungry (and was a right portly fellow if I remember correctly). Perhaps Tuesdays never came somehow.


- Edit - Yep ...

. Maybe troughs just have no bottom. Edited by Striker879
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Fall? Nah, the fact is, throughout history, empires have come and gone, but "the people" have always endured and the basic tenets or "western" culture have almost always prevailed. Some borders 'may' change, and some groups may fall, but humans in general aren't evil people and eventually they will get sick of those that try and oppress them, because those people eventually either die, are killed, or kill each other.


We're, seeing it already in China, as more and more people get tired of the oppressive CCP (though I don't think it's quite at the tipping point yet) We're seeing it in the US as more and more people see the evil in the Democratic party. We saw it in Britain where the people showed that they were tired of the leftist bulls*** that has been shovelled on them for years (sadly the alternatives weren't/aren't much better)


Will there be a civil war? Quite possibly, or perhaps "civil unrest", such as the lunatics currently running California trying to succeed from the Union or some such idiocy. The world is too "visible" these days, and the criminals in the CCP or the Labour party in Britain or the Democrats in the US can't hide their activities and intentions any more.


Yes we might see a time of turmoil, but "fall"? I don't think so.

I am waiting for the rest of the world to figure out that the US is NEVER going to be able to repay it's debts. The government continues to operate at a deficit, and no one seems to care. At least, not yet...... Currently, debt service accounts for around 8% of the national budget. But, that is with rather low interest rates.......


I wouldn't necessarily put a hard and fast "never" in there. They may never be able to pay back the actual physical monetary value in USD or whatever, like we would pay back a mortgage, True, but there are other ways for debt to be repaid (or forgiven) and as technology changes and/or improves, the actual "need" to pay back debts may become unnecessary.


I think there will come a time when technology does allow for an almost "free" world.


Again history can inform us somewhat here. Many times in ancient (an not so ancient) times, governments borrowed money from private citizens for this or that undertaking, And it's doubtful you could find any instances of them "paying it back" in full, however those that loaned the money would oft times find themselves on the "winning" side so the debt ended up being forgotten. By the same token many countries were oft times required to pay "tribute" to a more powerful neighbour, until such time as they themselves reached a social or technological level so that they could refuse and "throw off the yoke".

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