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The Fall of the West.


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Let us all come out of the closet, let us all shake hands, and come out of Video Gamers Online bleachers sitting around waiting to get old and die.


I got a copy of a newspaper. A mysterious lot.


The Epoch Times.


Another Newspaper designed to reach out and touch ignorant minds. Horrors and happy go lucky, full of hot airs and advertisements with comic strips; they blend with thought true to their thinking hoping it came from their hearts, not their stomach, lower below the belt (no hitting below the belt) and hopeful that it's taken with a softened heart. I sensed NO blade or gun to the back while showing the views which proves again that when a camera is taking a family shot "Everyone is all Smiles".


A tiny few pictures in it again show the way to get a revolution started, with just 3 or 4 friends in the pix. They don't have any real backing, just like Martin Luther King Jr didn't when he and his 4 or 5 friends started their Dream adventure.


Another Newspaper JUST to SHOW the young how easy it is to fool the young that have begun their lives in a furious bliss or frighten the elderly so they think their retired bliss is about to be given even more care.


When the care we receive on the farm or ranch is as good as it gets compared to the motel and hotel styles of Assisted Living and Memory Assisted living in apartments tended by children barely able to get a degree in school to be a Physician's Assistant.


House Keeper's with an understanding of band aids and oxygen tubes, wearing back braces when lifting big old people fattened up like pigs. All the Housekeepers waiting on the old people who can afford it.


And now the mysterious deliveries to many places around the U. S. of A. and other places.


The Epoch Times, arrives, just in time for the Final Daze of the Political rallies to fuel it up. So the two old DOGS; dolting Trump and demented Biden Jr.; the only candidates (woe is the U. S. of A.) running for President. The Epoch Times arrives just in time so the two don't seem so docile.


The West is farther West of the Pacific Ocean at 9:30 PM PDT. How will it look to the rest of the world IF they go to War? Taiwan is even further west of China. While old dogs give up, and return to the old fashion method of solving the world's overpopulation in the Asian countries, I sense the marching orders for us Elderly Military who have been warming the bench while the 1st string, 2nd string, 3rd string players are up on the front first while some elders shout commands from the sideline and the rest of us cheer for our favorites from while we sit on the side lines or in the audience bleachers, and take pictures to hang on the walls where they want to leave reminders for the future generations to see.


None shout out just how stupid those old ways of solving problems always seem to rise up from the depth of frightened DOD leaders who, without War, they have no job.


The Covid-19 virus doesn't care about whether we home quarantine ourselves. Even the military is affected and the grunts are the first to be sent into battle or discharged as more Bases become Decommissioned.


So let us all come out of the closet, let us all shake hands, and come out of Video Gamers Online bleachers sitting around waiting to get old and die.

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  • 2 years later...

Is the decline localised to "the West" (an extremely broad category that I would argue borders on the arbitrary, at least if not defined further) though? Every single society on earth I would argue is in a) active collapse) b) complete disrepair, and for generally more or less the same reasons.

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Since this got attention from a necromancer, I shall stick in my two pence. And I will start by saying "Yes, ideologies of the west are in decline". What are those ideologies? Fundamental freedom and rights.


The rights of human beings to be judged on and to have their worth determined by something other than the level of melanin in their skin. The Western belief that ones humanity isn't defined by melanin was on the ascendancy, but that belief is falling now. The rising tide of racism in the world is erasing any gains that were made.


The rights of human beings to be judged on and to have their worth determined by something other than their sexual reproductive organs. Western ideology tried to erase humanities belief that woman were second class citizens, the property of men, and should be kept as chattels to men. They were succeeding for a while, but alas the rising subjection of women worldwide is putting women back into shackles.


The rights of human beings to be judged on and to have their worth determined by something other than the place they were born. Western ideology attempted to erase the belief that ones geographic birthplace was a basis for stigma, and made one less than human. Further, Western ideology attempted to remove the belief that the nation of ones birth determined ones value as a human. Obviously, both these efforts are failing, as geopolitical hatred is on the rise.

The rights of human beings to be judged on and to have their worth determined by something other than the god they worship. Western ideology was attempting to help the world understand that humanities biggest failing was inventing gods and the myriad superstitions associated with those gods. But humanity is wedded to their varied superstitions and defines their very existence by the existence of these imaginary beings. So, humanity resorts to its oldest and longest enduring rationale for killing each other. God's will.

The rights of every human being to be educated to the best of their ability. The rights of each human being to follow their quizzical investigation of the world about them wherever their curiosity leads. But there is a growing movement in the world to tell people what they cannot learn, what they can and cannot be taught, what they can and cannot read, what they can and cannot know, and what they can and cannot question.

The rights of every human being to speak their mind and express their beliefs without repercussion or suppression. The rights of human beings to express their disagreement with those about them, for what ever reason. But increasingly, the world is placing restrictions on what people can and cannot say. Governmental agencies, religious hierarchies, social groups, or just "mean people with a keyboard" all feel entitled to tell others what is and is not acceptable speech. Disagreement is being labeled sedition, descent is labeled treason.

Western ideology works tirelessly to elevate science above superstition. But increasingly, a rising tide of anti-intellectualism has begun restoring the credibility of ignorance and superstition, giving it the same status of scientific investigation, giving baseless opinions the same credence as measurable facts.

Yes, western ideologies are in decline worldwide. But, I would opine that humanity is in decline, and that the decline of western values and western ideology are a symptom of a much greater disease.

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The right to be judged depending on the facts and on one's value and nothing else is something a part of the population defends against our politicians and bosses, it's definitely not a part of the western culture.


The more we let the bosses do the more they take advantage of their power to rape or sexually harass the female workers and to underpay them.

Due to the climatic disadvantage of their ancestors' country and social reproduction the non-aryans are more numerous in the lumpen-proletariat. The members of this social class are too poor to finance the electoral campaigns or bribe the politicians and are the most likely to revolt against the state.

The most widespread religion among the bosses, politicians, cops and soldiers ; the potential dictators and the strategic crime partners of the state is the one the leaders have the biggest interest in supporting hence their discriminations against the religions that are more widespread among the poors.

The rights of every human being to speak their mind and express their beliefs without repercussion or suppression can only exist if the medias are independent from the other powers, something our politicians and bosses have always tried to prevent.


The west is gnawed by the right-wing/fascist ideology which is based on the concentration of powers.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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but that belief is falling now. The rising tide of racism in the world is erasing any gains that were made.



They were succeeding for a while, but alas the rising subjection of women worldwide is putting women back into shackles.



Obviously, both these efforts are failing, as geopolitical hatred is on the rise.



But humanity is wedded to their varied superstitions and defines their very existence by the existence of these imaginary beings.



But there is a growing movement in the world to tell people what they cannot learn, what they can and cannot be taught, what they can and cannot read, what they can and cannot know, and what they can and cannot question



But increasingly, a rising tide of anti-intellectualism has begun restoring the credibility of ignorance and superstition, giving it the same status of scientific investigation


and then you unironically make this statement from which one can only conclude that you seem to lack any self-awareness:


giving baseless opinions the same credence as measurable facts.


Your entire post can be quite comprehensively demolished with two words:


Citation needed.


But it actually gets worse.



Western ideology works tirelessly to elevate science above superstition.

Western ideology can't 'work', let alone tirelessly, as Western ideology is a concept, and it also can't become tired - your statement is just nonsensical. Further, science, or rather the scientific method, doesn't need to be elevated above superstition; it isn't a belief system and is by its very nature a superior method of discovering facts about the universe.


The rights of every human being to speak their mind and express their beliefs without repercussion or suppression.

Frankly you don't believe or even practice this yourself as whenever I've criticised your posts in the past, you've always responded with considerable vitriol, but by your standard above, I shouldn't have to endure any repercussion from you. That would be terrific as I recall one of your recent responses to me was so toxic, it was removed by a moderator.


By your standard above, people who have proudly declared themselves to be 'minor-attracted persons' (a phenomenon that seems to have gained traction recently, judging by the number of stories in the media) should be able to do so without repercussion, even though society considers such behaviour to be abhorrent.


So it's fairly obvious from that one example alone (and you could think of any number of others) that your assertion about free speech just doesn't work in practice.


As I recommended to you here, to save yourself embarrassment, at least try to falsify your own assertions before committing them to pixels.

Edited by gnarly1
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One great thing about discussions like this, it exposes what kind of people are around..



Seriously, the worst thing you can do is send your kid to college.

you absolutely nailed it! (sarcasm off)...


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oh man - conspiracy at its best...


i'm sure some mental ill high ranked u.s. politicians and nra supporter who are convinced togther with their maga supporters, even a two year old is ready for handling a weapon, will do their job and convince the nation how to increase the number of weapons again...

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oh man - conspiracy at its best...


i'm sure some mental ill high ranked u.s. politicians and nra supporter who are convinced togther with their maga supporters, even a two year old is ready for handling a weapon, will do their job and convince the nation how to increase the number of weapons again...

Wow. Where did you get THAT from????

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oh man - conspiracy at its best...


i'm sure some mental ill high ranked u.s. politicians and nra supporter who are convinced togther with their maga supporters, even a two year old is ready for handling a weapon, will do their job and convince the nation how to increase the number of weapons again...

Wow. Where did you get THAT from????


i just googled two year old gun nra and here we are . it seems to be a social media hit and not to be a fake at all.


what will be the next ? an embryo implantation including a weapon to get the embryo used to it as early as possible ? i'm sure nra and maga supports this :wink:

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oh man - conspiracy at its best...


i'm sure some mental ill high ranked u.s. politicians and nra supporter who are convinced togther with their maga supporters, even a two year old is ready for handling a weapon, will do their job and convince the nation how to increase the number of weapons again...

Wow. Where did you get THAT from????


i just googled two year old gun nra and here we are


Just because she is stupid, don't believe that everyone is. That, and I seriously doubt that either child has ever actually held "their" guns...... let alone fired one.

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