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Why I didn't vote for BIDEN


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seems you do not know the difference or you do not have the ability to see the difference between childish narcissists and normal people. both make mistakes but only normal people may have the capability be a trustworthy leader. childish narcissists are clearly not qualified for that even if you still deny the obvious difference. your are somehow blind or ignorant to see and admit the difference. but i can assure you normal people with a minimum of empathy recognize that easily because this difference and trumps limitation is obvious.

even if trump would offer the worlds "his most beautiful" agenda it would never convince me to vote for a candidate with such a limited personality. if reps are unable to present a capable candidate without severe personality issues even a mediocre 78 year old dem candidate wins. don't cry - that is the simple truth and it is the logical result!

i'm pretty sure my point of view is less biased than yours. seems you are severely confused or blinded by trumps plain stupid and hysterical propaganda machine stuff. even serious reps do not believe that bulls**t and many other seem to change their minds and there will be more and more, because plain stupidity and ignorance of reality convinces nobody apart from brain washed trumpists :wink:

and again: be happy that the majority in your country know what empathy means and that pathetic narcissists should not lead a nation.

Wow.... again.... You seem to want to ascribe behaviors to me, so that I meet your criterion as a 'trumpist'. If you haven't figured it out yet, then, there is no hope for you whatsoever. I can't count the number of times I have tried to set you straight on just why I vote for Trump, apparently, you have some issue with comprehension.... I don't know if its a language barrier, or maybe you just can't grasp the fact that some folks are indeed free-thinkers, and don't fit nicely into your black and white world view.... Why you think that anyone that votes for Trump supports him wholeheartedly, is beyond me. I believe I have stated unequivocally, several times...... that that is simply NOT the case. But, you don't want to accept that. Or, you can't.... Or maybe you are just being a prick, and baiting me....... (given your persistence here though, I don't think that is actually the case.)


You STILL are basing your decision on who to vote for on the character of the candidate. How many times have I flatly stated that that is NOT what I am voting for? Can you not read? I am voting for the political platform they are running on. Biden is essentially the OPPOSITE of the policies I would prefer the administration to operate on? Why in hell would I vote for THAT????

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I think there needs to be some level of narcissism to believe you are capable of running the free world and in many cases it has helped people achieve great things.

that opinon shows the problem with fanboys like trumpists and it is the explanation why nacissists like hitler, stalin, trump and others were able to gain the power to rule a nation and we all know the results... . the fanboys always ignore clear signs of danger and celebrate their importance and if they realize the problem it is always too late because they are already part of the power abuse system, fired or in worst case dead.




Not at all. This statement is true if you are talking about most famous people. Mother Tereasa to Trump...This trait was a factor in their "success"

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Biden, Democrats, Left wing = Good

Trump, Republicans, Right wing = Bad


You're welcome.


Lock the thread.


What happens in the near future will determine whether you are correct with your supposition.


The conditions could be reversed:


Trump, Republicans, R ight wing = Good


Biden, Democrats, Left wing = No Gray area there for me. It's all very clear. What's Mom's is Mom's and what's mine is Mom's. No uncertainty there. I will get to keep the clothes I am wearing when becomes so upset with me she kicks me out of the house. Now that she's gone though... Rest In Peace. I hope she's found a better place to call home.


Which party has more leaders?


Which party has more followers?



Instead of locking this thread. Just look and/or plan to put "block it" on your to do list.

Freedom of speech is not reserved for only the highly educated arena or the political arena for debates.


If you can comprehend words and write sentences that have proper conjunctions and meaning for this debate pull up a keyboard and write to your heart's content.

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He is suffering from an acute, and I fear, incurable case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


it is absolutely funny how you try to copy trumps ability to spread his fantasy as the one only truth :smile: - but trump is much more entertaining instead of being plain flat like you. i know it is not easy to be a trumpist in these hard times but you will get over it and hopefully you have friends who will show you a way back to reality. :wink: narcisstists like trump - and you need not to be a doctor to identify this very obvious limittaion - are the ones who need permanent confirmation. so you as a trump lover or supporter seem to like people with this limitation but you seem not to be aware of that. that is interesting like this whole debate.

and please don't forget to tell me your opinion about the people in his administration who where fired by him in the last four years. will his (former?) friend barr be the next as one else in a long row of many former friends and supporter not giving trump his badly needed fairy tail confirmation ? and very interesting how mrs mcenany changed her mind in 2016 about trump. maybe she had the same vision in this year as all his fanboys. i'm sure at least for her it was more than a vision or an enlightment and she gives trump what he permanently needs as narcissist: confirmation :wink:. so go on and support her! trump needs you to make himself great again!

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It's a shame I didn't get a better education when I was younger.

Now that I am older and wiser It's a bigger shame my wisdom won't serve any good. Now that I have developed an awareness I never had before, from this day on, all I have learned; enough to understand the sense some people make when they make any intellectual sense is going die with me.

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He is suffering from an acute, and I fear, incurable case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


it is absolutely funny how you try to copy trumps ability to spread his fantasy as the one only truth :smile: - but trump is much more entertaining instead of being plain flat like you. i know it is not easy to be a trumpist in these hard times but you will get over it and hopefully you have friends who will show you a way back to reality. :wink: narcisstists like trump - and you need not to be a doctor to identify this very obvious limittaion - are the ones who need permanent confirmation. so you as a trump lover or supporter seem to like people with this limitation but you seem not to be aware of that. that is interesting like this whole debate.

and please don't forget to tell me your opinion about the people in his administration who where fired by him in the last four years. will his (former?) friend barr be the next as one else in a long row of many former friends and supporter not giving trump his badly needed fairy tail confirmation ? and very interesting how mrs mcenany changed her mind in 2016 about trump. maybe she had the same vision in this year as all his fanboys. i'm sure at least for her it was more than a vision or an enlightment and she gives trump what he permanently needs as narcissist: confirmation :wink:. so go on and support her! trump needs you to make himself great again!


Ya know, I don't think I have ever seen anyone as deluded as you seem to be. Are you that mentally limited that you can only argue one single point? Even though the basis of your argument has had the rug pulled out from under numerous times already in this thread? Are you such a rabid liberal/progressive that logic and reason are no longer within the realm of your reality? Or are you just a bot that has reached the limit of its programming? I would like to think that no real human being could possibly be as short-sighted, and closed minded, as you present yourself.........


But then, I always knew the human race would be their own undoing. You are a perfect example of why that is inevitable.

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Ya know, I don't think I have ever seen anyone as deluded as you seem to be. Are you that mentally limited that you can only argue one single point? Even though the basis of your argument has had the rug pulled out from under numerous times already in this thread? Are you such a rabid liberal/progressive that logic and reason are no longer within the realm of your reality? Or are you just a bot that has reached the limit of its programming? I would like to think that no real human being could possibly be as short-sighted, and closed minded, as you present yourself.........




But then, I always knew the human race would be their own undoing. You are a perfect example of why that is inevitable.

He's so delusional that anyone who criticises his posts he immediately assumes is a Trump supporter even when they've expressed no such view. I think you're right - he is a bot. A bot that only responds to Trump-related stimuli and with a sub-optimal ability to parse plain English.

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