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Downloads still capped after going premium


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Just to clarify something here so Mikes post doesn't get mis-reposted:

Vortex does not cap downloads. At all. Ever.
All download caps happen on the download server and Vortex has absolutely zero influence on how fast you download (unless your bandwidth is so fast your cpu or disk can't keep up). Therefore it does not matter for your download speed whether Vortex knows you're premium.

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And any downloads started in Vortex BEFORE you bought Premium will not be Premium unless you restart the download entirely (i.e. cancel the download in Vortex and then go to the file page on Nexus Mods and click "Download with Vortex" again).

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1. cancel any download(s) you started before you became a premium member

2. Log out of the Nexus

3. Log out of Vortex (If you use it)

4. Log back in to The Nexus and Vortex.

5. Go to your NEXUSMODS Profile, click SITE PREFERENCES


7. In the PREFERRED DOWNLOAD LOCATION Dropdown menu, select a PREMIUM Server that's close to you.

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1. cancel any download(s) you started before you became a premium member
2. Log out of the Nexus
3. Log out of Vortex (If you use it)
4. Log back in to The Nexus and Vortex.
5. Go to your NEXUSMODS Profile, click SITE PREFERENCES
7. In the PREFERRED DOWNLOAD LOCATION Dropdown menu, select a PREMIUM Server that's close to you.



5-7 aren't actually required. Using "Nexus Mods CDN" means the site will use the closest Premium server automatically. You only need to fiddle with those settings if you closest server has bad speeds for some reason.

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1. cancel any download(s) you started before you became a premium member
2. Log out of the Nexus
3. Log out of Vortex (If you use it)
4. Log back in to The Nexus and Vortex.
5. Go to your NEXUSMODS Profile, click SITE PREFERENCES
7. In the PREFERRED DOWNLOAD LOCATION Dropdown menu, select a PREMIUM Server that's close to you.



5-7 aren't actually required. Using "Nexus Mods CDN" means the site will use the closest Premium server automatically. You only need to fiddle with those settings if you closest server has bad speeds for some reason.




I copied and pasted that from a Moderators or other users post a long time ago and stuck it in a text file for future use so I wouldn't have to type it again.

I'll remove steps 5-7

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Maybe stick in a "4.5. try downloading now, if it's fast, you're done" and an "8. try downloading, if it's still slow, try a different server and repeat"

Because the geographically closest server doesn't have to be the fastest, it may be receiving a lot of traffic at the times you're trying to do downloads.

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