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Question About 1.3.0


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when a mod is installed from a fomod, we now generally enable all its plugins (for mods installed from here on out)
What exactly does this mean? What about fomods that allow you to choose which plugin to install (patches, etc.) Thanks.
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FOMOD choices are still honoured - same as before.


The only difference is that after a FOMOD completes, if there are several plugins that have been installed according to your choices instead of asking "This mod has more than 1 plugin, what do you want to do about it? Enable All? Dismiss?" Vortex will just enable all of them.


For example:


If a FOMOD gives you two options: Option 1 and Option 2


Let's say Option 1 ends in the plugins A, B, and C being installed, option 2 ends in plugins A, D, and E being installed.


If you pick Option 1, just like before the update, the corresponding plugins will be installed: A, B, and C. However, now, instead of asking "Do you want those three plugins to be enabled?" Vortex will just enable those three. It's really just for convenience. Hope that clears it up for you.

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A mouse click saved is a mouse click earned. Thanks for the little things!


Perhaps if "we now generally enable all its plugins" was reworded to something like "we now generally enable all of the plugins selected in the FOMOD" it would be clearer.

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